几道简单的英语题,请大家帮忙看一下,解释一下语法1.The bridge ( ) by the end of 20152.The singer ( )from a bad cold these days3.There is nothing wrong with you and that boy ( )friends and ( ) togher4.You ca

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 18:15:52
几道简单的英语题,请大家帮忙看一下,解释一下语法1.The bridge (        ) by the end of 20152.The singer (       )from a bad cold these days3.There is nothing wrong with you and that boy (       )friends and (       ) togher4.You ca
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几道简单的英语题,请大家帮忙看一下,解释一下语法1.The bridge ( ) by the end of 20152.The singer ( )from a bad cold these days3.There is nothing wrong with you and that boy ( )friends and ( ) togher4.You ca
1.The bridge ( ) by the end of 2015
2.The singer ( )from a bad cold these days
3.There is nothing wrong with you and that boy ( )friends and ( ) togher
4.You can do the homework by ( ) with classmates
5.Anne ( ) crazy about nature all her life

几道简单的英语题,请大家帮忙看一下,解释一下语法1.The bridge ( ) by the end of 20152.The singer ( )from a bad cold these days3.There is nothing wrong with you and that boy ( )friends and ( ) togher4.You ca
1.The bridge will be finished by the end of 2015.( by+未来时间,用将来完成时)
2.The singer has been suffering from a bad cold these days.(these days,用现在完成时)
3.There is nothing wrong with you and that boy being friends and studying together.(with+人+Ving结构)
4.You can do the homework by discussing with classmates.(by为介词,后加动词的ing形式)
5.Anne has been crazy about nature all her life.(all one's life与现在完成时连用)

1,will be finished 将来时被动语态
2,is suffering these days 和进行时态连用
4,discussing by 是介词后加动名词
5,is 表现存的状况

1 will be finished
2 has been suffering
3 to be to study
4 discussing
5 had been

1.will be finished因为2015年还没到,所以就是将来时的被动语态。
2.has suffered因为时间是these days,所以应该用第三人称的现在完成时,而且suffer from(患上)应该用主动。


1.will be finished因为2015年还没到,所以就是将来时的被动语态。
2.has suffered因为时间是these days,所以应该用第三人称的现在完成时,而且suffer from(患上)应该用主动。


  1. will be finished-此处是一般将来时态,被动语态。

  2. suffered-从these days来看表明最近,也就是过去一两天,一般过去时主动语态

  3. being, studying-首先可以明确be与study为并列谓语,必须时态一致;nothing wrong with+something 暨名词,所以此处...


    1. will be finished-此处是一般将来时态,被动语态。

    2. suffered-从these days来看表明最近,也就是过去一两天,一般过去时主动语态

    3. being, studying-首先可以明确be与study为并列谓语,必须时态一致;nothing wrong with+something 暨名词,所以此处的句子需要转变为现在分词做名词,来充当with的宾语;主动语态。

    4. discussing-by doing.你可以与同学讨论着做作业。

    5. was-从all her life,终其一生判断Anne已经去世,所以为一般过去时,主动语态。



    1.  请看时间是什么?by the end of 2015到了没?要用将来完成时态所以答案是:will be finished

    2.   请看时间是什么?these days 是连续的时间段,所以是:has been suffer

    3. 看到第一个并列词and ,引导的是另外一个句子。&qu...


      1.  请看时间是什么?by the end of 2015到了没?要用将来完成时态所以答案是:will be finished

      2.   请看时间是什么?these days 是连续的时间段,所以是:has been suffer

      3. 看到第一个并列词and ,引导的是另外一个句子。"there is nothing wrong with you doing sth"(doing 是宾语补足语)
        There is nothing wrong with you and that boy (    being   )<be>friends and (   studying    )<study> togher

      4. discussing  不解释了,by+V-ing  表示方式状语

      5. 最后一题,看到all her life是时间标记,这个人死了没有?所以答案:was   

      6. 最后,答题打字很辛苦的,多给点分哈


      1. will have been finished。此处bridge与finish是被动关系,后面的时间by the end of 2015提示我们用将来完成时。故答案为一般将来完成时的被动语态。句意为:这座桥将于2015年底完工。

      2. has been suffering。从these days可以看出,意思是“这些天”,表示某动作或状态一直持续,用现...


        1. will have been finished。此处bridge与finish是被动关系,后面的时间by the end of 2015提示我们用将来完成时。故答案为一般将来完成时的被动语态。句意为:这座桥将于2015年底完工。

        2. has been suffering。从these days可以看出,意思是“这些天”,表示某动作或状态一直持续,用现在完成进行时。句意为:这位歌手这些天一直患重感冒。

        3. to be, study。首先可以明确be与study为并列谓语,必须时态一致;nothing wrong with+something后面接to do sth.做宾补,补充说明you and that boy的情况,形成逻辑主谓关系。句意为:你跟那个男生交朋友和共同学习并没有错。

        4. discussing。by +现在分词。句意为:你可以通过与同学讨论做作业。

        5. was。从all her life,终其一生判断Anne已去世,故用一般过去时,句意为:Anne一生都热衷大自然。


几道简单的英语题目、请高手来帮忙做一下! 几道简单的英语题,请大家帮忙看一下,解释一下语法1.The bridge ( ) by the end of 20152.The singer ( )from a bad cold these days3.There is nothing wrong with you and that boy ( )friends and ( ) togher4.You ca 很简单的几道英语填空、请帮忙进来做一下!怎么都没人回答呢?这么简单!40分这么多都没人回答?搞什么! 请大家帮忙看一下作业 请大家帮忙做一下几道选择题,谢谢! 请数学概率大神帮忙看一下一个简单的选择 第二题 请大家帮忙推荐几本英语小说,英语基础不好的人适合看的求大神帮助 请大家帮忙看一下这是什么昆虫?如题,昨天家中飞进一只虫,不知道是什么类型的,还请大家帮忙看一下点击可以看大图 “日志”的含义解释请大家帮忙查一下日志这个词在现代汉语词典里的含义,还有它在英语字典里的英文解释. 大家帮忙看一下这个生僻字的读音和解释!谢谢 几道简单的化学作业、请帮忙! 请大家帮忙看一下这是什么淡水鱼,在河里捉的,想知道怎么养 急!一道简单的积分题,请大家帮帮我这个数学大白痴!如图,请知道的朋友帮忙写一下解题过程,谢谢! 珍贵木化石,请帮忙鉴定价值朋友的一块木化石.玉化的挺好看,有树皮~~请大家帮忙鉴定一下价格~~还有几张照片在空间! 大家能不能告诉我一下自我介绍,用英语,简单的几句话就行了!谢谢! 几道英语选词填空和单句改错、很简单、请来帮忙一下! 请帮忙看一下第三题我做的对吗? 如何容易记住英语请大家帮忙回答一下如何最好的记住英语!越快越好哦,