
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:40:17
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The story:
Galileo climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa ­ "in the presence of other teachers and philosophers and all the students" ­ showed through repeated experiments that "the velocity of moving bodies of the same composition,but of different weights,moving through the same medium,do not attain the proportion of their weight as Aristotle decreed,but move with the same velocity".
In his own books,Galileo uses thought experiments to argue that objects of unequal mass fall together in a vacuum.Without mentioning the Leaning Tower,he reports having "made the test" with a cannonball and a musket ball.What is perhaps surprising,however,is that Galileo found that the two balls did not quite fall together.This finding ­ coupled with the fact that Viviani's biography is the only source to mention that the experiments were done at the Leaning Tower ­ causes most historians of science to doubt Viviani's version of what Galileo did.They believe that the elderly and then-blind Galileo may have misremembered when speaking to his youthful assistant.

Law is free-falling, the quality of different objects in the landing or the same, even if only a 1 kg, the other 10 kilograms, falling speed is the same! Galileo was suspected of "quality first large ...


Law is free-falling, the quality of different objects in the landing or the same, even if only a 1 kg, the other 10 kilograms, falling speed is the same! Galileo was suspected of "quality first large objects landing" This is, in his decision to do the famous "Leaning Tower of Pisa" before the experiment, he first proposed a paradox, namely, the above-mentioned you 20-10-tying the ball fell at the same time with the situation.
This is the paradox: if "quality of the objects first floor," That is correct, then obviously the ball-20 landed first, but the ball is tying the two together, can be regarded as a heavy 30 objects, according to "the quality of the objects first floor," that this object should be earlier than the two-floor, this is not contradictory?
You the beginning of the first sentence of the "gravity of the case should be that it will increase the speed," that you do not understand the physical meaning of this experiment. Experiment results show that the speed of the reasons for not produce, but from the reasons for the acceleration. You may feel objects fall from height, it is with the speed of gravity, is the acceleration of gravity produced a g, so that the velocity of an object from 0 to the maximum



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