Nitric Acid

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Nitric Acid

Nitric Acid
Nitric Acid

Nitric Acid

Nitric Acid What is the molarity of a 21mL nitric acid soluti21mL nitric acid solution that completely neutralizes 25mL of a 0.3M solution of NaOH?HNO3(aq)+NaOH(aq)=NaNO3(aq)+H2O(l) 英文中怎么命名酸(acid).规律,包括有氧酸和无氧酸可是英文哦.比如HNO3和HNO2,或者HS2,HCl..怎么命名它们,Eg:Sulfuric Acid, nitric acid ,hydrochloric acid. 英语翻译4) desulphurization5) hazard warning label 6) hydrochloric acid 7) litmus paper8) nitric acid 9) nitrogen oxides 10) pH paper 11) pH scale 12) sodium hydroxide 13) sulphur dioxide14) sulphuric acid 15) universal indicator 酸的英语命名法,有谁会么.HCI是 hydrochloric acid而HNO3是 Nitric acid 为什么不是 Hydronitric acid?什么时候加Hydro什么时候不加?还是没规律只能死记硬背?在美国学个理科太麻烦了 会做的题各种不会写. 建筑工程专业英语翻译,着急!OH- ion concentrations in the pore solution were determined by directtitration against nitric acid using phenolphthalein indicator. The pH valuesof the pore solution were calculated from the measured hydroxyl ion 化学试剂哪些有腐蚀性?⑴ Sodium Carbonate solution⑵ Dilute nitric acid⑶ Limewater⑷ Iron(Ⅱ) Sulphate solution⑸ Aqueous barium chloride⑹ Sodium Chloride solution⑺ Aqueous silver nitrate⑻ Magnesium Chloride solution⑼ Aqueous Nitric acid R 中的 R 谢谢楼下的回答,不过还有的是溶液后面写R啊,那又是怎么回事呢?比如:Potassium dichromate solution R,dilute Sodium Hydroxide solution R,Ferric Chloride Solution R1之类的,对了, 求英文翻译 30财富值!Exhaust from vehicles contains oxides of nitrogen.These react with rain making nitric acid.Areas of acid show that most of it is centred on industrial regions of the country.But pollutants in the atmosphere can move as the when measuring the rate at which the mass of copper metal decreases during a reaction with nitric acid,why can't you just put the reaction vessel on a digital balance and record the decrease in mass as the copper is used up? acid是什么. Acid Reflux acid wash NO用英语是nitric oxide,但NO2是nitrogen oxide,nitrogen和nitric是什么区别 nitric oxide,nitrous oxide,nitrogen oxide区别是什么 acid rain 求what is acid rain acid rain 中 acid 是名词么? 帮忙翻译一下humic acid 、fulvic acid