
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 18:53:24
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语音:字母组合ea,er, ear, ere, ir, igh, oo的发音
词汇:动词:pass, throw, kick, shoot等及其过去式
句型:祈使句:Give… to… Don’t pass… to… No cycling/smok...


语音:字母组合ea,er, ear, ere, ir, igh, oo的发音
词汇:动词:pass, throw, kick, shoot等及其过去式
句型:祈使句:Give… to… Don’t pass… to… No cycling/smoking…
1. What does it mean ?
It means you/we should/ shouldn’t…
2. When’s your birthday ?
My birthday’s on…
What would you like as a birthday present ?
I’d like…
3. When’s… ?
It’s in…
What do people usually do at… ?
4. Where is/ are your /my… ?
It’s / They’re on/ next to/ between the…
5. Whose … is it/ are they ?
It’s / They’re mine/ yours/his/hers/ ours.
1. It was / They were here/ there/ on the… just now/ a moment ago.
2. We had… last month .
When was it ?
It was…
What (else) did … do …?
He/ She/ I/ We…
Did you/he/she… ?
Yes, I/ he/she did. No, I / he/ she didn’t.
语音:字母组合or, ou, ow, ur的发音
词汇:1、形容词及其比较级 如:fat fatter
2、副词及其比较级 如:fast faster
3、一些公共场所类单词及其行走路线的表达 如:a shopping center turn right at the second
4、季节、天气类单词 如:spring, warm
5、一些业余活动类词汇 如:go on an outing
6、通信、通讯类单词 如:an e-mail a fax machine a postcard
I am taller than him. He’s shorter than me.
Are you as tall as her ? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Who’s taller than David ? Gao Shan is.
Whose bag is heavier , yours or hers ? Mine is.
Ben runs faster than Jim.
Do the boys jump higher than the girls ?
Does Jim swim slower than David ?
Do you get up as early as your mother ?
Who jumps farther than David ?
Who skates better , Helen or Nancy ?
3、be good at, do well in 句型:
I’m good at English, but I’m not good at PE.
Are you good at playing basketball ?
He is good at Maths, but he does not do well in Art.
I want to do better in PE.
I am/ We’re going to …
What are you going to do tomorrow/ this weekend … ?
Are you / Is he/ she going to… ?
I’ll get up earlier.
I’ll get stronger.
Will you join me/ us ?
Would you like to join me/ us ?
What’s the weather like in summer there ? It’s hot.
Do it often rain in spring ? Yes, it does.
I want some writing paper.
I want to write a letter to Peter.
I want to be Peter’s penfriend.
1、 问路句型:
How far is it from here ? It’s about a kilometer away.
How can I get to the… ? You can take bus No. 5.
How many stops are there ? You can get off at the fourth stop.
Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing.
The post office is on your left. You can’t miss it.
2、 有关季节、天气句型:
Which season do you like best ? I like…
Why ? Because it’s… I can…
3、 问某人拿一些东西的句型:
Can I have… ? What for ?
4、 打电话句型:
Is that … ? Yes, speaking.
It’s David here.
By the way, what are you going to do… ?
Unit 1 how do you go to school?
How do you go to school? 你怎么去上学?
Usually I go to school on foot.
Sometimes I go by bike. 有时我骑车去。
How can I get to Zhongshan Park?
You can go by the No.15 bus.
on foot by bike by bus by train by plane by ship go to school get to traffic light traffic rule stop wait

Unit 2 where is the science museum?
Where is the cinema, please?电影院在哪儿?It’s next to the hospital. 在医院旁。
Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left.
library post office hospital cinema bookstore where please next to turn right turn left go straight then

Unit 3 what are you going to do?
What are you going to do on the weekend?
I’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend. 这个周末我要去看望我祖父母。
Where are you going this afternoon?
I’m going to the bookstore. 我要去书店。
What are you going to buy? 你要去买什么?I am going to buy a comic book..
next week this morning this afternoon this evening comic book newspaper buy post card

Unit 4 what’s your hobby?
What’s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?
I like collecting stamps. 我喜欢集邮。
He likes collecting stamps, too.他也喜欢集邮
Does she teach English? No, she doesn’t.
她教英语吗? 不。
Does she teach you math? Yes, she does.
她教你数学吗? 是的。
hobby ride a bike dive play the violin make kites collect stamps live teaches watches goes does doesn’t=does not

Unit 5 what does your mother do?
What does your mother do?
She is a TV reporter. 她是一个电视播音员。
Where does she work? 她在哪儿工作?
She works in a school. 她在学校工作。
How does she go to work? 她怎么去工作?She goes to work by bus.
Singer writer actor actress artist TV reporter engineer accountant policeman cleaner salesperson work

Unit 6 where does the rain come from?
Where does the rain come from? 雨来自哪?
It comes from the clouds. 它来自云.
How do you do that? 你是怎么做的?
What should you do then? 然后你应做什么?
rain cloud sun stream come from seed soil sprout plant

Unit 1 how tall are you?
How tall are you? I’m 164 cm tall.
你多高? 我164厘米高.
You’re shorter than me. 你比我矮.
You’re 4 cm taller than me. 你比我高四厘米.
How heavy are you? I’m 48 kg.
你多重? 我48公斤.
I’m thinner and shorter than you.
Taller shorter stronger older younger bigger heavier longer thinner smaller

Unit 2 what’s the matter, Mike?
What’s the matter? 怎么了?
My throat is sore. 我嗓子疼
My nose hurts. 我鼻塞.
How are you, Liu Yun? You look so happy.
你好吗,刘云? 你看起来好高兴.
You look sad today. 你今天看起来很忧伤.
have a fever have a cold have a toothache have a headache have a sore throat hurt matter tired excited angry happy bored sad

Unit 3 last weekend
What did you do last weekend?
I played football. 我踢足球.
Did you read books? 你看书了吗?
Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 是的/没有
watch–watched play-played wash–washed clean-cleaned visit-visited do-did last weekend go-went read–read went fishing went hiking

Unit 4 my holiday
Where did you go on your holiday?
I went to Xinjiang. 我去新疆了.
How did you go there? 你怎么去的?
I went by train. 我坐火车去的.
Eat(ate)good food have – had get(got) to
Take(took) pictures sing–sang dance–danced
Row(rowed) a boat Buy(bought) presents
Climb(climbed) a mountain learn–learned
See(saw)elephants went skiing went ice-skating

5.你周末读书了么? 没有.
