read table itab with table key k1 = f1 read table itab with key k1 = f1 这2个语句有什么区别?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 12:33:54
read table itab with table key k1 = f1 read table itab with key k1 = f1 这2个语句有什么区别?
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read table itab with table key k1 = f1 read table itab with key k1 = f1 这2个语句有什么区别?
read table itab with table key k1 = f1 read table itab with key k1 = f1 这2个语句有什么区别?

read table itab with table key k1 = f1 read table itab with key k1 = f1 这2个语句有什么区别?

read table itab with table key k1 = f1 read table itab with key k1 = f1 这2个语句有什么区别? itab like STANDARD TABLE OF line with KEY table_line.在下面程序中这段话为什么like不能换成type.DATA :BEGIN OF line,num TYPE i,sqr TYPE i,END OF line,itab like STANDARD TABLE OF line with KEY TABLE_LINE.DO 5 TIMES.line-num = like standard table of和type standard table of有什么区别.下面的程序用前面就对,用后面就错.DATA :BEGIN OF line,num TYPE i,sqr TYPE i,END OF line,itab like STANDARD TABLE OF line with KEY TABLE_LINE.DO 5 TIMES.line-num = ABAP loop at itab和loop at itab into wa_tab 的区别是什么?是不是如果itab用了with head line就不用into 到wa_tab,如果没用的话就要into? Do you remember when she ——(fly) to play table teenis with to read it next week One evening after supper,she played a g...around the table with Joshua and read stories to him as ug开头的单词填什么 Limei has left the notebook on the table()purpose so that you can read it应该填哪个介词,with,in,on,since table covered with the wipers ABAP READ TABLE使用BINARY SEARCH如题,read table使用binary search,with key有多个字段的时候,寻找数据的内部逻辑是怎样的比如有内表(按A,B已排好序)T_DATAA B C1 1 11 2 22 1 32 2 42 3 53 Roplaced DVPV lest table with recommended lest table with examples.求中文翻译 急 table table table table table table Cook with Mrs Read怎么翻译 They read books with magazines.)