在英语语法上more than i can say是对的吗 我可以说 the changes in ten years are more than i can 如果不行,请翻译:未来十年的变化多到我无法说完.大虾出手,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 07:18:39
在英语语法上more than i can say是对的吗 我可以说 the changes in ten years are more than i can 如果不行,请翻译:未来十年的变化多到我无法说完.大虾出手,
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在英语语法上more than i can say是对的吗 我可以说 the changes in ten years are more than i can 如果不行,请翻译:未来十年的变化多到我无法说完.大虾出手,
在英语语法上more than i can say是对的吗 我可以说 the changes in ten years are more than i can 如果不行,请翻译:未来十年的变化多到我无法说完.大虾出手,

在英语语法上more than i can say是对的吗 我可以说 the changes in ten years are more than i can 如果不行,请翻译:未来十年的变化多到我无法说完.大虾出手,
more than I can say是正确的表达,不是有首歌叫《I love you more than I can say》吗,Jerry Allison和Sonny Curtis唱的.你那句话语法上也是对的,表达上也说得通.

the changes in the next decade are beyond my words

The changes in the last ten years are beyond description[或expression]。
The changes in the next years will be more than I can say.

可以的 相似的有
more than happy to do sth.
I can be no more agree with you.

不对,应是The next ten years changes more than I can say.

beyond my words 意味我无法用语言形容,这里可以用啊。

答:英语more than I can say 是对的。
the changes in ten years are more than i can say是有问题的。在ten前加个the就可以了。

more than i can say 翻译:口难开。请去听听英语歌曲:I love you more than I can say.