请写出解析!(1) I always s____ much time in the school library.(2) On June 1st ,parents usually spend some money in _____(buy) picture books for their children as presents.(3) He did the work as _____(careful) as his father.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 10:51:38
请写出解析!(1) I always s____ much time in the school library.(2) On June 1st ,parents usually spend some money in _____(buy) picture books for their children as presents.(3) He did the work as _____(careful) as his father.
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请写出解析!(1) I always s____ much time in the school library.(2) On June 1st ,parents usually spend some money in _____(buy) picture books for their children as presents.(3) He did the work as _____(careful) as his father.
(1) I always s____ much time in the school library.
(2) On June 1st ,parents usually spend some money in _____(buy) picture books for their children as presents.
(3) He did the work as _____(careful) as his father.

请写出解析!(1) I always s____ much time in the school library.(2) On June 1st ,parents usually spend some money in _____(buy) picture books for their children as presents.(3) He did the work as _____(careful) as his father.
1.spend 我经常在学校图书馆度过很多的时间.spend some time 是固定用法,度过.时间.
2.buying spend...in doing something是spend的一个固定用法
3.carefully 这个句子是用到do something +副词,用于修饰do的

buying(spend money /time in doing sth)
carefully 前有work 做副词

请写出解析!(1) I always s____ much time in the school library.(2) On June 1st ,parents usually spend some money in _____(buy) picture books for their children as presents.(3) He did the work as _____(careful) as his father. I's always 与There always有什么区别联系? The 1s I LOVE R always about 2 leave.So does this time. Yes,That's what I'm thinking of doing.请高手翻译全句.写出词组. 请写出H、C、F、Na、Al、S、Ba、I在元素周期表中的位置 图像过P(-1,-2),Q(-3,4)请写出1次函数解析式 请写出含有物候规律的诗句1-2句,并简要解析其中的规律. 写出解析. 初二一道反比例函数题目.Rt△ABC顶点A是一次函数y=x+m和反比例函数y=m/x的图象在第一象限内的交点,且S△AOB=3,回答:(1)能否写出一次函数和反比例函数的解析式?如果能,请写出它们的解析式, 一道关于反比例函数的题目.Rt△ABC顶点A是一次函数y=x+m和反比例函数y=m/x的图象在第一象限内的交点,且S△AOB=3,回答:(1)能否写出一次函数和反比例函数的解析式?如果能,请写出它们的解析 1、summer(写出对应词) 2、 always(写出对应词) 3、 cold(写出对应1、summer(写出对应词) 2、 always(写出对应词) 3、 cold(写出对应词) 4、 there(写出同音词) 5、 snow(写出形容词)请 I always I always I'll always trust in you,it's only so i am always waiting.You know that's me. nothing's gonna change,you'll know,i always know I always go s( )with my sister on the w( ) 请翻译:It's always calm before a storm