根据上句改写下句,使上下两个句子意义相同或相近,一空一词.1.It will take us at least two days to plant these trees.We will _____ at least two days _____ these trees.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 20:22:25
根据上句改写下句,使上下两个句子意义相同或相近,一空一词.1.It will take us at least two days to plant these trees.We will _____ at least two days _____ these trees.
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根据上句改写下句,使上下两个句子意义相同或相近,一空一词.1.It will take us at least two days to plant these trees.We will _____ at least two days _____ these trees.
1.It will take us at least two days to plant these trees.
We will _____ at least two days _____ these trees.

根据上句改写下句,使上下两个句子意义相同或相近,一空一词.1.It will take us at least two days to plant these trees.We will _____ at least two days _____ these trees.


根据上句改写下句,使上下两个句子意义相同或相近,一空一词.1.It will take us at least two days to plant these trees.We will _____ at least two days _____ these trees. 根据所给的上下句,仿写一个句子,句式要大体相同,文意要连贯记忆没有重量,它却既可以使人的精神压抑、迷惘,又可以使人的思想情绪振奋、解放;记忆-------------------------------------------------- 根据上句完成下句,使两个句子意思相同:That is a photo of my family.That is a( ) of my family. 根据上句完成下句是上下句意思相同 tommy wears sports shoes tommy ( ) ( ) spotrs shoes 根据上句完成下句是上下句意思相同 l want to work as a nurse l ( ) ( ) ( ) a nurse 根据上句完成下句是上下句意思相同 can you give me some apples can you ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 根据上句完成下句是上下句意思相同 what does your mother do ( )is your mothers 下雪了.到处一片白,------------------------------------------根据上句写下句 what can the monkey do?根据上句写下句 古诗文中写雪的句子你想到了哪些 至少写出两个连续的上下句急等~ 续写下句:寻觅青年梦,() (要求句式相同) 请问有没有古诗词或国学经典中有“龙”和“信” 这两个字的句子,上下句内包括也算是同句或上下句之间出现“龙”“信”这两个字 列向量中的上下两个量表示什么意义? 根据句意,用by将两个句子连成一句. 根据汉语的意思完成下列英语句子,使上下两句意思一致,每空一词(含缩写)她姐姐是干什么的?a)_____ _____ her sister ______?b)_____ her sister's _______? 与先天下之忧而忧后天下之乐而乐相同意义的句子 仿照例句再造两个句子,使之构成一组排比句例句:心正则笔直.宋代抗金名将岳飞,精忠报国,一心收复失地,写下了真情意切、壮怀激烈的《满江红》.字数要逐句对照整齐, 两个相同的部件组成的上下结构的字