
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 15:34:44
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There are more than two thousand Public relation firms in China after this industry started twenty yeas ago ,now it begains to take sharp.The target customers of public realtion companies are mainly the globle top 500 and some Chinse enterprisis which are highly marketized,these customers have very professional requirements for public relation service and they know it very well.Data shows that in recent five years,public relationship workers' requirement ranks first to third place in market and this requirement growing by 30% every year.Public relation firms attract employee from each other because there are not enough and this caused higly outflow of talent employee.
Since the fanancial crisis ,both Chinese and foreign public realtion enterprisis paid great attention on how to attract and hold talent imployee and made this point as an essential one as on the road of comapny's development.We could see from recent year's research that salary and welfare have most effect on imployee in this industry.This is the database of 2011 annual salary provided by XXX,hope could help you to make right decision .


China's public relations industry after 20 years of development, we have scale, the number of China's existing public relations company has more than two thousand


In China, after twenty years of development, Public Relation Industry are now in a remarkable scale of more than two thousand public relation companies.

China PR industry after more than 20 years of development, has a larger scale, the existing number of Chinese Public relations company has more than two thousand.

After 20 years of development, China's public relation industry has now begun to take shape. At present, the number of public relation companies are more th...


After 20 years of development, China's public relation industry has now begun to take shape. At present, the number of public relation companies are more than 2000.


China PR industry after more than 20 years of development, has a larger scale, the existing number of Chinese Public relations company has more than two thousand

With more than 20 years's development, China's public relation industry has its own scale. There are more than 2000 PR companies in China.


China's public relations industry after 20 years of development, we have scale, the number of China's existing public relations company has more than two thousand

英语翻译分不是i问题,可以再想办法,给你,可以的+我Q328711754没过六级的别来了,这是i第一句,看看能行的再来,中国的公关行业经过二十多年的发展,已具规模,中国现有公关公司的数量已 英语翻译感觉好象不是这样翻译 大家再想想看 追分 物理问题急死人,解答给100分!请你再想出一种办法放大音叉的微小振动,就初二声音响度振幅的关系的实验,出了那小弹乒乓球来放大振幅还有什么办法放大? 果实为什么有香味?问题越仔细,我可以给你另外加多点悬赏分! 英语翻译帮楼主翻译,我可以给你奖励~(不是美女就OK了) 忘给你分了,回答问题后会给你积分 这块巧克力不是给你的.英语翻译 英语听力基础零,别的还可以,有什么方法提高,从零开始,或推荐一下从最基础开始,分不是问题关键有用有用就给你加,不用担心 英语翻译翻译后我给你30分 英语翻译我给你加100分哦~ 英语翻译不错的话,分都给你. 趣味运动会作文怎么写 快 今晚要快的话100分给你多少字不是个问题 英语翻译放弃不是解决问题的办法! 这些字的笔画是多少?按字母表中的顺序?催、丘、冶、杰、唤、狩、犒这些字的笔画分别是多少?按字母表中的顺序?你回答的很好.可我还有第二个问题呢!你再想想,分就给你了! 如可以的话,给你100悬赏分 距离不是问题.英语翻译 英语翻译由于东西有点隐私,哪位英文好给我讲 我可以先把分给你然后把文件发给你帮忙给翻译一下 我有一些5便士的硬币想运到英国当然是多了才想运到英国,这些东东在国内不可以流通,银行也不给兑换,所以我只好再想办法运到英国.会面临哪些问题需要处理?说句实话吧,我就是在邮币市场