这个句子怎么判定是虚拟语气Had the weather been good, the children could have gone out for a walk 除了从意思上能判断是虚拟么?另外could可以省略么?这里用should/might可以不?有什么区别

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 14:19:39
这个句子怎么判定是虚拟语气Had the weather been good, the children could have gone out for a walk 除了从意思上能判断是虚拟么?另外could可以省略么?这里用should/might可以不?有什么区别
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这个句子怎么判定是虚拟语气Had the weather been good, the children could have gone out for a walk 除了从意思上能判断是虚拟么?另外could可以省略么?这里用should/might可以不?有什么区别
Had the weather been good, the children could have gone out for a walk

这个句子怎么判定是虚拟语气Had the weather been good, the children could have gone out for a walk 除了从意思上能判断是虚拟么?另外could可以省略么?这里用should/might可以不?有什么区别
正常语序是 If the weather had been good,the children could have gone out for a walk

这个句子怎么判定是虚拟语气Had the weather been good, the children could have gone out for a walk 除了从意思上能判断是虚拟么?另外could可以省略么?这里用should/might可以不?有什么区别 这个虚拟语气句子怎么解释If it had not been raining too much,the crops would be growing much better.grow为什么用现在进行时? 虚拟语气中'd怎么区别是had还是would? had better 是虚拟语气吗 英语句子分析:It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived这个句子那个部分是虚拟语气?考察的语法是什么?帮我详细解释这个句子,我看不懂哪个是 语气? 是 It seemed stranged t if引导的条件状语从句和虚拟语气 如何区分 (急)what would you do if you had a million dollars?这个句子中的if引导的是个条件状语从句还是个虚拟语气?what if I do not konw anyone 这个句子是虚拟语气么? if引导虚拟语气,省略if,句子会发生倒装,请问下面这句话怎么倒装?If we had time,we could play the game again. if I HAVE ONE MILLION DOLLARS.这个句子对吗如果有一百万.很明显是虚拟语气.为什么IF后还用HAVE而不是用HAD? 怎么判断一个句子是虚拟语气的句子,...(っ怎么判断一个句子是虚拟语气的句子,...(っω`c)... 这个句子是虚拟语气吗?If operated by computers in the future,many trains will have no drivers.如果是的话为什么不符合一般虚拟语气的标准呢?为什么不是many trains would have drivers呢? 新概念英语第二册第64课课文里面虚拟语气的句子有哪些?只有这一句吗?if ,at that time ,the british had not feared invasion,it would have been completed?只有这一句是虚拟语气吗,其他的句子是条件句还是虚拟 The plant is dead.I( )more water 应填shoulu have given 为什么是虚拟语气这个句子是不是虚拟语气另外讲一下省略if倒装 英语虚拟语气的翻译问题翻译一个句子:【我希望我年轻的时候也有你们这么好的机会】答案是:I wish I had had such good opportunities as yours when I was young.这个句子翻译的时候要求用虚拟语气进行 虚拟语气是怎么用的 帮忙看下这个虚拟语气的句子The teacher asked them who had completed their tests to leave the room as quietly as possible.这个句子中的ask,我翻译成“要求”,那么为什么who 后面用完成时?(1)这里的ask 是“问” mr smith would certainly have attended the meeting on time but his car______a flat tire halfway,A had had Bhad Chas had Dhas请问这是虚拟语气吗?不是虚拟语气是什么? 怎么做?虚拟语气 虚拟语气怎么用.