
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:11:36
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Of all the forms of energy,electricity is the most useful in our everyday life.At night,roads are brightly lit,enabling pedestrians and traffic to move fi’eely.Neon lighting used in advertising has become one of the characteristics of every modern city.Even in homes,many laboursaving appliances are powered by electricity.
But electricity can be dangerous if it is not properly handled.It may cause burns or fires.People may get an electric shock or even be killed.However,all such accidents can be prevented if we are careful enough and keep it under control.
Our fast-developing socialist construction has an increasing need for electricity.We are trying our best to produce more electricity and make better use of it for the realization of the four modernizations.

做对了我的问题,你一定有福报的哦Electricity 做对了我的问题,你一定有福报的哦Saving water at home 做对了我的问题,你一定有福报的哦x^4+7x^2-30=0 数学问题,做对了我的问题,你一定有福报的哦1998年,湖北抗洪救灾中,某部队奉命派甲排跑步前往离驻地90千米远的公安县抢险,1小时45分钟之后,因险情加重,有增派乙连乘车前往支援,已知乙连 什么样的人真正有福报 求好心人给我一个女生的奥拉星多多号!你会有福报的!求求你了,给了以后,我赏10分! I live in a big house _____ three rooms .你一定会有福报的,加油! 我的题打错了,你做对了 佛教解释一个没有福报的女人嫁给一个有福报的男人结果会怎么样 She,after school,plays ,classmates,her,with,often.请组成一句话!你一定会有福报的,加油! 在△ABC中,D是AB边的中点,PD垂直于AB交∠ACB的平分线于点P,PM垂直于AC于M,PN垂直于BC交CB的延长线于N求证:CM=CN=1/2(AC+BC).(^人^) 我现在正在做作业呢,你一定会有福报的哦o(∩_∩)o 请问你有福柯的《性经验史》吗?能给我发一份吗? 什么样的女人有福 谦卑的人有福 已知等腰三角形的两边长为5cm和8cm,则他的周长是______你一定会有福报的,加油! 那道空着的题怎么做,做对了我一定给好评 有关锲而不舍精神的成语、谚语或名言警句快,会有福报的 slow和same这两个英文的中文意思是什么?回答者会有福报的~