i saw a man who is or was working in the garden.我想问从句有时态变化么 跟着谁走?还是 who works or worked in the garden?怎么跟前边配合?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:06:44
i saw a man who is or was working in the garden.我想问从句有时态变化么 跟着谁走?还是 who works or worked in the garden?怎么跟前边配合?
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i saw a man who is or was working in the garden.我想问从句有时态变化么 跟着谁走?还是 who works or worked in the garden?怎么跟前边配合?
i saw a man who is or was working in the garden.
我想问从句有时态变化么 跟着谁走?还是 who works or worked in the garden?怎么跟前边配合?

i saw a man who is or was working in the garden.我想问从句有时态变化么 跟着谁走?还是 who works or worked in the garden?怎么跟前边配合?

都不对,应该是I saw a man who was working or had worked in the garden.过去时态里边怎么能用现在时态与之搭配呢?除非是引用原话等情况。
注:was working表示“看见”这个动作发生时那个人正在进行的动作;
had worked表示“看见...


都不对,应该是I saw a man who was working or had worked in the garden.过去时态里边怎么能用现在时态与之搭配呢?除非是引用原话等情况。
注:was working表示“看见”这个动作发生时那个人正在进行的动作;
had worked表示“看见”这个动作发生之前已经完成的动作,表示过去的过去。


i saw a man saw a saw with a saw This is a man who i said He is the man whom/that I saw yesterday .关系代词能用who吗 为什么 he is a man who i want to talk with I saw a man saw a saw with a saw.这句话是什么意思? i saw a man who is or was working in the garden.我想问从句有时态变化么 跟着谁走?还是 who works or worked in the garden?怎么跟前边配合? 4) The man who I talked with is our teacher.关系代词可以省略么 2) The boy who we saw yesterday is Jack. 用英语介词填空.I saw a short man _____ ______ _______me.还有一道:Who are the presents _____? 30.----Who is the man over there.It can’t be Li Lei,_______.----- _________.It must be John.30.----Who is the man over there.It can’t be Li Lei,_______.----- _________.It must be John.I saw Li Lei in the classroom just now.A.is it; Yes,it is B.ca A man who is .is.是什么句型, 有关定语从句是i saw a dog which is red running in the park.还是i saw a dog who is red running in the park. 用which,who,whom合并下列句子1.The book is very interesting .I`m reading the book.2.I`ve lost the umbrella.I bought the umbrella.3.I passed the exams.The exams were not very difficult.4.the young man is a doctor.We just saw the young man.5.At l This is the man ( )last night.A whom I saw B which I saw选B ,为什么不选A错了,那为什么不是B a man who is wait a girl 英语26个选择题.我知道答案,求每个题的解析、 51.This is the bag _____ my mother bought yesterday.A.that B.who C.whom D.this 52.The man _____ lives next to us is my English teacher.A.who m B.which C.who D./ 53.The girl _____ you saw i i saw a saw saw a saw. Who is the man in a u Wise is the man who stops a