同位语it is important for graduates to find a proper job,____in which they can bring their potential into full play,A that B what C one D the one 为什么选C为什么不能选A或B

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 07:02:54
同位语it is important for graduates to find a proper job,____in which they can bring their potential into full play,A that B what C one D the one 为什么选C为什么不能选A或B
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同位语it is important for graduates to find a proper job,____in which they can bring their potential into full play,A that B what C one D the one 为什么选C为什么不能选A或B
it is important for graduates to find a proper job,____in which they can bring their potential into full play,
A that B what C one D the one

同位语it is important for graduates to find a proper job,____in which they can bring their potential into full play,A that B what C one D the one 为什么选C为什么不能选A或B
这里one=a job,作同位语.

因为后面有关系代词which当然不能用AB,that 和what都是关系代词

因为这里有逗号所以不能选A,至于B本题不缺任何意思和成分。只缺一个代词指代前面的job.为什么有逗号就不能选A呢?很抱歉分析错误不是因为有逗号不能选A,而是因为这里需要一个代词指代前面的a job一份工作。one是泛指,that是特指。很明显这里并不是特指,因为我们并不知道是哪份工作。
这个句子结构是这样的one是a job的同位语,而one后面是一个定语从句修饰 one。所以不能根据有逗...




根据句意:对于毕业生而言,找到一份合适的工作,也就是他们能把自己的潜力充分发挥出来的工作是很重要的。此处用one 代替a job.in which后的内容是one的定语。B逻辑混乱。A that也可做代词,但做同位语的情况不曾见过。

one是不定代词,one= a + 名词,这里就是 one= a job;
that= the + 名词,具有特指的意义,这里根据句意为非特指。


这里one=a job,后面的in which就相当于引导词what,所以AB不合适

区分这句话是定语从句还是同位语从句It is such an important meeting that i will attend it.这个是同位语从句还是定语从句?此外,定语从句和同位语从句怎么区分? That watch is important for me.l must f-----it it is very important 这是同位语从句吗?Educational experts point out that,it is equally important to ...逗号前後,谁是主句.不是有主句单一原则吗,还是说这句式是错的 同位语it is important for graduates to find a proper job,____in which they can bring their potential into full play,A that B what C one D the one 为什么选C为什么不能选A或B is it something that is frightening?这是什么句?同位语? how important it is 还是how important is it It is an important f() in America .It comes in a().首字母提示填空) It is a important problem Your f -----is very important to me.I don’want to lose it. Nothing it is Nothing it is important是什么意思 Nothing it is important是什么意思 Nothing it is important是什么意思 主语从句与同位语从句的区别 It is a fact that she has done her best.是主语从句还是同位语从句 Changchun,a capital of Jinllin province,is as an important industrial center as Shengyang.其中,”,a capital of Jinllin province,”是同位语,还是插入语? 询问一个英语句型health is of course more important than wealth这里的 of course 是修饰比较级 还是同位语的? The question of whether they are male or female is not important?这句话是同位语从句吗?whether可用if代替吗? it is important to it is important for it is important of 这三个结构都有吗 都怎么用 it is very important to people How important it is _____ (save) water!