追加200分,初二英语选择!1after discussing,the students () some good ideas to work on the projectA put up Bset up C caught up with D came up with( )THE height of the mountainA what is B how is C how muchit is said the edison took great ()in s

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 01:44:55
追加200分,初二英语选择!1after discussing,the students () some good ideas to work on the projectA put up Bset up C caught up with D came up with(  )THE height of the mountainA what is B how is C how muchit is said the edison took great ()in s
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追加200分,初二英语选择!1after discussing,the students () some good ideas to work on the projectA put up Bset up C caught up with D came up with( )THE height of the mountainA what is B how is C how muchit is said the edison took great ()in s
after discussing,the students () some good ideas to work on the project
A put up Bset up C caught up with D came up with
( )THE height of the mountain
A what is B how is C how much
it is said the edison took great ()in science when he was young
A interest B interesting C interested
the teacher askd us to wear() shoes in the p.e lesson
A sport Bsports C sport"s D sports"
when sam kicked the soccer into the goal and got another()
A mark B grade C score Dlevel
DO you know the boys who ()busy planting trees over there
it is hard for us to tell ()in my homertown in fifty years
A what it will be like B how it will like
C how it will be like D what it will like
in a () place
A noise B noisy
about ten percent of packaging is metal
about()of packaging is metal

追加200分,初二英语选择!1after discussing,the students () some good ideas to work on the projectA put up Bset up C caught up with D came up with( )THE height of the mountainA what is B how is C how muchit is said the edison took great ()in s
came up with,come up with ideas,提出观点
What is the height of the mountain.山多高?what与height连用
take great interest in 对……产生极大兴趣
sports shoes sport做定语时用复数
is 你知道正在那边浇树的男孩是谁么?用现在进行时
what it will be like.用陈述句语序.原来的疑问句是:What my hometown will be like in 15 years?
noise place代表噪音源 I do not like to live in noise place.我不想住在制造噪音的地方
noisy place代表吵闹的地方
a tenth 百分之十=十分之一

1. D come up with 提出,想出;put up 张贴,挂起;set up 建立,创办;catch up 追上,赶上
2. A what is the height…… of sth. 这座山高度多少?类似句型还有what is the shape(形状) of sth.?
3. A take interes...


1. D come up with 提出,想出;put up 张贴,挂起;set up 建立,创办;catch up 追上,赶上
2. A what is the height…… of sth. 这座山高度多少?类似句型还有what is the shape(形状) of sth.?
3. A take interest in sth.对……发生兴趣。此处interest为名词。
4. B 运动会sports meeting,运动鞋sports shoes
5. C get another score,又进一球,又得一分。
6. B 你认识正在那边种树的男孩吗?who引导了一个定语从句,替代前面the boys 。
7. A be like像……一样。很难说五十年后我的家乡会是什么样。like这里是介词。B /D中直接跟will的是动词,作动词讲,like是“喜欢”
8. a noisy place .单看词组,要么是答案错,要么是你不小心看错。你的思路很对。或者你可以给出上下文我们再看看?
9. {10%} 或者one-tenth,连字符不能丢。


1.D 解析:从答案可以判断问题的时态是过去式。come up with 想出(某个问题)come的过去式为came.
2.A 解析:你听过出 What is the population of..? 这个的句型和问题的句型是一样的。
3. 我只想给你说 take an interest in =be interested in . 你这个问题是不是少了一个定冠词a too...


1.D 解析:从答案可以判断问题的时态是过去式。come up with 想出(某个问题)come的过去式为came.
2.A 解析:你听过出 What is the population of..? 这个的句型和问题的句型是一样的。
3. 我只想给你说 take an interest in =be interested in . 你这个问题是不是少了一个定冠词a took (a) ?great ()in .如果有a的话,答案就是interest A。。没有应该就是C了。
4.B 解析:ask ab to do sth, sports shoes运动鞋 固定搭配。
5. 因为我是山西的 教材不一样 你给我解释一下这4个单词。
6.B 前面DO是一般现在时 who引导宾语从句。 宾语从句跟主句的时态保持一致。把C.D就排除了。 be busy doing 前面boys是负数,所以是B。
7.A tell后是宾语从句 宾语从句用陈述句的语序 排除B D what一般是说东西的, what...like什么什么怎么样。 因此选A。
noisy 形容词修饰后面的名词place.只要记住形容词+名词就OK.
后面的同义句转换 抱歉 我帮不了你。 我也是学生,但咋们的教材不一样。你可以查查百度。
我是真心一个一个回答问题的。。。。 请。。


第一题选c come up with 想出、提出 第二题是A,what 和how 的感叹句,what后跟 名词,how后跟形容词 第三题选A,take great interest 感兴趣,great是形容词,后跟名词
第四题A,sport也有形容词词性:运动的 第五题C score 常用于体育运动中,(在某项运动中得分)第六题B 是正在进行时,而且前面主语...


第一题选c come up with 想出、提出 第二题是A,what 和how 的感叹句,what后跟 名词,how后跟形容词 第三题选A,take great interest 感兴趣,great是形容词,后跟名词
第四题A,sport也有形容词词性:运动的 第五题C score 常用于体育运动中,(在某项运动中得分)第六题B 是正在进行时,而且前面主语是boys, 第七题A
in a (noisy) place
about( ten percentile)of packaging is metal
