求救高手,帮我总结一下这段英文,是总结summary,不是翻译.5句话,谢谢Shares of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce fell sharply Thursday after it announced it was raising $1.6 billion of new capital by issuing notes paying nearl

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:00:55
求救高手,帮我总结一下这段英文,是总结summary,不是翻译.5句话,谢谢Shares of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce fell sharply Thursday after it announced it was raising $1.6 billion of new capital by issuing notes paying nearl
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求救高手,帮我总结一下这段英文,是总结summary,不是翻译.5句话,谢谢Shares of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce fell sharply Thursday after it announced it was raising $1.6 billion of new capital by issuing notes paying nearl
Shares of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce fell sharply Thursday after it announced it was raising $1.6 billion of new capital by issuing notes paying nearly 10 per cent interest on one series and 10.25 per cent on another.
The bank's stock was down 4.5 per cent, falling $1.77 to $37.86 in trading on the TSX.
The bank is not the only one to issue high-priced debt. The Toronto-Dominion Bank raised $1 billion in January with interest rates of 9.523 to 10 per cent.
CIBC announced that a wholly-owned subsidiary, CIBC Capital Trust, had agreed to sell $1.3 billion of CIBC Tier 1 Notes-Series a paying interest of 9.976 per cent. It also agreed to sell $300 million worth of Series B notes paying 10.25 per cent.
Tier 1 is a key level of capital required by bank regulators. Currently, the Tier 1 requirement is seven per cent.
CIBC said its Tier 1 level would have been about 11.5 per cent on Jan. 31 if the notes had been sold then. The actual rate on Jan. 31 was 9.8 per cent.
That 11.5 per cent ratio also includes recent sales of preferred shares.
Canadian banks have raised over $15 billion in Tier 1 capital, Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of Canada, said in January.

求救高手,帮我总结一下这段英文,是总结summary,不是翻译.5句话,谢谢Shares of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce fell sharply Thursday after it announced it was raising $1.6 billion of new capital by issuing notes paying nearl
The CIBC announced that it was issuing two kind of high-priced debts to raise $1.6 billion of new capital.After that,shares of the CIBC fell sharply on Thursday.The CIBC Capital Trust,a wholly-owned subsidiary of CIBC,had agreed to sell the Tier 1 Note Series at a paying interest of 9.976% and the other Series B 10.25%.The Tier 1 level of the CIBC would have been 1.7% higher than actual rate on Jan.31 if its notes had been sold then.According to the Bank of Canada,more than $15 billion in Tier 1 capital had been raised by Canadian banks.

求救高手,帮我总结一下这段英文,是总结summary,不是翻译.5句话,谢谢Shares of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce fell sharply Thursday after it announced it was raising $1.6 billion of new capital by issuing notes paying nearl 麻烦物理高手帮我总结一下高中力学! 学姐学长们,求救,帮我翻译一下这段英文吧,非常感谢 谁帮我总结一下好难! 帮我找一下初三化学公式总结! 帮我把内容总结一下, 找个高手帮我总结一下高中政治(必修2)的知识重点 请一位高手帮我总结一下高一必修二历史的重点,谢谢 请一位高手帮我总结一下高一历史(必修2)的知识重点 哪位英语高手来帮我总结一下介词的用法?越快越好 哪位高手帮我总结一下高中生物的培养基种类急 哪位高手帮我总结一下八年级上册生物第一章第一节的知识点. 求高手帮我归纳总结一下这段英文介绍要求意义鲜明,突出重点,要连贯,让人能听明白在叙述什么,谢谢各位大虾了!http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/47377000.html?fr=ala0最好限制在500字以内·~~ 语文高手帮我总结归纳一下各种说明方法的用法,最好举个例子.全面一点, 语文小说阅读的手法哪位高手可以帮我总结一下小说阅读的手法,表现手法,艺术手法什么的, 请各位高手朋友帮我总结一下常见的计算机掉网现象及处理方法 请朋友们帮我总结一下物理公式.我想要单一的总结.如P=UI=I2R=U2/R=f/S...标上单位 谁帮我总结一下高中化学中哪些物质是正四面体,哪些是普通四面体