
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 16:50:19
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2008美国大选视频专题 此次辩论在纽约长岛的霍夫斯特拉大学举行,主持人是哥伦比亚的新闻主播鲍勃-西弗.两人在最后一场辩论中不再各自站在讲台后,而是同台而坐近距离正面交锋.两位候选人要首先进行2分钟的回答,然后用5分钟进行辩论.在当前经济成为美国大选压倒性议题的背景下,两党总统候选人相继推出经济政策主张. 在辩论开场后,主持人鲍勃便提出首个问题——“两位认为各自的经济政策主张比对手强在哪里?” 随后,麦凯恩表示他的抵押贷款计划将会帮助扭转所欠房屋贷款人士失去房屋的困局,而奥巴马则表示麦凯恩的计划可能最后只是让银行收益.
共和党一向被认为是代表大企业利益的党.即使在这次大选中,麦凯恩仍然坚持全面减税的政策,特别要给企业界更好的经营环境.与此相对,民主党则坚持“劫富济贫”的政策.奥巴马明确提出在给95%的美国家庭减税的同时,将在年收入25万美元以上的95%的富裕家庭头上加税.在辩论开始时,麦凯恩很快进入攻击阶段,他批评奥巴马税收政策会提高年收入25万以上的美国民众税额,从而损害小企业经营者的利益. 麦凯恩向奥巴马发问道:“你为什么现在要增加这个群体的税收?我们应该鼓励他们发展.”奥巴马说:“我们都想减税,所不同的是我们想为谁减税?”

The United States on October 15 local time 21 o'clock in the evening (Beijing time on October 16 in the morning 9:00),the Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate John McCain held a final televised debate.The theme of this debate is how to deal with financial crisis and other domestic issues,the Republican Party would like to take this opportunity to rekindle hopes for the White House.
2008 U.S.presidential election debate on the topic of video in New York's Hofstra University,Long Island,Colombia is the host of the news anchor Bob - Lucifer.Two of the last race of the debate is no longer in their respective stand on the rostrum,but at the same table and sit close battle front.First of all,the two candidates to answer for 2 minutes,5 minutes and then proceed to the debate.In the current economic issues in an election landslide against the background of the two parties presidential candidates have implemented economic policies.Opening the debate,moderator Bob raised the first question - "that two of their economic policies than the strong opponents?" Later,McCain said that his mortgage plan will help to reverse the outstanding housing Housing loans to people who lost their predicament,while Obama said McCain's plan could only last so that the bank receipts.
The Republican Party has always been seen as large enterprises on behalf of the interests of the party.Even in this election,McCain still insists on a comprehensive tax policy,in particular,to give the business a better business environment.In contrast,the Democratic Party is "rich" policy.Obama made clear in the 95% of American families tax relief,will be 250,000 U.S.dollars annual income of more than 95% of the well-off family head tax.Part of this debate,McCain will soon enter the stage of the attack,Obama criticized the tax policies he would raise the annual income of more than 250,000 people in the United States tax,to the detriment of small business operators.Obama made to the McCain asked:"Why do you have to increase the group's revenue?We should encourage them to develop." Obama said:"We all want tax cuts,the difference is that we want to tax cuts for whom "
13 Obama proposed a plan to rescue the economy,mainly include:in the next two years to create job opportunities for U.S.companies to provide temporary tax breaks,each company to provide a new jobs will be able to receive 3000 U.S.dollars of tax breaks ; In advance to allow American families from the pension accounts are not the total amount of extracted more than 10,000 U.S.dollars of funds; will be in trouble,but still trying to repay the loss of buyers foreclosure grace period of 90 days.McCain,14,made a series of new economic policies,including:if elected president he would ask the Ministry of Finance for all deposits for a period of six months to provide security; in the next two years,retirees from the pension accounts are not more than 50,000 U.S.funds can enjoy a low tax rate of 10%; put an end to tax subsidies for the unemployed,and so on.McCain also proposed that approval from the Congress of 700,000,000,000 U.S.dollars in financial aid programs out 300,000,000,000 U.S.dollars owed by the buyers to buy housing loans,and to help them carry out debt restructuring.
Polls show that the two previous debates,the majority of Americans believe that Obama better performance.Earlier this month,in the opinion polls from 10 to 13 launched in 1070 U.S.adults received a telephone interview.Survey,with 48 percent before the debate playing on the 45% rate of public support,Obama 53 percent to 39 percent for the latest expansion of support for McCain on the leading edge.15,the debate will be the last time the two candidates face-to-face confrontation,but also on November 4 general election before the McCain one of the few able to narrow the gap between Obama and one of the opportunities.Analysis of the U.S.media pointed out,it is necessary to offset Obama's current lead,McCain only hope Obama at the last minute to commit a fatal error,or enough to the United States to subvert the election of a major security incidents,alone or McCain In the last debate,or to play a good speech is not possible to turn the tide of basic.McCain's campaign strategists recognize that if McCain wants to win the election,it is best to narrow the gap with Obama to 3-4 percent,so there may be in deficit at the last minute.In 2000,public opinion polls,Bush has a point behind Al Gore,but in the last election was a victory


高分求一则美国大选最后辩论报道的翻译美国当地时间10月15日晚上21点(北京时间10月16日早上9点),民主党总统候选人奥巴马和共和党总统候选人麦凯恩举行最后一场电视辩论.本次辩论的主题 求美国大选辩论视频,必须带中文字幕的, 请问美国大选第三轮辩论的具体时间 第三期美国大选辩论再什么时候今年的 求美国大选辩论中关于枪支问题的英文论述 美国大选的辩论在哪能看啊?是现在正在进行的预选啊 美国2012总统大选首场辩论主持人是谁?就是在最开始讲话的那个 哪个频道会直播2012美国大选辩论, 美国大选辩论视频合集下载求清楚的视频下载,英文字幕或中英字幕.最好可以提供2004年,2008年和今年连续三年的竞选辩论视频~是连续三届的. 美国大选自由辩论具体是……就是巡回演讲后面的那个候选人有戴耳麦作弊的那个准确名字 2012年,美国大选 美国第一夫人米歇尔演讲开始说,感谢的Elaine,是谁呀 美国大选是选参议院还是众议院 英语翻译最近美国大选,两党互抛ads,到底他确切的中文翻译是什么? 美国大选第一次辩论表面上罗姆尼侃侃奇谈话语权胜过奥巴马,但实际内容空乏,较少切实际.为什么大多数美国人认为罗姆尼获胜呢.美国人是怎么想的,难道英文说的流利就能当总统吗 哪里有关于美国银行倒闭的英文报道? 全国代表大会,英语怎么说是美国大选,八九月两党各自召开的全国代表大会.不是中国的那种. 随着惊心动魄的美国大选的落幕,政治新星奥巴马终于如愿以偿地正是入主了白宫宝座 美国总统大选为什么只有1.3亿选民?美国的人口有3亿多,为什么选民只有大约40%的人.