
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 20:32:02
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There are three butterflies gardens.one is red,one is yellow,and the last is white.They're playing and dancing in the garden all day.They're very happy.
suddenly ,it rains!They fly to the red flowers and ask:“We're so cold.Can we hide under your leaves?”
the red flowers answer:“Red butterfly,please come in.The others go way!”
there butterflies say together:“We're good friends,we mast stay together.”It's raining harder.They fly to the yellow flowers and ask:“We're so cold.Can we hide under your leaves?”
the yellow flowers answer:“yellow butterfly,please come in.The others go way!”
There butterflies say together:“We're good friends,we mast stay together.”It's raining harder and harder.They fly to the white flowers and ask:“We're so cold.Can we hide under your leaves?”
the white flowers answer:“White butterfly,please come in.The others go way!”
There butterfly say together:“We're good friends,we mast stay together.”
They fly under the rain.They are cold and afraid.But they don't want to leave their friends.Just then,the sun comes out.He smiles and stops the rain.It's sunny now.The butterflies dance and play in the garden.They are happy!

响当当 乱哄哄 轰隆隆 顶呱呱 乐悠悠 乐陶陶 乐滋滋 哗啦啦 叮当当 淅沥沥 怯生生 硬生生 红彤彤 红通通 百茫茫 灰蒙蒙 绿油油 黄澄澄 白皑皑
 黑乎乎 金灿灿 血淋淋 湿漉漉 冷冰冰 热乎乎 火辣辣
 暖烘烘 香喷喷 急匆匆 慢悠悠 贼溜溜 灰溜溜 孤零零
 直愣愣 恶狠狠 傻乎乎 胖乎乎 气呼呼 ...


响当当 乱哄哄 轰隆隆 顶呱呱 乐悠悠 乐陶陶 乐滋滋 哗啦啦 叮当当 淅沥沥 怯生生 硬生生 红彤彤 红通通 百茫茫 灰蒙蒙 绿油油 黄澄澄 白皑皑
 黑乎乎 金灿灿 血淋淋 湿漉漉 冷冰冰 热乎乎 火辣辣
 暖烘烘 香喷喷 急匆匆 慢悠悠 贼溜溜 灰溜溜 孤零零
 直愣愣 恶狠狠 傻乎乎 胖乎乎 气呼呼 气鼓鼓 气冲冲
 笑眯眯 笑嘻嘻 乐呵呵 笑哈哈 顶呱呱 光秃秃 文绉绉
 闹哄哄 轻飘飘 酸溜溜 沉甸甸 干巴巴 周巴巴
 空荡荡 密麻麻 迷蒙蒙 娇滴滴 水汪汪 泪汪汪
