谁可以帮我翻译一下《one more time》 akon 唱的题目也翻译一下,要对的翻译,不要不通的解释,要意思对,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:57:08
谁可以帮我翻译一下《one more time》 akon 唱的题目也翻译一下,要对的翻译,不要不通的解释,要意思对,
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谁可以帮我翻译一下《one more time》 akon 唱的题目也翻译一下,要对的翻译,不要不通的解释,要意思对,
谁可以帮我翻译一下《one more time》 akon 唱的

谁可以帮我翻译一下《one more time》 akon 唱的题目也翻译一下,要对的翻译,不要不通的解释,要意思对,
One more time   再一次
One more time,one more time,再一次,再一次
Live it one more time,one more time.  再活一次,再一次
Why if you never see tomorrow again,  为什么你就像再也看不到明天一样
And it's the last part that you attend,这是你人生的终点
Let's live it up like it's 3010   让我们一起活到3010年吧
What if this was the end.  如果那时候就是终结
So invite all your family and friends   请邀请你的家人和朋友
Cause they should be celebrating,  因为他们要庆祝啊
Let's make the best up this time that we spend,  让我们一同庆祝吧,共度这美好的一刻
Cause if this is the end,I want you to   如果这就是终结,那么我就打算这么做
live like you don't plan to wake up,  就像我们再不会醒来那样去活一遍
Harder people put your hands high,  大家都把手举高
I know you strong and I know you're high   我知道你们都很high
Don't let you me and I don't let you,  我不会让你们,你们也不会让我
Only got one life,you know what to do   只活这一次,你们知道怎么做
So leave your sorrow and your pain,  抛开你的悲伤和痛苦
Leave your fortunate and your pain,  忘掉你的财富和痛苦
You can leave it all behind 'cause you will never see it again,  你可以抛开它,因为从此你再也不会见到它了
And you're thinking back to this day   你会想起今天
I want you to be able to say that you would gladly do it again.( gladly do it again.)   我希望你能说你很高兴如果能再来一次(开心地再来一次)
(Repeat) (重复)