other each another的区别

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 19:13:23
other each another的区别
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other each another的区别
other each another的区别

other each another的区别
other不能单独使用 后面必须加上可数名词复数.比如 other people
another用于表示三者或者三者以上的 另一个,又一个.如:another boy 多个孩子中的另外一个孩子
1.There are many trees on each side of the river.河流两岸许多树.
2.Each element has some special properties.每种元素都有些特殊性质.
1.Each has his advantages.各人都有其优点.
2.He gave each of us a tool.他给我们每人一件工具.
1.Give them two books each.(=Give each of them two books.)给他们每个人两本书.
2.The students have ten books each.(=Each of the students has ten books.)这些学生每人有十本书.
3.Different kinds of waves have each the same three characteristics:amplitude,frequency and length.不同的波(各)都有三个相同的特性:幅度、频率和波长.
1.They each put forward a proposal.他们每人提出一条建议.
2.The workers are each of them hard-working.这些工人个个勤奋劳动.
五、each other作“互相”、“彼此”
1.We help each other.我们互相帮助.
2.They speak English to each other.他们彼此讲英语.
3.We often compare notes with each other on our work and study.我们经常就工作和学习方面互相交换意见.
1.I know every member of the class.全班的人我都认识.(着重全体,即虽指每个,而概括全体.)
2.I know each member of the class.这个班每个人我都认识.(“个别”意义较重.)
3.We must correct every single error.我们必须改正所有错误.(着重全体.)
4.They each have a tool.他们每人有一件工具.(“个别”意义较重.)
5.Hydrogen and sodium each have one electron in the outer layer.Each has a combining power of one.They each have one electron to lend to anther atom.氢和钠在外层各有一个电子.它们的化合价都是1.它们各有一个电子可借给其他原子.(句中第一、三个each作同位语,第二个each为代词作主语.这三个each都是“个别”意义较重.句中第二个one是通过of引出的同位语.)

the other/ other/ others/ the others Ⅰ. another 指不定数目中的“另“每个”Ⅰ. each 和every 常可通用,后跟单数名词。但也有一些区别:1)