卢浮宫 中英文对照简介 介绍卢浮宫的

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卢浮宫 中英文对照简介 介绍卢浮宫的
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卢浮宫 中英文对照简介 介绍卢浮宫的
卢浮宫 中英文对照简介 介绍卢浮宫的

卢浮宫 中英文对照简介 介绍卢浮宫的
卢浮宫始建于1190年,当时只是菲利普·奥古斯特二世皇宫的城堡.在十字军东征时期,为了保卫北岸的巴黎地区,菲利普二世于1200年在这里修建了一座通向塞纳河的城堡,主要用于存放王室的档案和珍宝,同时也存放他的狗和战俘,当时就称为卢浮宫.查理五世时期,卢浮宫被作为皇宫,因而使它成为完全不同的一座建筑物了.在以后的350年中,随着王室贵族们越来越高的寻欢作乐的要求,他们不断增建了华丽的楼塔和别致的房间.然而在其后的整整150年间,卢浮宫却并无国王居住. 16世纪中叶,弗朗西斯一世继承王位后,便把这座宫殿拆毁了.他下令由建筑师皮尔莱斯科在原来城堡的基础上重新建筑一座宫殿.弗朗西斯还请当时著名的画家为他画肖像,他崇拜意大利派的画家,购买了当时意大利最著名的画家法埃洛的绘画.包括《蒙娜丽莎》等珍品. 弗兰西斯一世的儿子亨利二世即位后,把他父亲毁掉的部分重新建造起来.亨利喜爱法国文艺复兴时期建筑艺术的装饰,对意大利式的建筑并不感兴趣.他沿袭了父亲的嗜好,但却没有他父亲一样的审美观.
亨利四世在位期间,他花了13年的功夫建造了卢浮宫最壮观的部分――大画廊.这是一个长达300米的华丽的走廊,走廊非常长,亨利在这里栽满了树木,还养了鸟和狗,甚至在走廊中骑着马追捕狐狸. 路易十四是法国历史上著名的国王,他被称为太阳王.他登基时只有5岁,在卢浮宫做了72年的国王――法国历史上最长的时代.路易十四把卢浮宫建成了正方形的庭院,并在庭院外面修建了富丽堂皇的画廊.他购买了欧洲各派的绘画,包括卡什代、伦勃朗等人的作品.他一生迷恋艺术和建筑,致使法国的金库空虚. 路易十六在位期间,爆发了著名的1789年大革命,在卢浮宫“竞技场”院子里建立了法国革命的第一个断头台.1792年5月27日,国民议会宣布,卢浮宫将属于大众,成为公共博物馆.这种状况一直延续了6年,直到拿破仑一世搬进了卢浮宫.
拿破仑在这座建筑的外围修建了更多的房子,并增强了宫殿的两翼,还在竞技场院里修建了拱门,拱门上的第一批雕刻马群是从威尼斯的圣马可教堂上取下来的. 拿破仑以前所未有的方式装饰卢浮宫,他把欧洲其他国家所能提供的最好的艺术品搬进了卢浮宫.拿破仑不断地向外扩张,并称雄于欧洲,于是几千吨的艺术品从所有被征服的国家的殿堂、图书馆和天主教堂运到了巴黎.拿破仑将卢浮宫改名为拿破仑博物馆,巨大的长廊也布满了他掠夺来的艺术品.在卢浮宫里,拿破仑的光彩持续了12年,一直到滑铁卢战役的惨败. 对拿破仑来说,每一幅天才的作品都必须属于法国.这样的观点是德国人、意大利人、西班牙人和荷兰人所不能接受的.拿破仑失势后,他们来到卢浮宫,约有5000件艺术品物归原主.但由于法国人的外交手段及法国人的说服力,仍然有许多他掠夺的艺术品被留在了卢浮宫. 拿破仑三世是一位野心勃勃的皇帝,他是卢浮宫建造以来所遇到的投资最多的“建筑人”,5年内的建筑比所有的前辈在700年内修建的还要多.3个世纪以前想到的宏伟的设计图留给了拿破仑三世来完成,当它竣工后,卢浮宫变成了皇家庆祝活动的场所,富丽堂皇是拿破仑三世修建任何东西的特点.这样,直到拿破仑三世时,卢浮宫整个宏伟建筑群才告以完成,前后将近600年.
Le Louvre museum is located in downtown Paris Hebei shore Seine (right bank ), is the heart of Paris. The whole building was "U" shape, covers an area of 24 acres, building area of 4.8 hectares, 680 meters in length. Is the world's most famous, the greatest art treasures, is to attract worldwide attention, the palace of art and Wan palace. At the same time, Le Louvre museum is France's oldest palace.
The palace 's initial built at the beginning of the twelfth Century, from 15-18 century after 4 time renovation and expansion. Quadrangle East facade is the classical style, the most respected. The French President Mitterrand asked Chinese American architect Ieoh Ming Pei design pyramid transparent roof. The collection has been hailed as the world Sambo" Venus" statue," Monalisa" painting" and" stone statue of goddess of victory. The display area of 55000 square meters, holding 25000 pieces.
Tortuous history
Le Louvre museum is a very complicated history, and this is the history of France and Paris and intricate intertwined. People here is of course to be known to all the world to see the art treasures, but also want to see Le Louvre Museum of the building itself, because it is a great work of art, but also France, near thousands of years history. Once there lived a king and queen of France in 50, and there are many famous artists living here, some of them here to die in one's bed, some were murdered, die an untimely on Le Louvre Museum, the blood.
Le Louvre museum was built in 1190, was Philip Auguste II Palace castle. In the Crusader period, in order to defend the north shore region of Paris, Philip II in 1200 built here a castle to Seine River, mainly used for storage of the royal archives and treasures, but also for his dog and prisoners of war, then known as the Le Louvre museum. Charlie V war, Le Louvre museum were as the palace, so that it became quite a different building. Over the next 350 years, along with the royal nobles increasingly high pursue pleasure requirement, they continue to build magnificent towers and chic room. However in the following 150 years, but no king lived in Le Louvre museum. The middle of the sixteenth Century, Francis I ascended the throne, the palace is demolished. He ordered by architect Pierre Lescot in the original Castle anew on the basis of building a palace. Francis also requested the then famous painter for his portrait, he adored Italy artist, had bought Italy 's most famous painter painting method of halloysite. Include" Monalisa" and other treasures. Francis I's son Henry II ascended the throne after his father, to destroy part to build up. Henry likes French Renaissance architecture decoration, on Italy architecture was not interested. He inherited his father 's hobby, but without his father 's aesthetic view.
During the reign of Henry IV, he spent 13 years to build the Le Louvre museum some of the most spectacular -- the great gallery. This is a 300 meters long gorgeous corridor, corridor is very long, here Henry planted trees, also raise birds and dogs, even in the corridors of riding a horse chased the fox. Louis Xiv is famous in the history of the kings of France, he was known as the sun king. He was only 5 years old when, do in Le Louvre Museum 72 years king -- the longest period in French history. Louis Xiv put the Louvre Gong Jiancheng Square Garden, and in the yard outside built a magnificent gallery. He bought the European schools of painting, including cash generation, Rembrandt and other works. His fascination with the art and architecture, the French Treasury empty. During the reign of Louis the sixteen, broke the famous 1789 revolution, Le Louvre Museum in the" arena" yard establishment of the French Revolution's first guillotine. In May 27, 1792, the National Congress announced, Le Louvre museum will belong to the public, has become a public museum. This situation has lasted 6 years, until Napoleon I moved into Le Louvre museum.
Napoleon the building perimeter built more houses, and enhances the palace 's wings, still competitive yard built arches, arch first carved horses from Venice's St. Mark's Church removed. Napoleon unprecedented manner decoration Le Louvre Museum, he put the other European countries can offer the best works of art into the Le Louvre museum. Napoleon is constantly expanding outward, and roost in Europe, so thousands of tons of works of art from all the conquered country hall, library and church shipped to Paris. Napoleon will be renamed the Napoleon Museum of Le Louvre Museum, great promenade also was full of his stolen works of art. In Le Louvre Museum, Napoleon luster lasted 12 years, until the battle of Waterloo waterloo. For Napoleon, every piece of work of genius must belong to the french. Such a view is German, Italian, Spanish and Dutch are not acceptable. After Napoleon fell, they came to Le Louvre Museum, about 5000 pieces of art to its origin owner. But as a result of French diplomacy and the French force, there are still many he looted art in Le Louvre museum. Napoleon III is a be overweeningly ambitious emperor, he was Le Louvre museum built have the largest investment" building", in 5 years building than all of its predecessors in 700 years to build more. The 3 century thought of grand design to Napoleon III to complete, when it is completed, Le Louvre Museum became a royal celebration activities, the magnificent Napoleon III built anything characteristics. In this way, until Napoleon III, Le Louvre Museum of the magnificent buildings to to complete, after nearly 600 years.
The museum occupies statistic, at present total of Le Louvre Museum Palace collection of about 400000 pieces from the world of art treasures. The Frenchman will these art treasures according to its source and types respectively in the six exhibition hall exhibits, namely the Museum of Oriental Art, ancient Greece and Rome Museum of art, the art of ancient Egypt Gallery, museum treasures, paintings and sculpture gallery. Which painting museum exhibits the most, the largest area. Le Louvre Museum area has 198 exhibition halls, the largest of 205 meters. Obviously, a day for two days did not appreciate all of the rarities. Therefore, if you want to visit Le Louvre Museum, must formulate a plan, look six exhibition hall, do not rush to glance over things hurriedly. If time is abundant, can be carefully taste; if time is tight, can choose to have representative art exhibits Watch