英语翻译自由职业者有两种,一种是在家工作,而另外一种是租个办公室办公.这两种方式各有优缺点在家工作的好处:1 工作环境由我掌控在家办公,工作环境可以完全由你布置,你可以根据自己

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 13:44:03
英语翻译自由职业者有两种,一种是在家工作,而另外一种是租个办公室办公.这两种方式各有优缺点在家工作的好处:1 工作环境由我掌控在家办公,工作环境可以完全由你布置,你可以根据自己
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英语翻译自由职业者有两种,一种是在家工作,而另外一种是租个办公室办公.这两种方式各有优缺点在家工作的好处:1 工作环境由我掌控在家办公,工作环境可以完全由你布置,你可以根据自己
1 工作环境由我掌控
2 没有了上班路上的时间
3 成本降低了
1 吵闹
2 有人来串门
3 家人的打扰
4 拖延(懒惰)

英语翻译自由职业者有两种,一种是在家工作,而另外一种是租个办公室办公.这两种方式各有优缺点在家工作的好处:1 工作环境由我掌控在家办公,工作环境可以完全由你布置,你可以根据自己
Freelancer has two kinds,one kind is working at home,and another is to hire a office.The two methods has its advantages and disadvantages
Working from home advantage:
1 working environment controlled by me
In the home work,working environment,can decorate completely by you,you can put the be fond of according to oneself to the office facilities.
2 no way to work time
Don't waste time at home means to office,just finished the work,you can immediately and family together.
3 cost reduced
The biggest advantage of working from home is one of the low cost.If you work at home,various fees will be minimized.
Working at home:
1 noisy
Generally speaking,if you work at home,vulnerable to noise interference,affect the work efficiency.
Two people to visit
At home,you will meet regularly to drop,will interrupt,affect your work.
Three of the family
If you work at home,your lover,children or parent will also affect you.
Procrastination (4)
Telecommuting is easy to let a person become lazy,because you may be very easy to waste time on television.
Outside the office work
1 clean.Don't you vulnerable to noise.
2.No one comes to the door,you can quite high working efficiency.
3 no family obtrude on,you can concentrate on my work.
4 actively,efforts.Watch films in the office,you would think it is a waste of time.
1 you can't grasp working environment
2 you easy to waste time on the way to work.
3 high cost
Personal point of view is that in the office work outside and make you more efficiently

Freelancers there are two types of work at home, while the other is to rent an office with. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages
The benefits of working at home:
A work...


Freelancers there are two types of work at home, while the other is to rent an office with. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages
The benefits of working at home:
A work environment that I control
Home office, work environment can be completely furnished by you, you can use them according to their preferences office facilities.
2, no time on the way to work
Do not waste time at home means that the way in to the office, as long as the finished work, you can immediately and family.
3, lower costs
One of the biggest benefits of working from home is low cost. If you work from home, all costs will be minimized.
Lack of work at home:
A noisy
Generally, if you work from home, are vulnerable to noise interference, affect the efficiency.
2 people drop in when
Home office, you will often encounter people who drop in when it will break, affecting your work.
3 family disturbance
If you work from home, your spouse, children or parents will affect you.
4 delayed (lazy)
Home office it is easy to become lazy, because you can easily be able to waste time on film and television drama above.
Outside of the office
1. Clean. You do not susceptible to noise interference.
2. No one comes to stopping by, you can pricey efficiency.
3. No family of your hospitality, you can concentrate on work.
4. Positive efforts. Watch movies and television in the office, you will find this a waste of time.
1. You can not control the work environment
2. You can easily waste time on the way to work.
3. Its costs
Personal view is that outside of the office will give you the hard work and efficiency.


Estas du freelancers, laboro hejme, dum la alia estas por lui la oficejo. Ambaŭ metodoj havas siajn avantaĝojn kaj malavantaĝojn
de la profitoj de laborante de domo:


Estas du freelancers, laboro hejme, dum la alia estas por lui la oficejo. Ambaŭ metodoj havas siajn avantaĝojn kaj malavantaĝojn
de la profitoj de laborante de domo:
funkciantan medio kontrolo per mia
hejmo oficejo, la laboro medio povas esti plene meblita per vi, via oficejo instaladoj metitaj laux iliaj preferoj.
2 neniel labori
hejme, la oficejo signifas ke la vojo al la oficejo, dum la laboro estas finita, vi povas tuj kaj mia familio ne devas malŝpari tempon.
3 redukti la koston de
unu el la plej grandaj profitoj de laborante de hejmo estas la malalta kosto. Se vi laboras de domo, la diversaj kostoj al minimumo.
Manko de laboro hejme:
Ĝenerale, se vi laboras hejme, impresebla al bruo enmiksiĝo, tuŝante laboro efikeco.
Iu halti per
la hejmo oficejo, vi ofte renkontas homojn halti por, ĉi estos interrompita, la trafo de via laboro.
3 familio perturbas
se vi laboras de domo, via edzino, infanoj aŭ gepatroj tuŝos vin.
4 malfruoj (mallaborema)
hejmo oficejo estas tre facila por igi pigra, ĉar vi supozeble povos kuri perdi tempon sur la TV dramo.
en la antaŭĉambro laboro :
1. purigi. Vi ne facile tuŝita de bruo.
2 al halti, vi povas pricey efikeco.
Familio Dankon pro via gastamo, kaj vi povos koncentriĝi sur la laboro.
4 pozitivaj klopodoj. Watching filmoj kaj televido en la oficejo, vi sentos ĉi estas perdo de tempo.
1 vi ne povas kompreni la verkon medio
. facila perdi tempon survoje al la laboro.
La alta kosto
persona opinio estas ke, ekster la oficejo laboro faros vin labori pli kaj efika.


英语翻译自由职业者有两种,一种是在家工作,而另外一种是租个办公室办公.这两种方式各有优缺点在家工作的好处:1 工作环境由我掌控在家办公,工作环境可以完全由你布置,你可以根据自己 有没有一种工作是帮人翻译英文(主要是在家做的)? 英语翻译随着社会分工的不断明细化和多样化,人们的工作也不断跟随潮流而转变成多种方式.而SOHO也是一种转变出来的工作方式,SOHO是英文Small office Home office的缩写,起源于美国,泛指在家办公 自由职业者是用SELF-EMPLOYED还是FREELANCER好做兼职家庭教师算不算一种freelancer,那算不酸SELF-EMPLOYED如果一直给不同的雇主做,那算不算FREELANCER? 我爱我们的中国,更爱在家的妻子,你是和你爱人在一起工作吗?我真诚祝你们在异国幸福.英语翻译谢 翻译家是一种工作吗? 帮忙用英语翻译一下这句话:没有工作,整天在家看电视真没意思. 现阶段我国知识分子是?A,工人阶级的一部分 B自由职业者 C中产阶级 D小资产阶级 英语翻译是一种工作的名称,象nurse,health care assistant, 英语翻译我工作比较闲,同时爱好英语,成绩也很好,想在家做些英语笔译的工作. 在家工作,上班 英语怎么说 自由职业者 用英语怎么说 我在家怎样用英语翻译? 他不待在家.英语翻译 爸妈都在家休息,妈妈连续工作6天休息1天,爸爸连续工作5天休息1天,下次爸妈都在家休息应是星期几 星期五爸妈都在家休息,妈妈连续工作6天休息1天,爸爸连续工作5天休息1天,下次爸妈都在家休息应是星期 英语翻译快乐是一种. 用英文回答-15分钟之内确定最佳答案:t是说愿意在办公室工作还是在家工作,为什么?