stand a ghost of a I know you want to get this order,but I can tell you right now that you won’t stand a ghost of a show if you take more than five minutes of George Eastman’s time.在文档的文本搜索框搜索,可搜索到相关文本.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 17:14:00
stand a ghost of a I know you want to get this order,but I can tell you right now that you won’t stand a ghost of a show if you take more than five minutes of George Eastman’s time.在文档的文本搜索框搜索,可搜索到相关文本.
xQOPǿ{O{#->F*5:.stCAq.s'N-s >iYҤϿs΍̙\0ə@+k읱T3nFDdFꍖRW9^:RL% ΂:PyTlΦL0ʸe#:[HcR__jF*ɗd<@?mc\V3APRMϰ(FٰՋt3F!ߌ`ve.o]E6:9ZNnՑ,esEo+}/٧nLЉ{)N*|ހҮvsqG;ڤ*U,ץےzA.d>&q'=a_lٗ20`Z-'nLP2"'`eDoq4t {ޏ஛̐[ 

stand a ghost of a I know you want to get this order,but I can tell you right now that you won’t stand a ghost of a show if you take more than five minutes of George Eastman’s time.在文档的文本搜索框搜索,可搜索到相关文本.
stand a ghost of a
I know you want to get this order,but I can tell you right now that you won’t stand a ghost of a show if you take more than five minutes of George Eastman’s time.

stand a ghost of a I know you want to get this order,but I can tell you right now that you won’t stand a ghost of a show if you take more than five minutes of George Eastman’s time.在文档的文本搜索框搜索,可搜索到相关文本.
stand a ghost of a show,原意:如同鬼站在那表演,延伸:虚无缥缈
此处的George Eastman是柯达照相的创始人,意为拍照的意思,以前人们拍照为了成形影像,必须在照相机前站5分钟以上时间才行.很多人坚持不住呀~!


