"allow from"这个短语的用法

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:10:27
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"allow from"这个短语的用法
"allow from"这个短语的用法

"allow from"这个短语的用法
allow sb.from sth./doing sth.某事物向某人开放、允许某人做什么事

所以allow 和 from 分开讨论即可

Who will pay for your round trip or onward tickets to allow you to depart from the USA at the end of your temporary visit?: 谁将支付你往返机票费用,或你短期访美结束时,谁将支付你离美机票费用
栏目索引与简介 ...
When do you inten...


Who will pay for your round trip or onward tickets to allow you to depart from the USA at the end of your temporary visit?: 谁将支付你往返机票费用,或你短期访美结束时,谁将支付你离美机票费用
栏目索引与简介 ...
When do you intend to depart for your stay in the USA? (计划何时出发赴美) ___________
Who will pay for your round trip or onward tickets to allow you to depart from the USA at the end of your temporary visit? (谁将支付你往返机票费用,或你短期访美结束时,谁将支付你离美机票费用) ____________________________
Is your spouse now in the USA? (你的配偶现在在美国吗) Yes □ No □ ...
ggyy.nankai.edu.cn/english/wsjs/gzgz/gzgzjc/gz ... - 搜索相关网页 - 基于3个网页
Support for many common recurrence patterns allow you to define recurring events directly from your Smartphone: 支持许多共同的模式让你来界定同类事件发生,直接从你智能
In the agreement, Antonio made a promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of his fresh from whatever part of his body if he did not pay the money back.: 在借约中安东尼奥做了承诺
Who will pay for your round trip or onward tickets to allow you to depart from the USA at the end of your temporary visit?: 谁将支付你往返机票费用,或你短期访美结束时,谁将支付你离美机票费用
Who will pay for your round trip or onward tickets to allow you to depart from the USA at the end of your temporary visit?: 谁将支付你往返机票费用,或你短期访美结束时,谁将支付你离美机票费用
栏目索引与简介 ...
When do you intend to depart for your stay in the USA? (计划何时出发赴美) ___________
Who will pay for your round trip or onward tickets to allow you to depart from the USA at the end of your temporary visit? (谁将支付你往返机票费用,或你短期访美结束时,谁将支付你离美机票费用) ____________________________
Is your spouse now in the USA? (你的配偶现在在美国吗) Yes □ No □ ...
ggyy.nankai.edu.cn/english/wsjs/gzgz/gzgzjc/gz ... - 搜索相关网页 - 基于3个网页
Support for many common recurrence patterns allow you to define recurring events directly from your Smartphone: 支持许多共同的模式让你来界定同类事件发生,直接从你智能
Support for many common recurrence patterns allow you to define recurring events directly from your Smartphone: 支持许多共同的模式让你来界定同类事件发生,直接从你智能
SBSH.Mobile.Software.SBSH... ...
The subject, location, and note input fields support full screen control for easier input and reading with large texts主体、地点、说明等领域投入支持全屏控制和易于阅读大量文本输入
Support for many common recurrence patterns allow you to define recurring events directly from your Smartphone支持许多共同的模式让你来界定同类事件发生,直接从你智能
More flexibility in setting reminder times, ability to insert custom reminders, and customize of reminder default values within the settings makes Papyrus the most user-configurable Smartphone PIM available发布时间设定更灵活、能力催插入风俗、发布时间松紧的缺省值的设置,使纸莎草纸最方便的PIM可配置智能 ...
www.3g365.com/thread-265031-1-1.html - 搜索相关网页 - 基于1个网页
In the agreement, Antonio made a promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of his fresh from whatever part of his body if he did not pay the money back.: 在借约中安东尼奥做了承诺
In the agreement, Antonio made a promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of his fresh from whatever part of his body if he did not pay the money back.: 在借约中安东尼奥做了承诺
陈老师课堂点拨高三41-42 ...
However, Shylock agreed to lend Antonio the money on one condition. 然而,夏洛克还是同意借钱给安东尼奥,但有一个条件。on one condition 在一个条件下;on this / that / no / what condition 在这种 / 那种 / 没有 / 什么情形下;e.g. You must on no condition tell her what has happened. 你无论在什么情况下都不可以告诉她所发生的事。 On what condition will you agree? 你要什么条件才同意?on condition that 只有在……的条件下;e.g. You may use my bike on condition that you return it tomorrow. 你可以用我的自行车,条件是明天必须归还。 I told it to him on condition that he should keep it secret. 我把那件事告诉了他,条件是他要保密。make it a condition that 以……为条件;e.g. Her parents allowed her to go there, but made it a condition that she should get home before midnight. 她的父母准许她去,但有一个条件,那就是她要在午夜之前回到家中。
In the agreement, Antonio made a promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of his fresh from whatever part of his body if he did not pay the money back. 在借约中安东尼奥做了承诺:如果他在三个月后还还不了钱,就允许夏洛克在他身体的任何部位割下一磅肉。make a promise 做出允诺; give a promise 提出诺言; carry out / keep a promise 履行诺言; break a promise 违背诺言; e.g. If you make a promise, you should keep it; you ought not to break it. 如果你作出了承诺,你就应该遵守,而不应该食言。 promise vt. 允诺;答应;有……希望;预示;e.g. He promised to help us in the work. 他答应帮助我们进行这项工作。The dark clouds promise a heavy rain. 天有可能下大雨。**** 下面的四个句子都表示 “我答应一定听从他的吩咐.” I made a promise to obey his commands. = I made a promise that I should obey his commands. = I promised to obey his commands. = I promised that I should obey his commands. n. 有指望/出息/前途;a youth of great promise 一个前途无量的青年;The sky gives promises of fine weather. 天有望放晴。She shows promise as a singer. 她有望成为一名歌唱家。2). flesh 人或动物身上的肉;meat 供食用的肉的总称;Lions are flesh-eating animals. 狮子是食肉动物。flesh and blood 血肉之躯;one’s own flesh and blood 亲骨肉;
Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock. 夏洛克, 宽恕安东尼奥吧。have mercy on sb. 宽恕/怜悯某人;e.g. The Chinese people had mercy on the Japanese war prisoners. 中国人民宽恕了那些日军战俘。They had no mercy on their prisoners. 他们对俘虏毫不宽恕。 ...
www.taishanchuanshuo.com/Education/JiaoAn/Ying ... - 搜索相关网页 - 基于4个网页

1. Letting go is not to enable;but to allow learning from natural consequences.
2. To let go is not to enable, but to allow learning from natural consequences.
3. Sufficient slack in wire to allow relocation from unavoidable lands during component "replacement"or test.
