All the arrangements should be completed (priority) prior to your departure.All the arrangements should be completed prior to your departure.prior prior 请问为什么要形容词prior ,它修饰什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:02:50
All the arrangements should be completed (priority) prior to your departure.All the arrangements should be completed prior to your departure.prior prior 请问为什么要形容词prior ,它修饰什么?
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All the arrangements should be completed (priority) prior to your departure.All the arrangements should be completed prior to your departure.prior prior 请问为什么要形容词prior ,它修饰什么?
All the arrangements should be completed (priority) prior to your departure.
All the arrangements should be completed prior to your departure.
prior prior 请问为什么要形容词prior ,它修饰什么?

All the arrangements should be completed (priority) prior to your departure.All the arrangements should be completed prior to your departure.prior prior 请问为什么要形容词prior ,它修饰什么?
[用作前置定语]在前的, 更早的; 优先的
[与to连用]在...之前, 比...优先
have a prior engagement
prior claims
This task is prior to all others.
A prior engagement will preclude me from coming.
I have a prior engagement and so can't go with you.
The contract will be signed prior to the ceremony.
This task is prior to all others.
I stopped playing football because my work had a prior claim on my time.
小修道院院长(女性= prioress)
优先的, 在前的

这个单词是比较经典的单词,我原来在很多地方都遇到过这个词所以让我们交流一下,这句话的意思是“在你离开之前,你应该做好所有的安排.”这句话中的prior你问它是用来修饰什么的,不要后面这句补语,其实这句话还是完整的 ( prior to your departure)其实这整句话就是一个时间状语,不要这句话,这句话也是完整的,prior在这里是一个特殊的用法,形容词做补语,但是我们现在在大学见的这种情况还是挺多的,就比如说这一句用法就是一样的:
The contract will be signed prior to the ceremony.
prior to your departure做的是时间状语.,其实英语有时候你在见到意见新的东西的时候往往有些看不过来,就像语言是随着人们的生活前进的,当你见多了就见怪不怪了,那么我们就一不变应万变,语法,还有就是积累量就是最主要的,这些都是很有必要的,如果特殊的就记住.这是一个很好的方法,我希望我给你的解释有帮助.还有就是你要多多的积累词汇量,这样在高考的时候才会取得好成绩,或者是在中考的时候才会取得好成绩,或者是你在大学的时候才会能轻松的过四六级.好了拜拜希望对你有所帮助.

prior to是固定短语,相当于before

prior 是之前的意思
是连接两件事情的先后次序 先做 arrangements to be completed, 后 是 departure
priority 是优先、先处理 意思

prior to... 是个惯用法: 在...之前, prior to your departure 在你离开之前。

How many different arrangements can you make of all the seven letters in the word COMBINE All the arrangements should be completed (priority) prior to your departure.All the arrangements should be completed prior to your departure.prior prior 请问为什么要形容词prior ,它修饰什么? All the arrangements should be completed ________ your departure.A) prior toB) superior toC) contrary toD) parallel to 【2】The arrangements for ______ concert next saturday are all in _____place.A.the ; a B.the ; /C.a ; /D.a ; the翻译并且分析. 6、 Erica ( ) made all the necessary arrangements to make sure nothing would go wrong.A:careful B:carelessly C:carefully D:caution the arrangements will be spoken only once. 什么意思8 英语翻译11.3 Entire Agreement The term and conditions herein contained constitute the entire agreement between the parties and shall supersede all previous communications,negotiations,agreements,arrangements and promises either oral or written be 英语翻译I.The Scope of Trade LawTrade law sets the legal framework for cross-border commercial transactions.Trade lawtakes shape in global,regional and subregional arrangements among governments.At thesame time,all countries maintain domestic law 英语翻译in spite of numerous efforts,we are unable to teace all copyrighe holders,we shoula like to apologise for the infringement of copyright so caused and will be happy to make appropriate arrangements at the first oppropriate. 英语翻译In soite of numerous efforts,we have been unable to trace all copyrighe holders .we should like to apologise for the infringement of copyright so caused and will be happy to mke appropriate arrangements at the first opportunity 英语翻译DELIVERY AND STORAGEAll materials and equipment received on site shall be stored safely and securely having regard for protection against dust,dirt and dampness.The Contractor shall be responsible for making all arrangements with other co 谁能帮我翻译一下 谢谢了!追加50分 决不食言!Virtually all private-sector employers offer nonpension benefit arrangements to their employees. Many, if not most, of these fringe benefits are welfare benefit plans subject to the Employee Serene was ______ the one to make the arrangements for another meeting.填空, 请帮忙翻译一下合同里面的一个长句11.2. All disputes and questions whatsoever which shall either during the continuance of the arrangements of or afterwards arise between the parties hereto or between any party hereto and the legal repr 帮我写一篇英语通知,Writing a noticeMr.white is going to visit ABC company.the CEO of ABC company,John black,asks all the managers to attend a meeting to discuss the reception arrangements.please write a notice about the reception arrangement 翻译:“i've agreed to help with arrangements for the party .” determine the number of arrangements in:finishing order of 5 runners in a race SAT数学题,有关概率A, B, C, D ,E , F, Ga list consists of all possible three-letter arrangements formed by using the letters above such that the first letter is D and one of the remaining letters is A. if no letter is used more than once in an