a man is by nature a political animal.I find that after80 are apolitical,they never proposesome political constructive suggestion and finallybecome yesmen and a group of uninspiring youth unlikeour generation who are rebellious against statu quo.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 18:46:34
a man is by nature a political animal.I find that after80 are apolitical,they never proposesome political constructive suggestion and finallybecome yesmen and a group of uninspiring youth unlikeour generation who are rebellious against statu quo.
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a man is by nature a political animal.I find that after80 are apolitical,they never proposesome political constructive suggestion and finallybecome yesmen and a group of uninspiring youth unlikeour generation who are rebellious against statu quo.
a man is by nature a political animal.
I find that after80 are apolitical,they never propose
some political constructive suggestion and finally
become yesmen and a group of uninspiring youth unlike
our generation who are rebellious against statu quo.

a man is by nature a political animal.I find that after80 are apolitical,they never proposesome political constructive suggestion and finallybecome yesmen and a group of uninspiring youth unlikeour generation who are rebellious against statu quo.
a man is by nature a political animal.
I find that after80 are apolitical,
they never propose some political constructive suggestion and finally become yesmen and a group of uninspiring youth unlike our generation who are rebellious against statu quo.

楼上翻译地真不错 EXCELLENT 哦!但必须去掉那个"男",更好
我只来加上一点历史风味吖,political animal 来由古希腊的 "zoon politikon" ζῳον πολιτικόν

英语翻译A NOBLER want of man is served by nature ,namely,the love of Beauty . Is a nature park? 5.How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring auter space!----It's a challenge ,I guess ,()man against nature.A.of B.for C.by D.about 请帮忙翻译a good nature man, Man upper body is a quality, lower body is nature.谁能帮我翻译? 为什么选 A ,D .about 表关于什么什么的 不也合情合理 --How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space!--It’s a challenge,I guess,man against nature.A.of B.for C.by D.abou a man is by nature a political animal.I find that after80 are apolitical,they never proposesome political constructive suggestion and finallybecome yesmen and a group of uninspiring youth unlikeour generation who are rebellious against statu quo. It's a challenge of man against nature句子解析man against nature句中做什么成分, 29.____ believes that man’s fate is predeterminedly tragic,driven by a combined force of “nature”,both inside and outside.A.Charles DickensB.Thomas HardyC.Bernard ShawD.George Eliot A brother is friend given by nature?哪位 能帮我翻译下~~ 2、I am by nature soft as silk,By nature too as white as milk;I am a constant friend to man,And serve him every way I can,When dipped in wax or plunged in oilI make his winter evenings smiles3、Like grass it is green,but it is not grass;Like blood 谁知道a man is known by his friend的意思? A man is known by the company he keeps. 英语翻译A man is known by the company he keeps. Long ,long ago ,man could only eat what was available to them______.A.in natureB.in the natureC.by natureD.by the nature My destiny is determined by God but not myself man can conquer nature 一个英语句子成分分析 英语高手请进man is free in proportion as his surroundings have a determinate nature. A bird is known by its note,and a man by his talk 翻译哦