
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 07:33:49
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Dear friends, I'm so glad to meet you in the train. It is a wonderful trip for me !How about your trip to Chengdu? I guess it couldn't be bad ,yes? You can keep me in touch If you will come here next time. I can be your guide .Hope you enjoy the days when you spend in China.I attached our photos in this e-mail ,and i hope you will like it !It is my pleasure to help you if you don't know something about China.

Very glad to meet you in the train, for me it's a wonderful through Chengdu, your trip? I guess it is also good, if have the opportunity again * * play, must contact me, I can give you a tour guide, I...


Very glad to meet you in the train, for me it's a wonderful through Chengdu, your trip? I guess it is also good, if have the opportunity again * * play, must contact me, I can give you a tour guide, I hope you can spend happy days in China, our group photo I have attached to this email it, hope you can like it, later will have any questions about Chinese don't understand you can ask me, I will be happy to answer your questions.


Very glad to meet you on the train,For me it was a wonderful journey,What about you of the chengdu trip?
I guess it is also good,
if I have the chance to play, be sure to contact me,
I ...


Very glad to meet you on the train,For me it was a wonderful journey,What about you of the chengdu trip?
I guess it is also good,
if I have the chance to play, be sure to contact me,
I can give you a tour guide,
I hope you have a great day in China 。
our group photo I have attached to this email it,
I hope you like it, later will have any questions about Chinese don't know can ask me,I'll be glad to answer for you.


英语翻译很高兴能在火车上认识你,对于我那是一段奇妙的经过,你的成都之行怎么样?我猜还不错吧,如果以后有机会再来**玩,一定要联系我哈,我可以给你做导游,希望你能在中国度过愉快的日 英语翻译很高兴能在此看到你,我们能互相认识了解一下吗? 我很高兴认识你 我很高兴能认识你.英语怎么说?认识不是很久,在相互道别的情况下说. 英语翻译(火车上乘客的对话)先生,请问怎么称呼.我叫Tom.Tom先生很高兴认识你,我叫Peter,是XX大学的大学生,请问您是做什么工作的呢?我是重庆人,工作是为公司做礼品业务.那您的工作很忙吧 英语翻译朋友:我不怎么懂西班牙语,还是发电子邮件联系吧.不过真的很高兴能认识你. 英语翻译很高兴在以后的日子里能和你一起教孩子们~我的英语口语不好~当然我的汉语比英语强的多,开玩笑~很高兴认识你,如果你平时有需要我帮助的地方,我会很高兴的帮助你 认识你很高兴 英语翻译很高兴能收到你的EMAIL,也很高兴能认识你.请问你现在工作及居住在哪个城市?你是从事什么工作的?我的英语很一般,我正在学习中.你懂中文吗?如果我用中文写信,你能看懂吗?真诚等 英语翻译 听说你在那过得很开心,我也很高兴 很高兴认识你,我也很高兴认识你的英文怎么说 英语翻译我本来就很漂亮了,呵呵!认识你我也很高兴`有空经常来帮我踩踩!婷婷在这也祝你新年快乐` 用英语翻译“很高兴认识你,我的家乡很美希望您能来参观 英语翻译亲爱的先生,很高兴认识你,我是Elaine的朋友.现在我在上海外国语大学学习,得知你十一月要来中国,我很高兴也很期待.我希望你届时能提前告之行程安排,我们会到上海机场接你,然后 英语翻译来到我空间就是客,认识你我也很高兴 .以后欢迎常来转转,多给点建议.婷婷在这也祝你新年快乐!` 我很高兴能认识你这样的朋友用英语怎么说 英语翻译请帮我翻译成德语!很高兴认识你,在微博上关注我吧.可以用中文交流吗?我刚学德语不久. 认识你很高兴希望能认识,多多指教,我现在面临选择,希望能认识,多多指教,我现在面临选择,