
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 05:10:52
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Character profile
Baker,jiangsu province taicang.In 1956 to join the Chinese communist party.Successive foreign trade,deputy director of the institute of international trade,deputy director of foreign economic relations and trade international trade institute associate researcher,vice director,manager,China association of international trade,China international financial academic society vice-chairman,China's foreign society and China world economic association,China council for the promotion of international trade committee.Engaged in economy and Chinese foreign trade of research.
Major works
Tony has "Chinese foreign trade development policy and development prospect","Chinese imports structure","the current grim world trade situation and the prospect of development" and so on paper.
Edit this paragraph clinics in TCM workers
Male,born March 1952,hengshui,hebei province.ZhaoJuanZhen XuGuZhuang village clinics in hengshui doctors.The father was born in TCM family,who,due to study hard,eosinophilic sex study classical and modern medical qibei yellow proven case writing all every xue tong deeply so far.Solid mastery of the TCM syndrome differentiation rule,lay a theoretical guidance practice good foundation,18 with traditional Chinese medicine therapy and common disease,frequently-occurring disease 20s and become a local xiao reputable surgeons.76 years to 82 years adjustable township hospital,more than six years time,pasing TCM doctor for further study,at the same time,many titles like home steal the length of western medicine,combining advanced modern inspection diagnosis discipline,clinical use a needle combines western medicine with vision of comprehensive therapy,play with bian certificate must,legislative stringent and prescription drug use spirit specialty,near-far miles wingceltis cure typhoid stubborn discretion hot difficult-and-rare-case,and courage small son incurable diseases,especially for cardio-cerebrovascular disease have the original diagnosis methods:has repeatedly collaborative superior hospital consultation well received."With often treated patients,almost no one xie3 sequelae.Clinical nearly 30 years not rescue saved lots of heavy european-standard patient's life,accumulated rich experience,by the respect and love of people,93 years was appraised as an excellent national rural doctors.



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