英语好的进,关于near beside这两个词有哪些区别,所有的区别,希望细说,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 14:48:43
英语好的进,关于near beside这两个词有哪些区别,所有的区别,希望细说,
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英语好的进,关于near beside这两个词有哪些区别,所有的区别,希望细说,
英语好的进,关于near beside

英语好的进,关于near beside这两个词有哪些区别,所有的区别,希望细说,
1.near作形容词.(1)表示"邻近的,接近的".如:a near translation接近原文的翻译.(2)也可以表示"亲密的,近亲的".如:He is my near friend.他是我最好的朋友.
2.near可以用作介词.意为:"在.附近"或"接近,近"如:There's a bakery near our house.在我家附近有一个面包店.It is near dinner time.快到吃饭的时间了.
Besides,there are very few skilled stone workers left after the war years.=Also,there are very few skilled stone workers that are left after the war years.此外,战争年代过后,技术熟练的石匠以所剩无几.
例如:it’s too late to go to the concert.Besides,it’s raining.I don’t want to go out now.besides,I’m feeling tired.The task is difficult; besides,time is limited.Besides还可以用作介词,意思是“除…之外”,“还有…”
例如,There are five other room besides these two.Besides the violin,Jack also plays the piano.To learn English,listening is also important besides reading.
不要把besides同beside是介词,作“在……旁边”(next to)解,例如:He is sitting beside the driver.He lives in a town beside a lake.
by,beside,near和next to
1) by和beside均表示“在……旁边”,常可换用
例:There is a chair by the table.桌子边上有一把椅子.
She stood by the window.她站在窗边.
The hotel is beside (/by) the river.那家饭店在河边.
Come and sit beside (/by) me.过来,坐在我边上.
Put your shoes beside mine.把你的鞋子放在我的鞋子旁边.
2) near表示“在……附近”,表示的距离比by和beside稍远些,也时常换用
例:There is a theatre near his home.他家附近有一家剧院.
Don't play near the road.不要在马路附近玩.
There is a post office near No.1 Middle School.第一中学附近有一所邮局.