most of 后加可数名词单数可以吗

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 13:03:41
most of 后加可数名词单数可以吗
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most of 后加可数名词单数可以吗
most of 后加可数名词单数可以吗

most of 后加可数名词单数可以吗
most of 通常用来直接修饰可数名词复数,若要修饰可数名词单数,应使用“most of+限定词+单数可数名词”的形式.如:
Narrative makes up most of the book. 记叙文占书的大部分.
You’ve got most of the bed as usual. 你跟往常一样占了大半张床.
The hen sits for most of the day. 这只母鸡整天大部分时间都在抱窝.
It was wet and windy for most of the week. 一周大半时间都是又下雨又刮风.