a witness of和a witness to有什么区别

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 11:43:14
a witness of和a witness to有什么区别
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a witness of和a witness to有什么区别
a witness of和a witness to有什么区别

a witness of和a witness to有什么区别
用法也基本相同.唯一的区别是 of后面必须跟名词形式 而 to后面除了名词形式,还可以跟动词原形
Sheikh Amer was the only person who came forward as a witness to confirm the government account of the bombing.(来源:WSJ:Nine Libyans Killed in NATO Attack Are Buried)
= Sheikh Amer was the only person who came forward as a witness of confirming the government account of the bombing.

a witness of和a witness to有什么区别 witness a battle是什么意思 an eye-witness a traffic accidentwhat`s mean?especially account of an eye-witness account of a traffic accident怎么翻译 account of 这个词在 an eye witness account of a traffic accident 中的意思是什么? witness 后面加to 和 of有什么区别比如witness of the accident 和witness to the quarrel 求翻译,knowing that one of the witness lied puts a different complexion on the case a witness of the accidentTHE 在里面是起什么作用,请举例说明, the witness was asked to give a ____(describe) of the suspect can i get a witness qba 歌词 我们想在结婚戒指上刻字,大概意思是“见证A和B的爱情”,翻译成英文应该怎么翻比较恰当呐?我们查了下字典,如果翻译成“Witness of A & B's Love”这样好么?语法方面,还有就是用“Witness”恰当 The Witness Of Love Witness Of Death 歌词 The war was started to _____ the rights of the people.a)maintainb)affirmc)sweard)witness选哪一个?为什么? witness 的用法:The great wall _____ the history of war.A,witnesses B.witnessed C.has witnessed The judge suspected the truth of the evidence provided by the witness.(A) believed (B) doubted (C) gussed (D) realized she was able to give the police a full account of since she had been ___to it.选哪个?A:an observer B:a witness God is my witness,I am a good god Never before can we witness such a preposterous state of affairs as we are seeing today.can we witness 处改错a could we have witnessedb have we witnessed c should we witnessd could we witness答案d,我选的b,why详细的解释,谢谢了