come to bay的中文意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 15:52:48
come to bay的中文意思
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come to bay的中文意思
come to bay的中文意思

come to bay的中文意思
扬着白帆的渔船停在海湾上.A short shapeless person led him toward a bay window glowing orange in the darkness.
一个难看的矮子在头里走,领着他朝一扇在暗处亮着桔黄色灯光的凸窗走去.and exhibition of artistic works comes under the purview of Esplanade-Theatres On The Bay or the various museums
展出作品,那是艺术中心或博物馆的范围.Ellis Island is an island of Upper New York Bay southwest of Manhattan.