Lost in the world of imagination,I forgot my sad,lonely existence fot a while,and was happy 中为什么用Lost 而不是Losing?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 21:32:08
Lost in the world of imagination,I forgot my sad,lonely existence fot a while,and was happy 中为什么用Lost 而不是Losing?
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Lost in the world of imagination,I forgot my sad,lonely existence fot a while,and was happy 中为什么用Lost 而不是Losing?
Lost in the world of imagination,I forgot my sad,lonely existence fot a while,and was happy 中为什么用Lost 而不是Losing?

Lost in the world of imagination,I forgot my sad,lonely existence fot a while,and was happy 中为什么用Lost 而不是Losing?
原问题:Lost in the world of imagination,I forgot my sad,lonely existence fot a while,and was happy 中为什么用Lost 而不是Losing?
回答:1.Lost in the world of imagination,这是个分词短语,它是由 be lost in ...变来的:(being)lost in ...这个词组用于分词结构时,可以省略 being.它的意思是:陷入...沉溺于...迷失在...多用在抽象或比喻的语言环境中.
2.如果用 losing.那么这个分词就是由动词 lose 变来的.lose 用作及物动词时,其宾语多为具体的东西,事物.不用于比喻.

1.Lost in the world of imagination,这是个分词短语,它是由 be lost in ...变来的:(being)lost in ... 这个词组用于分词结构时,可以省略 being。它的意思是:陷入...沉溺于...迷失在...多用在抽象或比喻的语言环境中。
2. 如果用 losing...。那么这个分词就是由动词 lose 变来的。lose 用作...


1.Lost in the world of imagination,这是个分词短语,它是由 be lost in ...变来的:(being)lost in ... 这个词组用于分词结构时,可以省略 being。它的意思是:陷入...沉溺于...迷失在...多用在抽象或比喻的语言环境中。
2. 如果用 losing...。那么这个分词就是由动词 lose 变来的。lose 用作及物动词时,其宾语多为具体的东西,事物。不用于比喻。
