
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 20:22:46
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get user's name, age, shoping history, interests, etc. So profile can be understood as "outline of a person's characteristics".company profile: 公司概况,公司简介个人简历用resume, 个人资料用profileb.profile 也作图表的意思:A formal summary or analysis of data, often in the form of a graph or table, representing distinctive features or characteristics(引自金山词霸),一概图:对数据的正式概括或分析,经常用曲线图或图表的形式,其表现出事物的明显的特点或特色.例如:side effect profile可译为:"不良反应分布图"或者"不良反应范围"2.Profile 作为动词时 when profile is used as a verb, it means create the outline of something, or summarize characterstics of it. "Profile a software program" means finding out the characterstics of the program, like how much memory it takes, how much time spent in each method, how often a method is called, etc. 作动词时应该为:剖析 应用程序的各个方面, 扩展性,可用性,移植性,内存性能 ...找到应用程序的特征