
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/16 14:10:47
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这是美国作家Washington Irving写的小说Rip Van Winkle吧.
This novel is the first mature literature works of America indeed.Its naissance not only
acceletated the development of American literature at that time,but also used for reference to
short stories at present with no doubt.Some of its detail description still had affecting
universal realistic significance.
Pip Van Wink,the protagonist of the story,had funny appearance,but wasn't happy.He was a comic
character,at the same time also a tragic character.He was a dawdler and didn't attend any proter
duties which was his foremost earmark.He was a farmer,but unwilling to undertake agricultural
work.He had no sourness,and took pleasure in helping his neighbours.He was slap-happy
inwardly,and lazy in life.He took a dog,whistled sometimes,and dawdled everyday.He was
amiable,and stood aloof from the worldly affairs.He closed his ears to his wife's scolding,and
even wanted to betook himself to his heels.He was not like an idiot who lost his mind,and neither
a negativist who renounced the world.He had no aspirant ideal,neither the extravagant hopes of
seeking enjoyment.He had no intention of fame or profit,but did things at his pleasure only,and
followed his own inclinations.This was the behavior of extreme individualism,which incarnated the
philosophy of pure egoism.
The witer didn't give priority to figure a simple,dowdy farmer in a occlusive village,but
satirized the social reality subtly at that time,by showing the romantic experience of Rip.Rip
had a sleep of 20 years,he went home and found the condition was not better than before.He found
his house buildings were collapsed extremely,and walked to hotel,found it was a punch-drunk big
frame house,opended several big windows,and some were broken.At past,here was British colony,but
now,it was a part of the United States of America.
Although the name was changed,but the village was still worm-eaten,and had a bad vision.His son
also became dowdy just like Rip 20 years ago afeter had experienced the American revolution.This
reflected not only the farmers' economic life hadn't been improved,but their cultural cultivation
had no change.

This novel is the first real mature literature work in the United States.Its birth not only promote the development of American literature at that time, and today, its form to short story's also havin...


This novel is the first real mature literature work in the United States.Its birth not only promote the development of American literature at that time, and today, its form to short story's also having can't doubt of draw lessons from a function.Some detail descriptions still have the realistic meaning of the feeling person's catholicity.
Novel master Wenster.Fan.Riper , the outward appearance stirs a person to laugh, the heart isn't comfortable and happy.He since is a comedy person, and then is a tragedy person.He the most important characteristic loaf, raffish.Oneself is a farmer but woulds not like to follow the plow a labor.He has no bad mind's eye, and take pleasure in help a neighbor.He thoughts up careless, lazy idle spread on the life.He takes a dog all day long, blowing, mixing.His temper is friendly, having no with a life time to contend for, the wife calls down, ignoring, even absquatulating.His ising unlike is the idiocy for losing her heading, also being unlike is the passivism for seeing through the emptiness of the world.He have no the ideal for going forward, also didn't crave for to enjoy of entertain wild hope.Don't strive for fame and don't strive for wealth, begs to follow one's inclinations, everything listens to instinct to order about.This is the performance of a kind of extreme individualism, body now pure of only I doctrine philosophy of life.
Author have no with mold an out-of-the-way simple and idle farmer image in the mountain village is lord, but the career which passes the like a story of Riper , satirize a society at that time reality skillfully.
Once the Riper felt sleep for 20 years, go home and see, the general condition stills worse than before.He discovers "the house of home has already collapsed to fall unbearable".Walking to the trip store goes to, "but is an east to pour the west slanting big wood house, open a few big windows, have of have already broken."In the past, here was a British colony, is a beautiful benefit now hard match many countries of a part.Although the placard changed, the inside of the village still unbearably dilapidated, the prospects is miserable.His son also is also so idle with the Riper of 20 in fronts on touching similar after American revolution.This not only responded the economic life of farmer didn't improve, and the culture bring up also didn't change.


- -! 巨长``楼上的是人工翻译的?

this novel is the first mature literature work. it not only helped the development of american literature,...


this novel is the first mature literature work. it not only helped the development of american literature, it still has its impact on the form of short novels even today. some detail description is still moving, in general.
the main character in the novel, rip van winkle, is an amusing guy, but he's not happy. he's both a comedy person and a tragedy person. he's distinguished for his laziness. he's a farmer but he is not willing to work in a farm.
he is not a bad person, and he likes helping his neighbors. he's confused in his mind, and lazy in his life. he's always passing his time whistling, and hang around with his dog.
he's easy going, doesn't have a big ambition, and he does not listen to her wife's blame, and even run away from her. he does not look like a idiot who lose his mind, and he does not look like some passive saint. he does not have ambition, and he is not greedy. he does not care about fame and fortune, only does what he wants, following his instinct. he's an example of extreme individualism.
the author did not spend all his time to build up the image of a lazy farmer, but mocked the society of the time by describing the experience of rip van winkle. rip slept for 20 years, and when he returned, he found out his village is even worse than before.
he found his home has collapsed. and the hotel is a shabby big cottage, with a few opened window, some of which are broken. before, it's english colony, now it's a part of the united states of america. although the name has changed, the things are still bad in the village. after the independence of USA, his son looks the same as rip 20 years ago, and lazy too. It seems that not only the life of the farmers has not improved, their education is not changed either.


This novel is the first truly American literary works of maturity. Its birth was not only promoted the development of American literature, but today, in the form of its short stories also have no doub...


This novel is the first truly American literary works of maturity. Its birth was not only promoted the development of American literature, but today, in the form of its short stories also have no doubt the reference. Some details are still moving depicts the universality of practical significance.
Novels ownership瑞普. Fan. Temperature Kerr, the appearance逗人laugh heart is not happy. He is the comedy characters, but also tragic characters. He is the most important feature of idle about, not engaged in decent work. But he is reluctant to farmers engaged in agricultural work. He did not bad mind and is ready to help neighbors. He ideologically vague, life懒懒散散. With his dog all day, blowing whistle, want day. His temper easygoing,与世无争, wife abuse, turned a deaf ear, even溜之大吉. He is not irrational idiots, not like the negative and see through Mundane Life those. He did not progressive ideals, nor indulged in extravagant hope. No plans were, not for profit, just random, all obey the instinct driven. This is an extreme individualism performance reflects the pure CD - I and outlook on life.
The author did not shape a mountain village in the occlusion of honest, the main image of lazy farmers, but through瑞普legendary experience, cleverly irony of the prevailing social reality.瑞普a McGREGOR sleep during the last 20 years, home look at the situation is not like the past. He discovered that "the family housing has collapsed state." Hotels to go, "is a东倒西歪large wooden hut, the windows open a few fans, and some have been broke." Past, here was a British colony, now a part of the United States of America. Although the signs changed, but still dilapidated village, scene miserable. His son in the United States after the revolution, and 20 before the瑞普一摸一样is so lazy. This is not only a response to the economic life of the peasants is not improving, and cultural education has not been changed.


This novel is the first truly American literary works of maturity. Its birth was not only promoted the development of American literature, but today, in the form of its short stories also have no doub...


This novel is the first truly American literary works of maturity. Its birth was not only promoted the development of American literature, but today, in the form of its short stories also have no doubt the reference. Some details are still moving depicts the universality of practical significance.
Novels ownership. Fan. Temperature Kerr, the appearancelaugh heart is not happy. He is the comedy characters, but also tragic characters. He is the most important feature of idle about, not engaged in decent work. But he is reluctant to farmers engaged in agricultural work. He did not bad mind and is ready to help neighbors. He ideologically vague, life. With his dog all day, blowing whistle, want day. His temper easygoing, wife abuse, turned a deaf ear, even. He is not irrational idiots, not like the negative and see through Mundane Life those. He did not progressive ideals, nor indulged in extravagant hope. No plans were, not for profit, just random, all obey the instinct driven. This is an extreme individualism performance reflects the pure CD - I and outlook on life.
The author did not shape a mountain village in the occlusion of honest, the main image of lazy farmers, butthroughlegendary experience, cleverly irony of the prevailing social reality.a McGREGOR sleep during the last 20 years, home look at the situation is not like the past. He discovered that "the family housing has collapsed state." Hotels to go, "is alarge wooden hut, the windows open a few fans, and some have been broke." Past, here was a British colony, now a part of the United States of America. Although the signs changed, but still dilapidated village, scene miserable. His son in the United States after the revolution, and 20 before theis so lazy. This is not only a response to the economic life of the peasants is not improving, and cultural education has not been changed.


他们我看也是 找翻译的 要是人工的我佩服



This novel is the first truly American literary works of maturity. Its birth was not only promoted the development of American literature, but today, in the form of its short stories also have no doubt the reference. Some details are still moving depicts the universality of practical significance.
Novels ownership. Fan. Temperature Kerr, the appearancelaugh heart is not happy. He is the comedy characters, but also tragic characters. He is the most important feature of idle about, not engaged in decent work. But he is reluctant to farmers engaged in agricultural work. He did not bad mind and is ready to help neighbors. He ideologically vague, life. With his dog all day, blowing whistle, want day. His temper easygoing, wife abuse, turned a deaf ear, even. He is not irrational idiots, not like the negative and see through Mundane Life those. He did not progressive ideals, nor indulged in extravagant hope. No plans were, not for profit, just random, all obey the instinct driven. This is an extreme individualism performance reflects the pure CD - I and outlook on life.
The author did not shape a mountain village in the occlusion of honest, the main image of lazy farmers, butthroughlegendary experience, cleverly irony of the prevailing social reality.a McGREGOR sleep during the last 20 years, home look at the situation is not like the past. He discovered that "the family housing has collapsed state." Hotels to go, "is alarge wooden hut, the windows open a few fans, and some have been broke." Past, here was a British colony, now a part of the United States of America. Although the signs changed, but still dilapidated village, scene miserable. His son in the United States after the revolution, and 20 before theis so lazy. This is not only a response to the economic life of the peasants is not improving, and cultural education has not been changed.


This novel is the first real mature literature work in the United States.Its birth not only prom...


This novel is the first real mature literature work in the United States.Its birth not only promote the development of American literature at that time, and today, its form to short story's also having can't doubt of draw lessons from a function.Some detail descriptions still have the realistic meaning of the feeling person's catholicity.
Novel master 瑞普 .Any.Gram 尔 , the outward appearance stirs a person to laugh, the heart isn't comfortable and happy.He since is a comedy person, and then is a tragedy person.He the most important characteristic loaf, raffish.Oneself is a farmer but woulds not like to follow the plow a labor.He has no bad mind's eye, and take pleasure in help a neighbor.He thoughts up careless, lazy idle spread on the life.He takes a dog all day long, blowing, mixing.His temper is friendly, having no with a life time to contend for, the wife calls down, ignoring, even absquatulating.His ising unlike is the idiocy for losing her heading, also being unlike is the passivism for seeing through the emptiness of the world.He have no the ideal for going forward, also didn't crave for to enjoy of entertain wild hope.Don't strive for fame and don't strive for wealth, begs to follow one's inclinations, everything listens to instinct to order about.This is the performance of a kind of extreme individualism, body now pure of only I doctrine philosophy of life.
the author did not spend all his time to build up the image of a lazy farmer, but mocked the society of the time by describing the experience of rip van winkle. rip slept for 20 years, and when he returned, he found out his village is even worse than before.
he found his home has collapsed. and the hotel is a shabby big cottage, with a few opened window, some of which are broken. before, it's english colony, now it's a part of the united states of america. although the name has changed, the things are still bad in the village. after the independence of USA, his son looks the same as rip 20 years ago, and lazy too. It seems that not only the life of the farmers has not improved, their education is not changed either.


This novel is the US first true mature literary work. Its birth not only promoted at that time the American literature development, moreover in today, it also has the model function to the short story...


This novel is the US first true mature literary work. Its birth not only promoted at that time the American literature development, moreover in today, it also has the model function to the short story form which cannot be doubted. Certain detail descriptions

英语翻译这篇小说是美国第一个真正的成熟的文学作品.它的诞生不仅促进了当时美国文学的发展,而且在今天,它对短篇小说的形式也有不可置疑的借鉴作用.某些细节描绘依然具有感人的普遍 英语翻译 “一个成熟的方法” 那就是我真正认识美国的时候 英语翻译? 什么才是真正意义上的成熟? 英语翻译多数文艺批评家一致认为这篇小说为美国第一部真正成熟的文学作品.欧文运用多种写作技巧,选择有代表性的事例,成功创造出这一有代表性的文学形象.瑞普·凡·温克尔简单、好脾 美国真正独立的标志 “做一个真正的自己”的英语翻译 仿写句子 在宝石岛上经过战士们精心培育成熟了的第一个西瓜,不能不说是个奇迹. 到底世界上哪个国家是第一个看到日出的国家有人说是汤加 有人说是基里巴斯 有人也说是新西兰 不知道到底哪个才是真正看到日出的国家 有懂的人告诉我么 谢谢啦 真正意义上的成熟是怎样的呢? 知世故而不世故,才是真正的成熟, 成熟的真正含义是什么?那些所谓的成熟、我真的受够了! 如何才能真正的变得成熟,成熟的含义又是啥? 美国麦子什么时候成熟美国大平原的麦子什么时候成熟? 真正的美国骆驼英文是什么? 真正意义上的美国预科是什么? 美国第一个登上太空的人 英语翻译还有就是,是美国第一个登上月球的宇航员