关于“competition and hurmony"(竞争与和谐)的英语演讲稿

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 12:16:24
关于“competition and hurmony
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关于“competition and hurmony"(竞争与和谐)的英语演讲稿
关于“competition and hurmony"(竞争与和谐)的英语演讲稿

关于“competition and hurmony"(竞争与和谐)的英语演讲稿
(competition and hurmony)--这篇可以参考,长短也可以根据需要来调整:)
The idea of building a harmonious society marks the maturity of the Chinese Communist Party as a ruling party with serving the people as its guideline,they said:"The construction of a harmonious society" was initiated by Chinese President Hu Jintao,who,while addressing a high-level seminar at the Party School of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee in February,urged the state and Party leaders to prioritize social harmony on their agenda.
As our initial trend is to be as indolent as possible until competition comes to us then we feel that no time left and we should do something to prevent us eliminated by nature choice.After achieve some goals then we find that someone else enjoys a more plush and happier life,we emulate them and compete with them
to get the same as theirs and such thought impels us work harder.Meanwhile,in order not to be caught up by ones who are not as excellent as us now,we enrich our knowledge,enhance our ability,try hard to certify that we are more suitable for the job to make sure our job not be supplanted by others.
It can’t be imaged what a tragic situation will present before our eyes if a society lack of competition,as merits of others are failed to be seen and lessons can’t be absorbed from others as if a healthy person close his eyes and cover his ear to prevent information flowing into one’s brain.When a sudden falls,or once others become stronger and are impulsed by libido of bully the pony,evasion makes no effect but cause more serious phase.It’s no overstatement that a society lack of competition is one eliminating society.
However,society requires competition not means that in every aspect one should competes with others or competes with others adopting an unequal artifice.If one pays too much attention on competition,it will cause problems,such as one who competes with others even in trifles,one will be tired out which leads he either give up competition in every circumstance or envy others extremely that lead to misdeed.For the former,only troubles are brought to oneself and he/she needs to cultivate spirit of tenacity and leniency,for the latter,it may cause troubles to society,once the one lets out his/her resent,safeguard is too late.Only a feasible guide is built and moral of competition equally is deep in all people’s mind,can such extremes be prevented.Overall,no suspicion that competition generally has more of a positive than a negative effect in most conditions.However,such positive effect can only be built on the basic of complete law and criterion system,or if without guide,societies become chaos which lead to negative effect gets the run upon.

记得你不一定要限制你自己到三月 21 日; 你能整个~期间整个的月或年支撑活动!
许多学校和组织有‘协调星期' 或进入已经正在被计画的东西之内包括一个协调主题。
世界卫生组织是你的听众? 你如何能和他们连接? 他们将会离开它什么? 你想要他们走...


记得你不一定要限制你自己到三月 21 日; 你能整个~期间整个的月或年支撑活动!
许多学校和组织有‘协调星期' 或进入已经正在被计画的东西之内包括一个协调主题。
世界卫生组织是你的听众? 你如何能和他们连接? 他们将会离开它什么? 你想要他们走开什么感觉,想法,意见和印象由于?
根据结果想, 不输出
有民族的差别主义的议题需要被向~演说? 你想要一起给人带来你的社区吗? 你想要产生你的社区在不同的宗教团体之间的理解吗? 你想要思索而且庆祝你的学校,社区或组织的震文化吗?
合并对一个像艺术展览的社区活动的文化锐利的眼力, 一场演讲夜晚或辩论。 主题可以加亮社区协调的重要。
举行你的社区在各种不同的宗教之间的一个不同教派之间的典礼; 保证一起联合而且轮流对抗民族的差别主义的一个态度。
委托你的运动队到采取坚定立场 , 在和之上在领域外,反对种族的意见和诽谤。
以一次协调野餐, BBQ ,午餐庆祝,在动物园,植物的花园,地方公园或海滩的早晨或午后茶。
你的队多不同? 为什么不欢迎社区的新成员进你的队之内?
邀请该土地所固有团体的领袖, 信心聚集和多元文化的组织遭遇到会议而且加强关系。
鼓励学生和老师在三月 21 日穿着橘色。


Quick Tips to make your Harmony Day events and activities winners!
Remember you don't have to limit yourself to 21 March; you can hold activities throughout the entire month or year!
Many sc...


Quick Tips to make your Harmony Day events and activities winners!
Remember you don't have to limit yourself to 21 March; you can hold activities throughout the entire month or year!
Many schools and organisations have a ‘Harmony Week' or include a Harmony theme into what's already being planned.
The best events and activities are those that have been well thought through with the audience and purpose in mind.
Who is your audience? How can you connect with them? What will they get out of it? What feelings, thoughts, opinions, and impressions do you want them to walk away with?
Think in terms of outcomes, not outputs
Are there issues of racism that need to be addressed? Do you want to bring people in your community together? Do you want to create understanding between the different religious groups in your community? Do you want to reflect on and celebrate the vibrant cultures in your school, community or organisation?
Here are a few ideas to start you thinking…
Organise an anti-racism rally at your local park, public oval or beach, invite key note speakers to present on the importance of community harmony.
Incorporate cultural flair to a community activity like an art exhibition, a speech night or debate. The theme could highlight the importance of community harmony.
Devise and implement a sustainable community project targeting issues of racism and community disharmony.
Hold an interfaith ceremony between the various religions in your community; pledge to unite together and take a stance against racism.
Approach your local community radio or television station to run a ‘Harmony Hero' campaign encouraging listeners and viewers to nominate community members who have consistently contributed to community harmony.
Commit your sports team to taking a stand, on and off the field, against racial comments and vilification.
Celebrate with a Harmony picnic , BBQ, lunch, morning or afternoon tea at the zoo, botanic gardens, local park or at the beach.
Get your sporting organisation to theme a local competition around Harmony Day.
How diverse is your team? Why not welcome new members of the community into your team?
Hold an awards ceremony to recognise businesses, community organisations and individuals who contribute to Australian multiculturalism and community harmony.
Invite leaders of Indigenous communities, faith groups and multicultural organisations to meet with the Council and strengthen relationships.
Invite Indigenous elders to perform a ‘Welcome to Country' ceremony.
Schools can conduct an excursion to a cultural institution or community venue to learn about other cultures.
Encourage students and teachers to wear orange on 21 March.


急求关于cooperation and competition的辩论赛用稿 competition and coorperation competition and cooperation是什么意思 competition and cooperation是什么意思 国外学经济的进,关于perfect competition and monopolistic competition(A)What are the main difference between perfect competition and monopolistic competition market structures?(B)Compare and contrast over the long-run if subnormal profits are 帮忙写一篇关于competition and personal development的英语作文 关于“competition and hurmony(竞争与和谐)的英语演讲稿 微观经济关于完全竞争市场的一道选择题8.In perfect competition:A) price and marginal revenue are tIn perfect competition:A)price and marginal revenue are the same.B)total revenue and total variable cost are the sameC)price and margina the advantages and disadvantages about competition?用英文回答 We often find competition and cooperation at the same time 这几句英语还有错误吗?Improper competition disturbed the market order heavely.To prevent and eliminate restrictions on competition and unfair competition,It's high time to identify the acts of unfair competition and combat with them,not only With the development of our society,competition has become more and more fierce.Competition usually请将中文翻译出来. and the Japan's Unfair Competition Prevention Law,and Household Good Qualtity Labeling Law The best and the worst,The best and the worst Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town.Nearly everybody enters for 'The Nicest Garden Competition' each year,but Joe wins every time.Bill Fritch’s garden is larger than Joe's.Bill works h 英语翻译how much we admired what Beijing did and wish you every fortune in the competition Mary is a good student and she is the w____of the competition. i'm very glad to stand here and have a chance take part in this competition! At our shool ,we have many e___ ,like Art Festival and chorus competition