pick up什么意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:15:33
pick up什么意思
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pick up什么意思
pick up什么意思

pick up什么意思
1.拾起 2.收拾 3.学到;获得 4.【口】与...偶然结识(常指与异性调情)


pick up
拾起, 捡起; 抬起
He picked up the child and put her on his shoulders.
他抱起孩子, 让她骑在自己的肩膀上。
I picked up your book by mistake.
I would have picked it up if I had notic...


pick up
拾起, 捡起; 抬起
He picked up the child and put her on his shoulders.
他抱起孩子, 让她骑在自己的肩膀上。
I picked up your book by mistake.
I would have picked it up if I had noticed it.
我如果看见的话, 我早就把它拣起来了。
安排接取; 使搭乘; 搭救
The ship calls at each port on this coast to pick up passengers and mail.
那艘轮船在沿海每个港口停下, 搭载乘客和接取邮件。
Please wait at the school gate. John will pick you up there.
请在校门口等候, 约翰会到那里接你。
The shipwrecked sailors were picked up by a passing boat.
爬〔站〕起来; 振作起来
His spirits picked up.
Pick yourself up and brush yourself down.
自己爬起来, 把衣服掸干净。
It's hard to pick yourself up after such a terrible shock.
经历这样可怕的打击后, 就很难再振奋起来了。
The car began to pick up the moment the vehicle got onto the motorway.
一开上高速公路, 车子的速度就加快了。
The car picks up speed with just a touch of the accelerator.
Children, it's time to pick up and have supper.
孩子们, 该收拾吃晚饭了。
Pick up your room before you go out, please.
The room must be picked up before the guests arrive.
掘, 挖
The peasants were picking up in the field.
The man was picking up the ground very hard.
The frozen ground will have to be picked up by hand before machine digging can begin.
He must have picked up a cold—he's begun to snuffle.
他开始鼻塞, 一定是感冒了。
捉住, 逮住
He was implicated in a murder, and sooner or later they would pick him up.
他和一宗凶杀案有牵连, 迟早他们会逮捕他的。
He is picked up on a charge of killing a man.
好转; 恢复
When is the weather going to pick up? It's been bad for weeks.
Trade has been slack for the past six months, but it is now picking up.
在过去六个月中贸易一直不景气, 但现在状况正在好转。
He has picked up slowly since he came out of hospital.
他自出院以来, 身体恢复得很慢。
The writer's personal appearance picked up the sales of the book considerably.
那位作家亲自到场, 使那本书的销售量大增。
A bit of exercise will pick you up.



pick up   v.   掘地, 捡起, 获得, 使恢复精神, 加快, 看到, 随便地认识, 加速   To take up (something) by hand:   拿起:用手拿起(某物):   pick up a book.   捡起一本书   To collect or gather:   收集或聚集:   picked up the broken pieces of glass. ...


pick up   v.   掘地, 捡起, 获得, 使恢复精神, 加快, 看到, 随便地认识, 加速   To take up (something) by hand:   拿起:用手拿起(某物):   pick up a book.   捡起一本书   To collect or gather:   收集或聚集:   picked up the broken pieces of glass.   拾起玻璃碎片   To tidy up:   整理,收拾:   Let's pick up the living room.   我们收拾一下卧室吧   To take on (passengers or freight, for example):   承载(客人,货物等):   The bus picks up commuters at three stops.   公共汽车在三个站载送通勤者   接送小孩:   TO pick up the children.
  To acquire casually or by accident:   不经意得到:随便或偶然地获得:   picked up a mink coat on sale.   拍卖时随手买了一件貂皮大衣   To acquire (knowledge) by learning or experience:   学得:通过学习或经历获得(知识):   picked up French very quickly.   很快地学起法语来   To claim:   认领,索取:   picked up her shoes at the repair shop.   在修鞋铺领回鞋子   To buy:   购买:   picked up some beverages on the way home.   在回家的路上买些饮料   To accept (a bill or charge) in order to pay it:   付帐:为买某物而付(款或账):   Let me pick up the tab.   我来付计程车的钱   To come down with (a disease):   染上(病):   picked up a virus in the office.   在办公室染上病毒   To gain:   获得,赢得:   picked up five yards on that play.   在那次游戏中获得五码   Informal To take into custody:
非正式用语 监护,逮捕,拘捕:
  The coast guard picked up five smugglers.   海岸检查官拘捕了五个走私犯   Slang To make casual acquaintance with, usually in anticipation of sexual relations.   【俚语】 勾搭:与…偶然结识,常指期望在性关系中结识   To come upon and follow:   追踪:偶然遇上并跟随:   The dog picked up the scent.   狗追着气味走   To come upon and observe:   发现:偶然遇到并观测:   We picked up two submarines on sonar.   我们用声波定位仪观察到两条潜水艇   To continue after a break:   恢复:休息后继续:   Let's pick up the discussion after lunch.   我们吃过午饭再继续讨论吧   Informal To improve in condition or activity:
非正式用语 有起色,改善:
  Sales picked up last fall.   去年的销售有起色   Slang To pack one's belongings:
俚语 收拾行李:收拾某人的东西:
  She just picked up and left.   她收拾了一下行李就走了   pick and choose   To select with great care.   很细心地挑选   pick holes in   To seek and discover flaws or a flaw in:   挑剔:在…寻找或发现一个或几个错误:   picked holes in the argument.   在讨论中找错   pick (one's) way   To find passage and make careful progress through it:   寻找出路:找出路并通过此路谨慎前进:   picked her way down the steep bank.   沿着陡峭河岸慢慢前行   pick (someone) to pieces   To criticize sharply.   责骂:严厉批评
pick up on非正式用语
  To take into the mind and understand, typically with speed:   迅速理了解到或理解,尤指很快地理   picked up on the new approach and applied it to the project.   很快地了解了新方法并把它应用于这个项目中   To notice:   注意到:   learned to pick up on his superior's moods and act accordingly.   学会注意上级的情绪并见机行事



pick up
希望可以帮到你 O(∩_∩)O~

pick up_[词典释义]
1. 拾起 2. 收拾 3. 学到;获得 4. 【口】与...偶然结识(常指与异性调情)