
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 12:50:10
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Hunan moves enthusiasm to welcome you to a beautiful star city long sand.The long sand vegetable has "bend the country of Gu","Chu Han city" of the United States call,is the history cultural that head in State Department batch announce city with the first outward open of tour city.Govern the heart,Yue Lu of the lotus,day and open blessing,rain to spend 5 areas,grow a sand,hope city,rather the country be three counties and the Liu sun City and the total population is about more than 600 myriad peoples.Long sand,the mountain clear water show,weather are only pleasant,have scenery to show the mountain of Yue Lu of "the red leaves be red to spend in February",there is water continent hug to each other the Xiang river of "the spring come to river's water green such as blue";Long sand,the outstanding personality ground work properly,the history be long and have the eighth miracle Ma3 Wang2 Dui's Han last home in the world of possess the great reputation outside the world,thousand year university Yue Lu academy and Three Kingdoms east Wu2 Jian3 Du2;"Having just for Chu is prosperous at the Si",in the long sand in near modern history in China flow out more now a batch of Zhaos the politician,military house of and author.Xiang vegetables eight greatest vegetableses in the whole country fasten it a,grow a color by its oil thick outstanding,with sour,hot,fragrant,fresh,the La is good at.In addition also have very taste a light repast of see the special features,if fry in oil fermented bean curd,taste shrimp...etc..


Hunan Mobile warmly welcome you to come to the beautiful star city of Changsha. Changsha has been called the "Qu Jia of villages," "Chuhan city" of the good name of the State Council announced the fir...


Hunan Mobile warmly welcome you to come to the beautiful star city of Changsha. Changsha has been called the "Qu Jia of villages," "Chuhan city" of the good name of the State Council announced the first historical and cultural city and the first batch of opening to the outside world tourist city. Exempted Furong, day heart, Yuelu, Kaifu, five Yuhuatai District, Changsha, Hope Town, Ningxiang County, and three Liuyang City, with a total population of about 600 million people. Changsha, beautiful and pleasant weather, the scenery alone show "Shuangye red flower in February," the Yuelu Mountain, Water Island, support, "such as Blue Spring Green River" Xiangjiang River; Changsha, Renjiedeling, with a long history, at home and abroad renowned Eighth Wonder of the World Mawangdui Han Tomb, the Millennium institutions Soochow Yuelu Academy and three Bamboo Slips; "Chuweicai in honor Sheng", in Changsha in China's modern history and emergence of a number of more well-known political home, military strategist and writer. Xiangcai when one of the eight cuisine, with its strong color of prominent oil, in particular acid, spicy, aroma, fresh, La known. In addition, there are very see characteristics snacks, such as fried stinky tofu, shrimp and other tastes.


才悬赏15分 你们也这么卖力 太掉价了

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