SAT化学里面的a mixture of elements是什么意思?和mixture有什么区别?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:56:05
SAT化学里面的a mixture of elements是什么意思?和mixture有什么区别?
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SAT化学里面的a mixture of elements是什么意思?和mixture有什么区别?
SAT化学里面的a mixture of elements是什么意思?和mixture有什么区别?

SAT化学里面的a mixture of elements是什么意思?和mixture有什么区别?
mixture of elements 是说“许多元素都混合在里面”这个还是比较化学术语的
至于mixture,在化学里定义为Composed of two or more substances,but each keeps its original properties.什么鸡尾酒啊披萨饼啊都可以算mixture...

SAT化学里面的a mixture of elements是什么意思?和mixture有什么区别? a mixture of smoke and fog的汉语意思 A mixture of good and luck急的很啊 mixture of element的意思? a mixture of fun and work翻译 compound和mixture of elements的区别 Green is ____blue and yellow.A.mixture of B.a mixture of C.mixture in D.a mixture in选B 想知道为什么 Example:a gaseous mixture that is a homogeneous mixture of two different compounds a type of chemical used in concrete mixture的中文意思 一道sat数学题a measuring cup contains 1/5 of a cup of orange juice .it is then filled to the 1 cup mark with a mixture that contains equal amounts of orange,grapefruit,and pinapple juices.what fraction of the final mixture is orange juice 答案 写一个英语小故事里面要有 As she rang the doorbell,Susan felt a mixture of fear and exictment.大致说说你们想的情节就好,为我提供点素材. 一些化学题目 英文版1how do mixture and substances differ?2consider a mixture of water,sand,and oil.How many phases are present?How could you separate this mixture into individual substances?3Classify each of the following as either a heterog 翻译 mixture of fun This weekend was a mixture of fun and work a mixture of fox and ape in your character a gaseous mixture that is a homogeneous mixture of a compound and an elementshow example 化合物&元素 a mixture of Caco3 and Baco3 is 42.8% Co3 by mass. find the mass percent of baCo3 in the mixture什么是is 42.8% Co3 by mass? 是说混合物有42.8%的重量是Co3么? 什么是cloudy mixture 整句:is a cloudy mixture of two or more substances that settle on standing