
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/19 04:55:42
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  (1)I am all the better for that experience.我对那样的经验很老道.
  (2)She is awfully clever.她非常聪明.
  (3)You can be dead sure of my innocence.你绝对可以相信我是无辜的.
  (4)She was dreadfully upset.她极不愉快.
  (5)You're so right.你太正确了.
  (6)I'm terribly pleased to hear that you've got a job.我很高兴你有了工作.
  (7)We oppose these proposals totally.我们全部反对这些提议.
  (8)Are you utterly convinced that he is guilty?你完全能够认定他有罪吗?
  (9)His selfish behavior makes me very,very cross.他那自私的行为让我非常非常地生气.
  二、用at all,in heaven,in hell,in the world,on earth,under the sun,to death等介词短语或the blazes,the devil,the deuce,the heck,the hell等名词短语表示加强语气
  (1)Do you know it at all?你究竟知道不知道?
  (2)Where in heaven did you go?你到底去哪儿了?
  (3)What in hell is she doing?她究竟在干什么?
  (4)What in the world are you doing that for?你那么做到底是为了什么?
  (5)He could think of nothing on earth to say.他不知道究竟该说些什么.
  (6)Where under the sun did you put the book?你到底把书放到哪里去了?
  (7)He was frightened to death of his father.他对父亲怕得要命.
  (1)What the blazes is he?他到底是谁?
  (2)Where the devil has he put that paper?他究竟把那份文件放哪儿了?
  (3)What the deuce is the matter?究竟是怎么一回事?
  (4)Where the heck have you been?你究竟到哪儿去了?
  (5)What the hell was that noise?那到底是什么声音?
  (1)He is dead,as I live.他的确死了.
  (2)He escaped from the prison yesterday,as the sun shines.昨天,他确实越狱逃跑了.
  (3)I met him in the street last night,as my nose is on my face.昨晚,我确实在街上遇见他了.
  2.as+adj.as+adj.can be(两个形容词相同)as...as...can be句型的意思是“极其”“最为”,强调形容词的意思已达到了顶点,从而起到了加强语气的作用
  (1)It is as plain as plain can be.这事是极其明显的.
  (2)The girl is as clever as clever can be.这个女孩绝顶聪明.
  (1)I went away as still as still.我蹑手蹑脚地走开了.
  (2)He'll come back as ill as ill.他会病得非常厉害地回来.
  4.as...as ever与much,quick等形容词、副词连用,加强语气
  (1)Take as much as ever you like.你愿意拿多少就拿多少.
  (2)Be as quick as ever you can.尽量快些.
  5.more than与带情态动词can从句连用
  The beauty of the place is more than I can describe.这个地方的美丽非我所能描述.
  (1)We've done this a million times.这件事我们已经做了很多次了.
  (2)It takes forever!怎么等那么久啊!
  (3)It takes ages for our government to clean up the rivers.政府要花上很久的时间才能把河川清理干净.
  (4)He drinks tons of Coke every day.他每天都要喝好多可口可乐.
  (1)beat one's brains out为……绞尽脑汁
  I've been beating my brains out for hours trying to decide what to do next.我已苦思多时想要决定接下来做什么.
  (2)cry one's eyes ont号啕大哭
  The poor little girl cried her eyes out when her father came home and told her that her dog had been run over.父亲回家后说她的狗被轧死了,那个可怜的小女孩不由得放声大哭.
  (3)eat one's head off吃得过多
  The children came in an hour ago from their long walk,and now they're in the dining room eating their heads off.孩子们一个小时前长途步行回来,此刻正在餐厅里狼吞虎咽地吃东西.
  (4)eat one's heart out极度悲伤
  Ever since her boy friend walked ont,the poor girl has been eating her heart ont.She doesn't sleep,and she's lost interest in life.自从男朋友出走以后,那个可怜的女孩一直极度悲伤.她夜不能寐,简直不想活下去了.
  (5)laugh one's head off笑掉大牙
  As he picked himself up from the floor,he saw a couple of boys laughing their heads off.他从地上爬起来时,看见两三个小男孩在旁边哈哈大笑.
  (6)talk one's head off对某人说个不停,说得令人厌烦
  She talked her head off.她喋喋不休地说了半天.
  (1)In your dreams.做梦去吧.(用来拒绝别人,强调此事绝无可能.)
  A:Can you lend me two thousand dollars?能不能借给我两千块钱?
  B:In your dreams.做梦去吧.
  (2)Not in your life.等下辈子吧.
  A:Do you want to be my girlfriend?要不要当我女朋友啊?
  B:Not in your life.等下辈子去吧.
  (3)Over my dead body.打死我我也不干.
  A:Could you clean up the bird poop on my car?能不能帮我清一下车上的鸟粪啊?
  B:Over my dead body.死也不干.
  (4)Says you.瞎说/胡说.
  A:I'm the strongest boy on the block.我是本街区最强壮的男孩儿.
  B:Says you.胡说.
  (5)I'll say.当然.
  A:Did the children all enjoy the apple pie?孩子们都喜欢这个苹果派吗?
  B:I'll say.当然了.
  (6)Will a duck swim?当然了.
  A:Do you like to go to the cinema with me?你愿意和我一起去看电影吗?
  B:Will a duck swim?当然了.
  (7)You bet your life.的确.
  Do I like to ski?You bet your life I do.我喜欢滑雪吗?我的确喜欢.
  (8)You said it.完全同意.
  A:It sure is hot.天气真热.
  B:You said it.你说得太对了!
  (9)What about that!真棒!太好了!
  Bill won the scholarship!What about that!比尔获得了奖学金,太棒了!