Secret of my heart这首歌的译文?
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Secret of my heart这首歌的译文?
Secret of my heart这首歌的译文?
Secret of my heart这首歌的译文?
标准译文: 我要如何向你表达我的心声 不知经过那之后的多少个季节 你总是笑着守候在我身旁 但我却有一个难以启齿的秘密 一直无法向你表白 Secret of my heart 不用怀疑 只要还有一点希望 真实就在手中 I can't say 再多一点儿吧 I'm waiting for a chance 这样幸福的时刻 真想更加靠近你 但有害怕心中的不安被发现 于是只能稍稍远离你 不知为何你的侧面露出哀伤 想要守在你身边 更加靠近你 Secret of my heart 我想你能了解 无论是谁都有想逃的时候 只有如果这样什么都无法开始 I can't stay 一定 I'm calling for a chance Can I tell the truth? 这样的话语一直回旋在我嘴边 Feeling in my heart 不要再隐藏 这就是所有 'Cause I love you I will be with you Whenever you are Can you feel my heart Can't you see, you're my dream 不想失去啊! 请相信我,不要放弃我们在一起的宝贵时间 I just wanna say 已经不再迷茫了 Can't you see, you're my heart 无论是什么 都会有轻易破碎的一天 但我对你是永远不变 Secret of my heart Our future is forever 普通版一: 不知道那是怎样的一刻 只记得当我发现你的存在 我便已经将那种感觉藏在心底 不在意是否曾经提起 只需要一瞬间有美丽回忆 一天最重要的时刻便都在这里 一直都无法忘记 Secret of my heart 我是否还在怀疑自己 走过风和雨 依然徘徊不定对你的真心 没有人曾经 完全看透我在注视你 I can not say 还不能让你知道 I’m waiting for a chance 心深处终于不再犹豫 面对你也逐渐变得不容易 因为害怕不小心让你看到一切 风一样你又走在我身边 我却是不敢再轻轻靠近你 忽然觉得好迷茫不知如何是好 谁能告诉我答案 Secret of my heart 因为有你我变得坚定 抛开了距离 不顾一切找到你向你奔去 我不会放弃 就算只有微弱的信息 I can not say 一定会让你知道 I’m calling for a chance Can I tell the truth 心情比潮水更拥挤 好想见到你 却不知你在哪里 Feeling in my heart 早已情不自禁 不能隐藏下去 Cause I love you I will be with you wherever you are Can you feel my heart Can you feel my heart Can’t you see you’re my dream 每一天都有不同意义 重要的时光 虽然短暂却久久回荡不息 直到彷徨离去 才知道有多想留住你 我不再迷惑 也不会再逃避你 Can’t you see you’re my heart 相信总有一天能倾诉 我会等下去 知道你清楚看到我那一天 再不会犹豫 一定要留在你的身边 Secret of my heart. Our future is forever 普通版二: 无论你,用什么感情表达 我都能,面带微笑传达给你 从那时起,多少季节,悄悄流过 你总是,在我身边徘徊着 有件事,我始终没有对你说 我不能说,就算时间流淌干涸 你是否已经爱我 Secret of my heart 我从来都没有怀疑过 无论怎么样,你要相信未来就在前方 执着的信念,你应该就能掌握真相 I can't say 请让我再等一等 I'm waiting for a chance 安稳里,要加强彼此联系 害怕你,行走稍微保持距离 不知怎么,你侧脸似乎破碎着 让我更想保护你 Secret of my heart 是否已经露出了玄机 无论谁爱谁,总有想去拼命逃避的时候 那么这一来,缘分就永远无法继续 I can't say 但是总有那一刻 I'm waiting for a chance Can I tell the truth? 双唇不知不觉打开 尽管这么做,我却无话可说 Feeling in my heart 无法再隐藏 因为我爱你 'Cause I love you I will be with you wherever you are Can you feel my heart? Can you feel my heart? Can't you see, you're my dream 我真不想失去你 共度的时光,是多么的令人怀念和美丽 我会相信你,这次一定是死心塌地 I just wanna say任何事情不会迷惑我 Can't you see, you're my heart 一切物品都将会坏掉 你不要去想,否则那天随时随地会来到 但是我的爱,永不会因时间而变苍老 Secret of my heart. Our future is forever. 英文版: Starlit night above the roof tops I sit and think, what words could show you how I feel? Our happy times were they real? So I wonder Shooting star, falls as if to tell A happy end will come because you're by my side Always a smile but all the while There's still one thing inside, that I cannot tell you Secret of my heart, when can I ever start? Never any doubt, knowing how someday I'll say I love you It will shine on through, my love will shine out true Give a little time, I'm looking for a sign You know I'm waiting for my chance So quiet now, winds whisper true to me I feel a need, to scream out loud these things I feel Celebrate this love I can't reveal I can't show you So here we are, together once again You seem to walk this little distance from my side Your face it seems so sad I wonder what you hide I wanna be close to you Secret of my heart can you understand those parts Hidden far away, in a place I run to, doesn't everyone In my heart I know I must let our love grow I can't say why I know that I must find a way to call out for my chance Can I tell the truth? No words come to my mind They escape from my lips to the clouds above Feeling in my heart, I can't hide I can't hide anymore, 'cause I love you I will be with you (with you, with you) Wherever you are? (you are, you are) Can you feel my heart? Can you feel my heart? Can't you see you're in my heart But things may break apart Maybe one day It's difficult to say how long two hearts can beat as one But I know now all the same No change will come unless I play the game I just wanna say, I think I might be ready, baby (I just wanna say forever) Can't you see you're in my dreams I can't lose you, baby see? Every time we meet Every time we're near boy gives all meaning to my life Baby don't get down, someday I will come around Secret of my heart, our future is forever 古典版: 你看见 曼珠沙华开的花 我听见 那血色嫣红的童话 忘了吧 将花都撕下 铺满天涯 你不说 我仍知你是他 算了吧 就算我从未有牵挂 今生太短 可来世是否容我记得他 抬眼时一片尘沙 secret of my heart 含笑看你远去的步伐 一千零一夜 风卷残霞寒水烹茶月笼纱 我想你是他 可你怎么从来不说话 I can not say 若即若离放不下 I’m waiting for a chance 那一年 荼蘼之后再无花 那一季 是落樱如雪换芳华 昙香一夜 假面都抛下 丢盔卸甲 我信他 信着我的那个他 等我啊 到露重更深冰蟾挂 一唱三叹 叹患得患失将情苗栽差 芳香在断壁绝崖 secret of my heart 独自忍受流年的敲打 春来春又去 天河掠影月魂沉璧守浮槎 我等的是他 可他怎么从来不回答 I can not say 若隐若现随风化 I’m calling for a chance can i tell the truth 这一次我竭尽全力 沙漠中的雨 听层云吞声暗泣 feeling in my heart 干涸千年绿 一夜焕生机 cause i love you I will be with you wherever you are can you feel my heart can you feel my heart can’t you see you’re my dream 伴我今宵无眠的萧索 花开花又落 朱颜辞镜春树失色华年过 醉拼花底卧 陪君千场离觞不欲说 I just wanna say 何幸今生为君错 can’t you see you’re my heart 是我心口完美的折磨 红销香婆娑 雾冷风清雨打残荷危梦多 玉钗敲夜彻 魂兮归来惟有情难舍 secret of my heart our future is forever.