III.改错.下列各句均有一个错误,指出并改正.1.I usually get up on five o;clock.2.The kids often do their homeworks at six in the zfternoon.3.They like listening music.4.She often work all night.5.Thank you to tell me about your school.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 16:01:00
III.改错.下列各句均有一个错误,指出并改正.1.I usually get up on five o;clock.2.The kids often do their homeworks at six in the zfternoon.3.They like listening music.4.She often work all night.5.Thank you to tell me about your school.
xUOAWQbSwNcc*pK[{04/jb@kYRwĿЙe!%fgy7oəH$hխ (۠sOf7Z uMHC: XE ~4qt=W4=&+)e)N5tДg,bI]CclE]崦Dz%,PMR㰂ӠdfYAi/@0N|*t;$ppwqpE貄3,&XeDZ I xRrHK TJ$c I cS7!Ғ:& L&O naquj,4dž6.qm,L<3s bd;yR.Xuoֺ>?>V3yf_V*wM:#WVen/ذMRfgY 2R-|tǝ)[g9蒮if1&ͽA :ELmgyz?2p~X zq&|y@A9<+h.I!KA5s. 8xS:.)71$dU>} z4o

III.改错.下列各句均有一个错误,指出并改正.1.I usually get up on five o;clock.2.The kids often do their homeworks at six in the zfternoon.3.They like listening music.4.She often work all night.5.Thank you to tell me about your school.
1.I usually get up on five o;clock.
2.The kids often do their homeworks at six in the zfternoon.
3.They like listening music.
4.She often work all night.
5.Thank you to tell me about your school.

III.改错.下列各句均有一个错误,指出并改正.1.I usually get up on five o;clock.2.The kids often do their homeworks at six in the zfternoon.3.They like listening music.4.She often work all night.5.Thank you to tell me about your school.

1. on 改为 at
2. homeworks 改为 homework
3. listening 后面加 to
4. work 改为 works
5. to tell 改为 for telling

》》》》》良师益友伴你行 团队为你解答《《《《《 欢迎追问 \(^o^)/~ 新年快乐~谢谢!!不客气,有问题欢迎继续问O(∩_∩)O不好意思,再打...


1. on 改为 at
2. homeworks 改为 homework
3. listening 后面加 to
4. work 改为 works
5. to tell 改为 for telling

》》》》》良师益友伴你行 团队为你解答《《《《《 欢迎追问 \(^o^)/~ 新年快乐~


1.on 改成at

2.afternoon拼写错误估计是你手滑... homework不加s

3.listening (to)music


5.thank you for telling而不是to

1.I usually get up on five o;clock. on-at
2.The kids often do their homeworks at six in the zfternoon. homeworks-homework
3.They like listening music. listening后面加to
4.She of...


1.I usually get up on five o;clock. on-at
2.The kids often do their homeworks at six in the zfternoon. homeworks-homework
3.They like listening music. listening后面加to
4.She often work all night. work-works
5.Thank you to tell me about your school. to tell-for telling


III.改错.下列各句均有一个错误,指出并改正.1.I usually get up on five o;clock.2.The kids often do their homeworks at six in the zfternoon.3.They like listening music.4.She often work all night.5.Thank you to tell me about your school. 问一个程序改错题,指出下面程序中的错误//#includevoid main( ) {  cout 指出下列电路图的错误 改错:下面每题都有一处错误,请指出错误并改正. 改错,下列句子中有一处错误,请指出并改正Mr Smith wants to buy some pens to his daughter. 错误( )改正:______________________________________. 高中英语短文改错题,共十处错误,求指出 单句改错:下面每句均有一处错误,指出并加以改正. 指出下列句子中的错误,并改正. 单句改错.下列各句中均有一处错误,请指出并改正.1、He want to do better than before.2、We must do more exercises every day. 改错:请指出下列句子的错误并加以改正:5.什么地方什么条件下可以种植什么样的药三、改错:请指出下列句子的错误并加以改正5.什么地方什么条件下可以种植什么样的药材?老农了如指 改错题,指出下列程序错误并纠正(每小题5处1、 输入一个整数(小于100),输出其平方procedure squa (x:integer):integer{result=:x*x}2、 一个TADOQuery类数据集组件ADOQ1,其中存放一个含className字段的班 单句改错,下列各句中均有一处错误,请指出并改正(帮帮忙吧)Could you tell me which gate they have to go?其中Could、tell、 which、to go中有一处错误 英语这句话有一处错误,请指出并改错,说明原因I have good something to tell you这句话有一处错误,请指出并改错,说明原因 指出下列电路有何错误?应如何改进?急 请帮我指出下列离子反应方程式那里错误. 指出下列加点字注音错误的类别 下列有一处冠词或数词用法错误,指出并改正 改错:I ask Nicole where she has been to.句中有一处错误,请指出并改正