至理名言 用英语怎么说?“我的至理名言”用英语怎么翻译?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 08:07:14
至理名言 用英语怎么说?“我的至理名言”用英语怎么翻译?
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至理名言 用英语怎么说?“我的至理名言”用英语怎么翻译?
至理名言 用英语怎么说?

至理名言 用英语怎么说?“我的至理名言”用英语怎么翻译?

My truth

my idea

至理名言(英语)+ I" I ^+ H. }6 I9 h& z
0 k$ n/ R2 x$ |' J- I ; [- {% w( G7 b0 O6 ~( y5 Q3 R
Smart man + smart woman = romance 2 k* V$ V1 e' K/ h8 ...


至理名言(英语)+ I" I ^+ H. }6 I9 h& z
0 k$ n/ R2 x$ |' J- I ; [- {% w( G7 b0 O6 ~( y5 Q3 R
Smart man + smart woman = romance 2 k* V$ V1 e' K/ h8 Y0 u$ r' F
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
# j. u) q: b7 Z+ k! vDumb man + smart woman = marriage
/ E( ~4 V3 _# V& `Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy + U, A A+ y9 ~. W1 E2 I

+ z) S) o7 `# A wOFFICE ARITHMETIC / L' O- T. s' [5 R# ^7 U. |. _
2 f0 p, q* ]2 ~: J/ u3 ^% V
Smart boss + smart employee = profit
, _) ?4 Q4 _& G1 r1 OSmart boss + dumb employee = production
4 ~0 \+ }' m+ d) J( IDumb boss + smart employee = promotion & V3 E6 B1 ~ f. `( v4 h8 Z
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime : R4 A; ~' N$ D' S7 t) R2 `) o

* V! O6 d6 w8 E1 ]9 N % ]- q& i o( ~0 c3 W
6 w6 W! P! S6 h+ C" m5 w" w5 s! `- p
; M6 | A- w. ~( [A man will pay £2 for a £1 item he needs.
+ @% z4 O/ ~; a' o$ g" dA woman will pay £1 for a £2 item that she doesn't need. 0 J2 h2 ?; ^. l, x' S

/ J8 H5 d& t; o! g. D " [4 W# M' c# |9 Z

; Z& K( l( W6 T( @- jA woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. 8 z6 a6 T4 S V7 p* H% C- V
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife. 5 H: u+ P) f& I. d: k
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. * j( q* B p d6 o" m( C+ u
A successful woman is one who can find such a man. & E7 ?# B# t3 I: c& l# a/ c
) ~0 U8 a/ @' D/ k
: }- W2 k. B% v7 k8 p/ q- e
Happiness 6 K" {! x. r* Z5 b% x, P* g2 N

) z) C2 P- H- k! r) O2 Y* z( bTo be happy with a man, 2 a. h- ] v2 T5 q1 V A9 ]& c i: I
you must understand him a lot and love him a little.
7 `. e* D! r. J 7 X2 E) l5 e2 ?- y
To be happy with a woman, 9 c# {+ C7 O1 h) |
you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all. 4 {2 a6 n+ `% R
, B2 f. i- b% ~$ g$ [$ k, j @* q

p/ g4 y5 {/ Q+ e0 hLONGEVITY
$ J" H" c. S: i: W' ~# C
7 k# z9 N( g, v9 j: ~8 x" q) }Married men live longer than single men do, : T; z m' U7 u5 t) l% {, x- u' U
but married men are a lot more willing to die.
% `9 T$ ^" @( `4 C* e. v
! I2 y. X x- y9 t( r! E8 k / ?% {6 d' Q+ z
PROPENSITY TO CHANGE : z2 S, \+ W) W5 [, y
* r* L- P8 D/ M+ i* s
A woman marries a man expecting he will change,
6 m0 L3 t( g0 z6 t1 [/ Kbut he doesn't.
# C/ b0 w; u: N/ _$ n0 aA man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, ; a( o8 w: |2 J( y0 S1 O5 Y$ I$ V( [
and she does. ) `7 O0 E2 j Y/ A# w/ H+ ^. e
' d% a6 z- X8 q1 ?. O

' i# c2 X/ ~! l. ?, N
1 F: D0 L4 C% u- jA woman has the last word in any argument. ) L5 B, r- D, g$ L/ \
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument. 3 U! ~+ s9 @0 V1 D9 I+ @- B
. L. g8 ^# [# K( r
- f' @: c3 i: h6 I# l
9 k' {. `! `( \. N1 A 8 J2 z3 s- M% N: J# a' u
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings,
5 |# b% H4 V/ i$ e" O; p9 lpoking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me,
/ G: n/ N4 p m8 }- B: w"You're next."
" h2 j! N5 a" i( ] rThey stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
