How to write a number into an English phrase 1.3 230 0052.2 230 023Can you help me to take a look at it?1.Three million,two hundred and thirty thousand and five.2.Two million,two hundred and thirty thousand and twenty three.Can I replace the "and" af

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:04:22
How to write a number into an English phrase 1.3 230 0052.2 230 023Can you help me to take a look at it?1.Three million,two hundred and thirty thousand and five.2.Two million,two hundred and thirty thousand and twenty three.Can I replace the
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How to write a number into an English phrase 1.3 230 0052.2 230 023Can you help me to take a look at it?1.Three million,two hundred and thirty thousand and five.2.Two million,two hundred and thirty thousand and twenty three.Can I replace the "and" af
How to write a number into an English phrase
1.3 230 005
2.2 230 023
Can you help me to take a look at it?
1.Three million,two hundred and thirty thousand and five.
2.Two million,two hundred and thirty thousand and twenty three.
Can I replace the "and" after the"thousand" with a comma (,

How to write a number into an English phrase 1.3 230 0052.2 230 023Can you help me to take a look at it?1.Three million,two hundred and thirty thousand and five.2.Two million,two hundred and thirty thousand and twenty three.Can I replace the "and" af

absolutely no.


1. Three million, two hundred thirty thousand and five.
2. Two million, two hundred thirty thousand and twenty three.