How to write a club constitution?

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How to write a club constitution?
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How to write a club constitution?
How to write a club constitution?

How to write a club constitution?
Constitution for Local Club
PLEASE NOTE:This is just a MODEL and needs to be adapted to local conditions.To help you do this
LOCAL CLUB CONSTITUTION.There are even some articles which have no text at all suggested 鈥 only
comments in italics 鈥 as conditions vary so much from country to country.YOU MUST WRITE THE
ACTUAL WORDING APPROPRIATE for your local club and NOT just retype the comments which are
only there to help you develop the appropriate wording.Where the model document has dots (.) you
must write the actual wording for your local club.
[ The Constitution of a local club should follow this model as far as practicable.Changes may be made
that are not inconsistent with the fundamental ideas expressed in the model and the comments following each
Article,but the Constitution should always be submitted for Regional approval before final adoption by the club.]
The name of this organisation shall be the "Y's Men's Club (or Y's Men and Women's Club or Y
Service Club) of ." (city,state and/or country),duly affiliated to The International Association
of Y's Men's Clubs,and its members shall be known as Y's Men or Y's Women.Its motto shall be:
"To acknowledge the duty that accompanies every right".
[ It is recognised that the name creates problems in non English-speaking communities and clubs that
wish to use a clarifying local name may do so as long as it is not inconsistent with the ideals of this movement.]
ARTICLE II.Purpose and Objectives
As a member club of the International Association of Y's Men's Clubs,we acknowledge the stated
The International Association of Y's Men's Clubs is a worldwide fellowship of persons of
all faiths,working together in mutual respect and affection,based on the teachings of
Jesus Christ,and with a common loyalty to the Young Men's Christian Association,
striving through active service to develop,encourage and provide leadership to build a
better world for all mankind.
[ The purpose should show the commitment to the teachings of Jesus Christ,the loyalty to the YMCA
and the will to work actively to improve conditions for all human beings.]
The objectives of this club shall be:
1.To function primarily as a service club for the YMCA;
2.To support other worthy organisations;
3.To encourage justice in civic and international affairs,abstaining always from party politics;
4.To keep members informed on and actively involved in religious,civic,economic,social and
international matters;
5.To cultivate good fellowship; and
6.To support International,Area and Regional projects of the Association.
[ The objectives may need to be rephrased but they should show how the commitments stated in the
purpose are expressed through the activities of the club.]
ARTICLE III.Membership
Sec.1.Members shall be willing to support and take part in the activities of the club.
Sec.2.The club shall,as far as practicable,constitute a cross section of its community.
[ The question of whether membership in the YMCA is required is decided together with the local
and/or national YMCA.
In principle there is only one kind of member 鈥 active 鈥 but the Board may extend membership to other deserving
The programme in many clubs is very family-centred and women are often invited to join in the various club
activities.Since 1 June 1974 women may also become members of a club.In many cases women have formed their
own clubs,"Y's Menettes' Clubs",working in close collaboration with Y's Men's Clubs.The best form for involving
women must be worked out locally.
Sec.2 refers not only to the desirability of having members from different occupations,but also to the fact that the
guiding principle should be to invite members from all nationalities,races and religions represented in the
The officers of this club shall be a President,President-Elect,Secretary and Treasurer,who shall
serve for one year.
[ It is the custom in many clubs for the officers to be reelected,but only for one extra year.]
ARTICLE V.Management
The business affairs of this club shall be transacted by a Board of Directors which shall consist of the
Officers and .,with the provision that all matters involving financial assessment of the members,
and other matters of particular individual interest,at the discretion of the Board of Directors,may be
submitted to the general membership of the club for action.
[ Membership of the Board may be extended to chairpersons of special committees or others,such as
the YMCA Secretary,the President of the Y's Menettes' Club,etc.]
ARTICLE VI.Amendments
This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at any regular
meeting,provided that notice of the proposed amendment is submitted,in writing,to all members at
least three weeks beforehand.The adoption of any amendment in contravention of the purposes and
policy of the International Association of Y's Men's Clubs shall operate as a forfeiture of the club's
charter and membership of the club in the International Association shall terminate forthwith.
