
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/25 11:29:06
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3、第七十四条 在协议签订日起三十个日历日内,双方须书面通知对方,指定其执行协议的协调代表及联系地址,以便对协议项下的业务进行协调.任何一方可以随时更换其协调代表,但必须以书面通知对方.
4、第七十五条 在协议生效日或在此之前以及协议实施中的必要时候,各方应通知对方其派遣代表的姓名及授予的权力.双方有权预先书面通知对方要求其撤回或取消任何这类派遣和授权.
5、第七十六条 根据协议发出的通知或其他通讯均应以书面形式作出,并送交至或发至根据本条规定确定的地址或传真号码发至有关方的任何通知或其他通讯在下述情况下应视为送达:

Conflict of interest
1.The two sides will formulate regulations to require all directors,managers and other personnel are not allowed to happen with their personal conflict of interest in the company,but under this Agreement by the parties of the approval of their superiors and by the director under this Agreement relative to the written consent of the parties of this transaction is not restricted.
2.The two sides have to make a reasonable effort and monitoring in order to avoid any conduct or circumstances sufficient to cause the other party to their own interests and the best interests of the conflict happened.The efforts of the two sides should include but not limited to the establishment of preventive measures to avoid their employees and their families or agents to give or accept gifts,dinner,payments or other benefits,thus affecting the impact of the employee to make the best interests of both sides.
3,the 74th article in the protocol from the date of the signing of 30 calendar days written notice to the other two sides have to specify the coordination of the implementation of the agreement on behalf of and contact address,so that under the agreement to coordinate operations.Any party may replace its Coordinator at any time,but must give written notice to the other side.
4,the 75th article in the protocol entered into force on or before,as well as the implementation of the protocol when necessary,the parties shall be notified to send representatives to each other their names and the powers conferred.The two sides have the right to advance written notice to the other requirements of the withdrawal or cancellation of any such dispatch and authorization.
5,the 76th issued under the agreement without notice or other communication shall be in writing and sent to or issued under this rule to determine the address or fax number sent to the parties of any notice or other communication in the case of shall be deemed to be served under:
1.If in person or by messenger to send,at the sender to obtain proof of delivery time;
2.If the fax sent and received by fax at issue have been issued to determine the transmission of the report.
3.Recognition of the way the other two sides
Under this Agreement the parties of the communication address is as follows:

英语翻译利益冲突1.双方将制定规章,规定所有董事、管理人员及其他人员均不得发生其个人与其所属公司产生利益冲突的情况,但经本协议项下之各方当事人的上级主管批准且经本协议项下之 在我国宪法将制定行政规章的权利授予? 25.在我国,宪法将制定行政规章的权力授予( ) A.国务院 B.全国人大 C.省级人大 D.国务院各部委 regulatory authority是什么意思,制定规章的机构翻译 英语翻译即使开始不存在利益冲突.,长期负责对某一公司贸易也会使双方由陌生到熟悉,最后也许会因为过于熟悉业务导致疏忽,以至于影响采购的客观性.因此,定期轮换业务员对于保持业务员 一些地方的地方性法规或政府规章曾规定:在行人违章而司机没有违章的情况下,司机撞死人不负责任.这一事例与本章相关内容相结合,将涉及以下诸问题:1.当不同的权利存在冲突时,立法( 关于行政许可法中规定的能够设定行政许可的规范性文件,下列说法正确的是( ) A.法律可以任意设定行政许可 B.尚未制定法律、行政法规的,因行政管理的需要,国务院各部门的规章可以 英语翻译双方经过平等协商,在真实、充分地表达各自意愿的基础上,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,达成如下协议,并由双方共同恪守.怎么翻?急本合同的变更必须由双方协商一致,并 英语翻译根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,在平等自愿的条件下,甲乙双方经友好协商,就甲乙双方共同经营澳大利亚葡萄酒的事宜达成共识,签订本合同以便双方共同遵守 下列哪一层次的法只能由全国人民代表大会制定A,宪法B,法律,C行政法规D.规章 根据法律规定,下列哪些是规章的制定主体?()A. 国务院各部委 B. 中国人民银行 C. 国务院办公厅 D. 具有 江苏省人民政府根据法律法规制定的规范性文件称为 A.行政法规 B.地方性法规 C.单行条例 D.地方规章 行政法规和规章的相关文件的名称有什么区别?比如条例,办法,规定等!一般的情况下是行政法规还是规章? 制定计划 英语翻译 制定新年计划 英语翻译 宪法,法律,法规,规章,条例,制度,等等,我想知道哪一级有权制定这些东西.作为企业,自己能制定什么东西,(党建,纪检,工会等) 为什么要制定七条规定 英语翻译“双方合作”该怎么说?