
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:41:18
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I’ve contacted with the distributor of Shanghai,but they can’t handle the issue as they didn’t get the approval from the Germany Headquarters.So,please help to ask the Germany manufacturer to authorize the distributor of Shanghai in China region to handle it,thank you!

I have contacted with the distributor of Shanghai. They have not get permission from the headquater in Germany and don't deal with this matter. Please help and let the German manufacturer authorize the Shanghai distributor in Chinese Zone to handle this matter. Thank you!

I have contacted the Shanghai dealer, they thought they can not solve this problem until they get the permit from German headquarters. Please help to obtain the permit from German manufacturer which can let Shanghai dealer to settle this problem, thank you so much!

I have contacted to the Shanghai dealer, They have not get permission from the headquater in Germany because they don't deal with this matter.please letthe Germanmanufacturers authorized Chinese District Shanghai deale rto deal with this problem, thank you!

I have contact with the agent dealer in Shanghai and they reply that they will not allow to solve this problem if they are not authorized by the headquater in Germany. Please ask the German manufacturer to authorize the agent dealer in Shanghai to solve this porblem. Thank you very much!

I have contacted our Shanghai dealer. They won't handle this problem without the permission of German head office. Please contact the German manufacturer to authorize Shanghai dealer of China to handle it. Thank you.

Ihave contactedthe Shanghai dealer,theydidn't getthe German headquartersagreed not todeal with this problem,pleaseletthe Germanmanufacturers authorizedChineseDistrict Shanghaidealerto deal with this problem,thank you!

英语翻译我已联系上海经销商,他们没得到德国总部同意不处理这个问题,请帮忙让德国制造商授权中国区上海经销商来处理这个问题, 我是卖炉料的,谁能帮我联系炉料的经销商 英语翻译好久没联系了,你还好吗,你没有在办公室对吗,给你打了几次电话都没有人接,是这样,我下周可能会去上海出差,是否可以去拜访你呢. 请问同学们没联系我,关系一般,以后管他们还是不管他们? 寻找同化化学试剂经销商 如果有 请您联系我 我是化学试剂厂家 请加我 在上海什么地方能得到日食护目镜?我打电话打到上海市徐汇区博冠望远镜商店他们说没有了,打电话到银行说没有了,打电话到上海科技馆说没有了,打电话到星友器材店说没有了,打电话到《 我想知道,王长喜英语四六级试题那里有经销商呀书店里面,他们是怎么联系厂家的 英语翻译安迪和瑞德身着囚服,他们靠在高墙下,背景是湛蓝的天空.安迪目光坚定的道:我没开枪杀我妻子,我也没开枪杀她的情人.他吸了一口气继续道:不论我犯了什么错,我都已补偿了.(停 英语翻译那他们来自上海怎么翻译 英语翻译翻译.我希望和你保持联系,继续得到你的帮助. 你没得到肉体 却成功得到我的心 英语翻译 英语翻译 好久没联系,最近好么 英语翻译1.我已吩咐他们那个房间要上锁 2.我每次感冒背就痛 英语翻译将下列句子翻译成英文:1:我以前去过北京2:他从来都没去过曼谷3:他们已经整理好他们的手提箱了吗.不,还没有.4:我父母亲住在上海已经30年了.5:他已经买了一本书了.6:他们 英语翻译如题,联系我, 英语翻译我给Fedex打电话,得到的答复是:要求发件人联系Fedex 提供发货凭证并提出更改送货地址的要求,就可以将这个邮包投递到新的地址.不需要退运.请您再次联系Fedex要求他们讲这个邮包 英语翻译别说“有道”,我已将下载到手机里(没卡上网)没用 我不在上海,6号回来.我到上海后联系你.英语怎么说