为什么写成be at homeHe must be at home now.这一句里为什么不写成 He must be home now.be后面不是可以直接接副词吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:19:40
为什么写成be at homeHe must be at home now.这一句里为什么不写成 He must be home now.be后面不是可以直接接副词吗?
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为什么写成be at homeHe must be at home now.这一句里为什么不写成 He must be home now.be后面不是可以直接接副词吗?
为什么写成be at home
He must be at home now.这一句里为什么不写成 He must be home now.

为什么写成be at homeHe must be at home now.这一句里为什么不写成 He must be home now.be后面不是可以直接接副词吗?

你的说法,是对的,前面的句子是错误的,后一个句子是正确的,home本身为副词,可以直接加在be 后面

at home是在家的意思,是个固定词组,必须体现这个意思,如果不加at ,翻译就不通顺了。

at home是固定搭配嘛!!!!!!!!!!!

为什么写成be at homeHe must be at home now.这一句里为什么不写成 He must be home now.be后面不是可以直接接副词吗? He will be home at six 为什么不写成 at six He will be home,或者He at six will be home这样读起来不是更通顺么 东方航空为什么叫MU? 东方航空为什么叫MU? 29.___ it be Li Ping who broke the glass?No.It __ be Wang Hai whodid it.分析为什么选D而不选B.30.When the old man was alive,he__ sit for hours at the door.为什么选A而不选C.32.I have decided to take the job and I ___ change my mind.A.mu 为什么be in=be at home simon loves ( )football and he wants to be a football( )he enjoys( )tv and he ( )for an hour every eveningit's raining qutside.let's( )at homehe wants ( )in the next woeld cupmany people like( )in a river or a lake用介词 while his monther was cooking,he homehe home ,中间填arrived in,got to,arrived,reaching中的哪一个?为什么? at()work ;will come back()homeHe is at()workA.a B.an C.theHe will come back()homeA.a B.an C.the be excited at the news 介词为什么用 at be good at,为什么后面要加at He can't be at home.为什么在at前面有be?什么情况下要加Be? He must be at home.为什么用be? Bob can't be at school 为什么要用”be“ we will be at home 为什么加be at what time did Alice arrive yesterday?为什么At在最前面 不是应该写成arrive at 完形填空 i enjoy ______(listen) to the classical mu-sic.he wants _______(be) an actor.liz is good at ______(swim).when did the sports _____(meet) begin?did you enjoy _____(you) last weekend? he takes an interest in space travel 同义 he ---- ---- in space travelhe didn't take a trip to Guangzhou.he stayed at homehe stayed at --- ---- taking a trip to guang zhoutheir family have no moneytheir family --- --- ---- money