英语翻译从前有一个小岛,上面住着快乐、悲哀、知识和爱,还有其他各种情感.  一天,情感们得知小岛快要下沉了.于是大家都准备船只,离开小岛.只有爱留了下来,她想坚持到最后一刻.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:50:13
英语翻译从前有一个小岛,上面住着快乐、悲哀、知识和爱,还有其他各种情感.  一天,情感们得知小岛快要下沉了.于是大家都准备船只,离开小岛.只有爱留了下来,她想坚持到最后一刻.
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英语翻译从前有一个小岛,上面住着快乐、悲哀、知识和爱,还有其他各种情感.  一天,情感们得知小岛快要下沉了.于是大家都准备船只,离开小岛.只有爱留了下来,她想坚持到最后一刻.

英语翻译从前有一个小岛,上面住着快乐、悲哀、知识和爱,还有其他各种情感.  一天,情感们得知小岛快要下沉了.于是大家都准备船只,离开小岛.只有爱留了下来,她想坚持到最后一刻.
once apon a time,there was a island and happines,sadness,knowledge,love and any othere emotions lived on it.
on day,the emotions heard that the island was going to sink.then all the emotions prepared boats to leave the island except love who insisted to stay there untill the last time.
several days passed,the island was going to sink and love wanted to turn to someone.
at that time,there passed a rich man who took a boat.
love said,"sir,would you mind to take me away with your boat?"
the rich man said,"no ,there are lots of treasure on my boat which make it with no place for you."
then love turned to vanity who was on a luxuriant boat,"vanity,help me!"
"no,your wet clothes will wet my beautiful boat."
and there comes sadness who became the next one love turned to,"sadness,let me go with you,ok?"
"oh-love,i'm so sad and let me stay alone."
happiness was too happy to hear love's calling when he went across.
there came a voice suddenly,"come on,love,go with me."this was a old man,and love was too happy to asked his name.when they settled on the bank,the old man went alone.love was so thankful that asked another old man_knowledge:"can you tell me the old man's name?"
"he is time."knowledge answered.
"time?"love asked,'why does time want to help me?"
"because only time can understand how great love is.you can make many money with the way you don't like,or cure your disease with the medicine you don't believe in,but you can never receive happiness from someone you don't love


Once upon a time there was a small island, on which lived happiness, sadness, knowledge and love, there are other emotions. One day, the feelings that the island was going to sink. So everyone is read...


Once upon a time there was a small island, on which lived happiness, sadness, knowledge and love, there are other emotions. One day, the feelings that the island was going to sink. So everyone is ready to ship, and left. Only love stay, she wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. A few days later, the island really to sink, love to ask people to help.Then, richness was a big ship. Love says: "the rich, can you take me go?" Affluent replied: "no, there are a lot of gold and silver in my boat treasure, not your position." Love saw vanity in a beautiful boat, "vanity, help me!" "I can't help you. You are all wet and will damage my beautiful boat." Sadness, love to him for help, "sadness, let me go with you!" "Oh... love, I was so sad, want to stay alone!" Sadness answered.Happiness through love's side, but he is too happy, didn't hear love calling him! All of a sudden, a voice says: "come on! Love, I take you away." This is an elder, overjoyed, love even forgot to ask his name. On land, the elder went her own way. Captain of gratitude, love asked knowledge, another elder, "who is the man for me?" "He is time." Just the old man answered."Time?" Love asked, "why did time help me?" "Because only time can understand how great love is. You can use the way you don't like to earn wealth, can also don't believe in yourself with a medicine, but you can't from your love happiness of the man."


Once upon a time there was an island, on which lived a happy, sad, knowledge and love, there are other kinds of emotions. One day, the feelings that the island would sink. So we are ready to ship, lea...


Once upon a time there was an island, on which lived a happy, sad, knowledge and love, there are other kinds of emotions. One day, the feelings that the island would sink. So we are ready to ship, leaving the island. Only love to stay, she wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. After a few days, the island was sinking, love decided to ask for help. At this time, well-off after riding on a ship. Love said: "richness, can you take me with you?" Rich replied: "no, I have many gold and silver treasure ship, not your position." Love in vain to see a beautiful boat, "vanity, help me!" I can't help you. You are all wet, and will damage my beautiful boat." From the sad, love to him for help: "sad, let me go with you!" Oh. Love, I am so sad, a person want to stay for a while!" Replied sad. Happiness passed by love too, but she was so happy, she did not even hear when love called him! Suddenly, a voice: "come! Love, I will take you." This is an elderly person, love was so happy, she forgot to ask his name. On land, the elder went her own way. The captain who love Thanksgiving endless, asked another elderly -- knowledge: "who helped me?" "He is the time." Just answered the old man. "Time?" Love asked, "why is the time to help me?" "Because only time is capable of understanding how great love is. You can use the ways that you don't like to earn wealth, also can be cure by medicine that u don't believe, but you can never feel happy from someone you don't love."



英语翻译从前有一个小岛,上面住着快乐、悲哀、知识和爱,还有其他各种情感.  一天,情感们得知小岛快要下沉了.于是大家都准备船只,离开小岛.只有爱留了下来,她想坚持到最后一刻. 请认真阅读下面材料,以“爱的_____”为题,写一篇作文.从前有一个小岛,上面住着快乐、悲哀、知识和爱,还有其他各种情感.一天,情感们得知小岛快要下沉了.于是,大家都准备船只,离开小岛,只 哲学故事解答从前有一个小岛,上面住着快乐、悲哀、知识和爱,还有其他各类情感.一天,情感们得知小岛快要下沉了,于是,大家都准备船只,离开小岛.只有爱留了下来,她想要坚持到最后一刻.过 以“爱是永恒的”为题的作文从前有一个小岛,上面住着快乐、悲哀、知识和爱,还有其他各种情感. 一天,情感们得知小岛快要下沉了.于是,大家都准备船只,离开小岛,只有爱决定留下来,她 以“爱是永恒的”为话题,写一篇文章.不少于600字!从前有一个小岛,上面住着快乐、悲哀、知识、和爱,还有其他各种情感. 一天,情感们得知小岛快要下沉了.于是,大家都准备船只,离开小岛只 以“爱是永恒的”为话题,写一篇文章.不少于600字!从前有一个小岛,上面住着快乐、悲哀、知识、和爱,还有其他各种情感.一天,情感们得知小岛快要下沉了.于是,大家都准备船只,离开小岛只有 阅读题:时间和爱的故事 从前有一个小岛,上面住着快乐,悲哀,知识和爱,还有各类情感.一天,情感们得知小岛快要下沉了,于是,大家都准备船只,离开小岛.只有爱留了下来,她想要坚持到最后一 帮我想一个这个读后感从前有个小岛,上面住着:富裕,欢乐,悲哀和爱.有一天,小岛要下沉了,富裕,欢乐,悲哀都逃走了,只有爱还留在小岛上.小岛真的下沉了,爱大声喊救命啊救命.  这时候富 阅读了这 时间与爱的故事 ,你得到什么启示从前有个小岛,上面住着:富裕,欢乐,悲哀和爱。]有一天,小岛要下沉了,富裕,欢乐,悲哀都逃走了,只有爱还留在小岛上。小岛真的下沉了 阅读《时间和爱的故事》从前有一个小岛,上买内住着快乐,悲哀,知识和爱,还有其他各类情感.一天情感们得知小岛快要下沉了,于是,大家都准备船只,离开小岛.只有爱留了下来,她想要坚持到最 英语翻译你比从前快乐 英语翻译一天,吉姆----故事的主人公,在一个箱子里发现了一张地图,上面画了一个有宝藏的小岛.人工翻译奥, 英语翻译从前有一个XXX,提着一个包包,背着两个,指着自己说:.从前有一个XXX,提着一个书包,背着两个书包,指着自己说: 福州有什么靠海的小岛?福州有什么好的小岛..一个岛屿..可以在上面野营的``最好是有人家的..``推荐推荐! 世界上有没有一个神秘的小岛? 湖中央有一个小岛(扩句子) 英语翻译从前,山里有座庙,庙里有一个老和尚和一个小和尚,老和尚给小和尚讲故事:”从前,山里有座庙,庙里有一个老和尚和一个小和尚,老和尚给小和尚讲故事:’从前,山里有座庙,庙里有 英语翻译从前有个人,他喜欢爬山 .