迈克 杰克逊的英语介绍

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 13:42:37
迈克 杰克逊的英语介绍
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迈克 杰克逊的英语介绍
迈克 杰克逊的英语介绍

迈克 杰克逊的英语介绍
Michael Joseph Jackson (Michael Joseph Jackson,1958 Nian 8 Yue 29 Ri -2,009 6 25) is the world's popular culture and symbolic figures in the world have a very high visibility and great influence,known as the King of Pop (King of Pop).He is a great music all-rounder,in the lyricist,composer,scene production,arrangement,singing,dancing,playing musical instruments regarded as having a remarkable achievement,he and Elvis Presley,the Beatles and said the history of pop music's greatest immortal symbols,while the latter two have long surpassed their achievements.Long maintained his personal record number of countries and regions,sales records,on several occasions by the world's heads of government in many countries a high standard hospitality,the United States Ronald Reagan,George W.Bush,President Clinton invited him to enter three consecutive White House to be commended for their contribution.He created the modern MV,single "Thriller" music video for the world's first modern MV,known in the history of "the greatest music video," an unprecedented increase in MTV's position in the modern music industry.He combines the black and white rock and roll,rhythm and blues MJ unique music style,high-pitched and sometimes anger,sometimes mellow Smart sound and unprecedented high standard of music,video,large-scale concerts invariably caused a great sensation around the world.Authoritative agency commented:If there is no MJ,the development of popular music for at least 20 years of delay,MV delay the emergence of at least 50 years.He holds the world's No.1 selling album "Thriller",sold more than 110 million [4] Zhang,its genuine worldwide album sales of more than 750 million has already been loaded,"Guinness Book of World Records." He is a musical in the history of the first outside the United States sold 100 million records on the artist.His magic is more like a dance is to follow the example of countless stars.In 2006,the Guinness Book of World Records issued a new certificate:The world's most successful artist in history!One who supports the world's 39 Charity Relief Fund,maintained the 2006 Guinness Book of World Records personal charity is the world's personal charitable donations on behalf of most artists.Spielberg appreciation to Michael Jackson:"He is the world's last one according to its own life,innocent people." His accomplishments and influence far beyond the limits of your imagination!
迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊(Michael Joseph Jackson,1958年8月29日-2009年6月25日),是世界流行文化象征性的人物,在全世界都拥有着极高的知名度与巨大的影响力,被誉为流行音乐之王(King of Pop).他是出色的音乐全才,在作词,作曲,场景制作,编曲,演唱,舞蹈,乐器演奏方面都有着卓越的成就,他与猫王、披头士并称流行乐史上最伟大的不朽象征,而其成就早已超越后两者.他个人长期保持多个国家和地区的唱片销量记录,曾多次受到世界多个国家政府首脑的高规格礼遇,美国里根、布什、克林顿连续三届总统邀其入白宫对其贡献予以嘉奖.他开创了现代MV,单曲《Thriller》的音乐录像带为全球第一支现代MV,被誉为史上“最伟大的音乐录像带”,空前提升了MTV在现代音乐工业的地位.他融合了黑人节奏蓝调与白人摇滚的独特的MJ乐风,时而高亢激愤、时而柔美灵动的声音,空前绝后的高水准音乐录影,规模宏大的演唱会无不在世界各地引起极大轰动.有权威机构评论过:如果没有MJ,流行音乐的发展至少推迟20年,MV的出现至少推迟50年.他拥有世界销量第一的专辑《Thriller》,销量已达1.1亿[4]张,其正版专辑全球销量已超过7.5亿张,被载入“吉尼斯世界记录大全”.他是音乐史上第一位在美国以外卖出上亿张唱片的艺术家.他魔幻般的舞步更是让无数的明星效仿.2006年,吉尼斯世界纪录颁发了一个最新认证:世界历史上最成功的艺术家!他一个人支持了世界上39个慈善救助基金会,保持着2006年的吉尼斯世界个人慈善纪录,是全世界以个人名义捐助慈善事业最多的艺人.斯皮尔伯格赞赏迈克尔·杰克逊:“他是这个世界上最后一个按自己方式生活的天真无邪的人.”他的成就和影响力远超出了你的想象极限!

MTV Japan Video Music Awards: (Tokyo, Japan / May 27, 2006)
Legend Award
Guiness Book Of World Records: (issue 2006)
Best-selling Album Of All Time: 'Thr...


MTV Japan Video Music Awards: (Tokyo, Japan / May 27, 2006)
Legend Award
Guiness Book Of World Records: (issue 2006)
Best-selling Album Of All Time: 'Thriller' with global sales of over 51 million copies to date
Longest Music Video: 'Ghosts' (USA, 1996), with 35 mins
Most Valuable Sculpture By A Living Artist: 'Michael Jackson and Bubbles', a porcelain sculpture created by the artist Jeff Koons in 1988 sold for $5,616,750 at Sotheby's in New York on May 15, 2001. The piece measures 106.7 x 179.1 x 82.6 cm (42 x 70.5 x 32.5 in).
Most Grammy Awards Won In A Year By A Person: At the 26th Annual Grammy Awards in 1984 Michael Jackson won eight Grammy awards.
Most Valuable Oscar: David O Selznick's 1940 Best Film Oscar for 'Gone With The Wind' (USA, 1939) was bought by Michael Jackson, for $1,542,000 on June 12, 1999, at Sotheby's, New York.
Honorable Mention - Greatest Distance Moonwalked in One Hour: Adam Hall of San Francisco, California, was over the moon aftering moonwalking through the backstreets of Denver, Colorado, for a distance of 2.41 km (1.5 miles) in one hour on October 22, 2002. A "moonwalk support crew" shadowed 25-year-old Adam in an automobile, measuring his distance with an odometer. The record-setting walk formed part of a longer "Moonwalk for Earth" relay with Ramsey Brookhart (USA) and Joshua Dodd (USA), an attempt to raise awareness of renewable forms of energy. "We live under this brown cloud," said Hall, "and people don't seem to understand how much of that comes from burning coal to provide electricity. We want people to know that there are other ways to make electricity."
AASA Humanitarian Award: (Washington, D.C., USA / April 1)
Humanitarian Award from The African Ambassadors?Spouses Association, AASA, for Michael Jackson's worldwide humanitarian efforts, particularly in Africa.
Key to the City: (Gary, USA / June 11)
Michael was honored with the key of the city by the mayor of Gary.
BMI Urban Awards: (Miami, USA / August 5)
Best song: 'Butterflies'
(Marsha Ambrosius, SPZ Music Inc., Michael Jackson, Epic Records)
Key to the City: (Las Vegas, USA / October 25)
Michael was honored with the key of the city by Mr. Goodman, mayor of Las Vegas.
Radio Music Awards: (Las Vegas, USA / October 27)
Humanitarian Award (presented by Beyonce Knowles for the first time)
Power of Oneness Lifetime Achievement Award: (Universal Studios Hollywood, Globe Theater, USA / November 15)
presented for Michael's lifelong commitment to writing, singing, and speaking about the need to take responsibility for the world's children and making our world a better place
American Music Awards: (January 9)
Artist Of The Century Award
NRJ Awards: (Cannes, France / January 19)
Best International Male Singer Award
NAACP Image Awards: (February 21)
Outstanding Music Video: 'You Rock My World'
Outstanding Variety Series/Special: 30th Anniversary Celebration
Outstanding Performance in a Variety Series/Special: 30th Anniversary Celebration
Celebrate the Magic Foundation: (announced March 20; presented May 1)
1st Magical Life Award
Life magazine - Top 100 Rock & Rollers Of All Time: (published March 20)
Michael is listed at #9 on the list.
National Academy of Popular Music/Songwriters: (Sheraton Hotel, New York, USA / June 13)
Michael is inducted into their Hall of Fame.
30th Anniversary Award (New York, USA / July 6)
World Arts Awards 2002: (Vienna, Austria / November 2)
For his work as most successful pop artist of the present with what he has written music history (more than 150 Million music units sold).
Bambi Awards: (Berlin, Germany / November 21)
Pop Artist Of The Millennium
Billboard Awards: (Las Vegas, USA / December 9)
Special Billboard Award to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Michael Jackson's 1982 Epic album 'Thriller,' which spent more weeks at No. 1 (37 weeks) than any other album in the history of The Billboard 200.
MJ Day 10: (March 7)
MJ Day 10 Award (presented by Adrian Grant on behalf of millions of loving fans all around the world)
Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame: (March 19)
Michael Jackson is inducted as a solo artist
World Music Awards:
Best Selling Pop Male Artist Of The Millennium
G&P Foundation: (Marriott Marquis Hotel, New York, USA / November 30)
Angel of Hope Award (presented by N-Sync for Michael's work fighting cancer)
Bollywood Award (Indian Film Industry):
Outstanding Humanitarian Award
Bravo Magazine:
Silver Otto Award
Bob Fosse Award:
Best Choreography In A Music Video, "Ghosts"
Bravo Magazine:
Silver Otto Award
Best Album, "HIStory"
Best Show, HIStory Tour
Brazilian TVZ Video Awards:
Best International Video of the Year, "Blood On The Dance Floor"
Dutch Music Factory Awards:
Best Male Singer
Best Live Act
Live! Magazine Reader's Poll:
Most Memorable Male Performer
Legend Of Live Entertainment
Soul Train Music Awards:
Video award is renamed The Michael Jackson Award for Best R&B/Soul or Rap Video
Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame:
Jackson 5 are inducted
American Music Awards:
Favorite Pop/ Rock Male Artist of the Year
Blockbuster Entertainment Awards:
Favorite Pop Male Award, "HIStory"
Bravo Magazine:
Golden Otto Award
Platinum Otto Award, Lifetime Achievement Award (1st Recipient)
Best Male Singer
Best Album, "HIStory"
Best Show, HIStory Tour
Nicest Singer
In 1991 Michael signed with Sony Music the largest ever recording contract and released his fourth solo album, 'Dangerous'. He toured world again in 1992, taking his concerts to countries that had never before been visited by a pop/rock artist. Also Michael founded the 'Heal the World Foundation' to help improve the lives of children across the world.
In 1994 Michael married Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of rock legend Elvis Presley. The marriage only lasted for 19 months, as they divorced in 1996.
1995 saw Michael release a fifth solo album, 'HIStory', which was a double album, first half new material and second half half greatest hits. Michael toured again over a legs covering a 2 year period. In between legs of the tour on November 14th 1996, Michael married for his second time to Debbie Rowe who was a nurse that Michael had met in the treatment of his skin pigment disorder. Together they had their first child Prince Michael Joseph Jackson jr born on February 13 1997 and a daughter Paris Michael Katherine Jackson born on April 3rd 1998. In 1997 Michael released the remix album 'Blood On The Dance Floor' which also contained 5 new song linked with a 38min film "Ghosts". This film Michael played 5 roles using the latest special effects and make-up artistry, combined with his dance and music.
In September, 2001 Michael celebrated his 30th anniversary as a solo artist with two concerts to be held in New York, USA. Many artists such as Whitney Houston, Usher, Destinys Child, Shaggy and many more performed there own and Michael Jacksons past songs. Michael then reunited with all of his brothers performed there biggest hits. Michael then went onto perform solo some of his biggest hits. In October 2001 Michael released the album 'Invincible' so far releasing only 2 singles including the big hit "You Rock My World". Since the release of this first single the album has been surrounded by rumours of a rift with Sony Music and a clear lack of promotion of the album.
参考资料: 参考资料:http://www.mjfanclub.net/history/index.html
回答者: lyhuangxf - 一代宗师 十四级 2008-11-20 20:22
MTV Japan Video Music Awards: (Tokyo, Japan / May 27, 2006)
Legend Award
Guiness Book Of World Records: (issue 2006)
Best-selling Album Of All Time: 'Thriller' with global sales of over 51 million copies to date
Longest Music Video: 'Ghosts' (USA, 1996), with 35 mins
Most Valuable Sculpture By A Living Artist: 'Michael Jackson and Bubbles', a porcelain sculpture created by the artist Jeff Koons in 1988 sold for $5,616,750 at Sotheby's in New York on May 15, 2001. The piece measures 106.7 x 179.1 x 82.6 cm (42 x 70.5 x 32.5 in).
Most Grammy Awards Won In A Year By A Person: At the 26th Annual Grammy Awards in 1984 Michael Jackson won eight Grammy awards.
Most Valuable Oscar: David O Selznick's 1940 Best Film Oscar for 'Gone With The Wind' (USA, 1939) was bought by Michael Jackson, for $1,542,000 on June 12, 1999, at Sotheby's, New York.
Honorable Mention - Greatest Distance Moonwalked in One Hour: Adam Hall of San Francisco, California, was over the moon aftering moonwalking through the backstreets of Denver, Colorado, for a distance of 2.41 km (1.5 miles) in one hour on October 22, 2002. A "moonwalk support crew" shadowed 25-year-old Adam in an automobile, measuring his distance with an odometer. The record-setting walk formed part of a longer "Moonwalk for Earth" relay with Ramsey Brookhart (USA) and Joshua Dodd (USA), an attempt to raise awareness of renewable forms of energy. "We live under this brown cloud," said Hall, "and people don't seem to understand how much of that comes from burning coal to provide electricity. We want people to know that there are other ways to make electricity."
AASA Humanitarian Award: (Washington, D.C., USA / April 1)
Humanitarian Award from The African Ambassadors?Spouses Association, AASA, for Michael Jackson's worldwide humanitarian efforts, particularly in Africa.
Key to the City: (Gary, USA / June 11)
Michael was honored with the key of the city by the mayor of Gary.
BMI Urban Awards: (Miami, USA / August 5)
Best song: 'Butterflies'
(Marsha Ambrosius, SPZ Music Inc., Michael Jackson, Epic Records)
Key to the City: (Las Vegas, USA / October 25)
Michael was honored with the key of the city by Mr. Goodman, mayor of Las Vegas.
Radio Music Awards: (Las Vegas, USA / October 27)
Humanitarian Award (presented by Beyonce Knowles for the first time)
Power of Oneness Lifetime Achievement Award: (Universal Studios Hollywood, Globe Theater, USA / November 15)
presented for Michael's lifelong commitment to writing, singing, and speaking about the need to take responsibility for the world's children and making our world a better place
American Music Awards: (January 9)
Artist Of The Century Award
NRJ Awards: (Cannes, France / January 19)
Best International Male Singer Award
NAACP Image Awards: (February 21)
Outstanding Music Video: 'You Rock My World'
Outstanding Variety Series/Special: 30th Anniversary Celebration
Outstanding Performance in a Variety Series/Special: 30th Anniversary Celebration
Celebrate the Magic Foundation: (announced March 20; presented May 1)
1st Magical Life Award
Life magazine - Top 100 Rock & Rollers Of All Time: (published March 20)
Michael is listed at #9 on the list.
National Academy of Popular Music/Songwriters: (Sheraton Hotel, New York, USA / June 13)
Michael is inducted into their Hall of Fame.
30th Anniversary Award (New York, USA / July 6)
World Arts Awards 2002: (Vienna, Austria / November 2)
For his work as most successful pop artist of the present with what he has written music history (more than 150 Million music units sold).
Bambi Awards: (Berlin, Germany / November 21)
Pop Artist Of The Millennium
Billboard Awards: (Las Vegas, USA / December 9)
Special Billboard Award to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Michael Jackson's 1982 Epic album 'Thriller,' which spent more weeks at No. 1 (37 weeks) than any other album in the history of The Billboard 200.
MJ Day 10: (March 7)
MJ Day 10 Award (presented by Adrian Grant on behalf of millions of loving fans all around the world)
Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame: (March 19)
Michael Jackson is inducted as a solo artist
World Music Awards:
Best Selling Pop Male Artist Of The Millennium
G&P Foundation: (Marriott Marquis Hotel, New York, USA / November 30)
Angel of Hope Award (presented by N-Sync for Michael's work fighting cancer)
Bollywood Award (Indian Film Industry):
Outstanding Humanitarian Award
Bravo Magazine:
Silver Otto Award
Bob Fosse Award:
Best Choreography In A Music Video, "Ghosts"
Bravo Magazine:
Silver Otto Award
Best Album, "HIStory"
Best Show, HIStory Tour
Brazilian TVZ Video Awards:
Best International Video of the Year, "Blood On The Dance Floor"
Dutch Music Factory Awards:
Best Male Singer
Best Live Act
Live! Magazine Reader's Poll:
Most Memorable Male Performer
Legend Of Live Entertainment
Soul Train Music Awards:
Video award is renamed The Michael Jackson Award for Best R&B/Soul or Rap Video


Michael Joseph Jackson (Michael Joseph Jackson, 1958 Nian 8 Yue 29 Ri -2,009 6 25) is the world's popular culture and symbolic figures in the world have a very high visibility and great influence, kno...


Michael Joseph Jackson (Michael Joseph Jackson, 1958 Nian 8 Yue 29 Ri -2,009 6 25) is the world's popular culture and symbolic figures in the world have a very high visibility and great influence, known as the King of Pop (King of Pop). He is a great music all-rounder, in the lyricist, composer, scene production, arrangement, singing, dancing, playing musical instruments regarded as having a remarkable achievement, he and Elvis Presley, the Beatles and said the history of pop music's greatest immortal symbols, while the latter two have long surpassed their achievements. Long maintained his personal record number of countries and regions, sales records, on several occasions by the world's heads of government in many countries a high standard hospitality, the United States Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, President Clinton invited him to enter three consecutive White House to be commended for their contribution. He created the modern MV, single "Thriller" music video for the world's first modern MV, known in the history of "the greatest music video," an unprecedented increase in MTV's position in the modern music industry. He combines the black and white rock and roll, rhythm and blues MJ unique music style, high-pitched and sometimes anger, sometimes mellow Smart sound and unprecedented high standard of music, video, large-scale concerts invariably caused a great sensation around the world. Authoritative agency commented: If there is no MJ, the development of popular music for at least 20 years of delay, MV delay the emergence of at least 50 years. He holds the world's No. 1 selling album "Thriller", sold more than 110 million [4] Zhang, its genuine worldwide album sales of more than 750 million has already been loaded, "Guinness Book of World Records." He is a musical in the history of the first outside the United States sold 100 million records on the artist. His magic is more like a dance is to follow the example of countless stars. In 2006, the Guinness Book of World Records issued a new certificate: The world's most successful artist in history! One who supports the world's 39 Charity Relief Fund, maintained the 2006 Guinness Book of World Records personal charity is the world's personal charitable donations on behalf of most artists. Spielberg appreciation to Michael Jackson: "He is the world's last one according to its own life, innocent people." His accomplishments and influence far beyond the limits of your imagination!
