英语翻译我买来了一盒蛋糕的布丁粉,但上面的英文我不懂,.1.Heat oven as directed below (metal or glass pan)Grease (or use cooking spray) bottom of pan2.Stin brownin mix ,water.oil and eggs in medium,bowl until well blended ,sprea

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/12/01 14:21:13
英语翻译我买来了一盒蛋糕的布丁粉,但上面的英文我不懂,.1.Heat oven as directed below (metal or glass pan)Grease (or use cooking spray) bottom of pan2.Stin brownin mix ,water.oil and eggs in medium,bowl until well blended ,sprea
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英语翻译我买来了一盒蛋糕的布丁粉,但上面的英文我不懂,.1.Heat oven as directed below (metal or glass pan)Grease (or use cooking spray) bottom of pan2.Stin brownin mix ,water.oil and eggs in medium,bowl until well blended ,sprea
1.Heat oven as directed below (metal or glass pan)Grease (or use cooking spray) bottom of pan
2.Stin brownin mix ,water.oil and eggs in medium,bowl until well blended ,spread in pan
3,Bake as directed below or until toothpick inserted 2 inches from side of pan ,comes out almost clean side cool ,store tightly covered.
BETTY`S TIPS:To cut warm brownies easily cup with plastil knife using short sawing motions..
没有较对过,不知道有没有打错.是关于如何做蛋糕 的,有水,油,鸡蛋等原料,是吧还有就是350`F 是不是350度呀?

英语翻译我买来了一盒蛋糕的布丁粉,但上面的英文我不懂,.1.Heat oven as directed below (metal or glass pan)Grease (or use cooking spray) bottom of pan2.Stin brownin mix ,water.oil and eggs in medium,bowl until well blended ,sprea
1.Heat oven as directed below (metal or glass pan)Grease (or use cooking spray) bottom of pan
2.Stin brownin mix ,water.oil and eggs in medium,bowl until well blended ,spread in pan
3,Bake as directed below or until toothpick inserted 2 inches from side of pan ,comes out almost clean side cool ,store tightly covered.
BETTY`S TIPS:To cut warm brownies easily cup with plastil knife using short sawing motions..
2.stin brownin组合,water.oil和禽蛋中,碗,直到好混纺,散布在潘
3 ,烤的指示,下面或者直到牙签插入2英寸,从一边的潘,做出来的,几乎清洁方冷静,商店盖好.
听我的 我自己看的 然后慢慢翻译了10分钟哦!但是我看见你好多错的哦


2.stin brownin组合, water.oil和禽蛋中,碗,直到好混纺,散布在潘
3 ,烤的指示,下面或者直到牙签插入2英寸,从一边的潘,做出来的,几乎清洁方冷静,商店盖好。


2.stin brownin组合, water.oil和禽蛋中,碗,直到好混纺,散布在潘
3 ,烤的指示,下面或者直到牙签插入2英寸,从一边的潘,做出来的,几乎清洁方冷静,商店盖好。



英语翻译我买来了一盒蛋糕的布丁粉,但上面的英文我不懂,.1.Heat oven as directed below (metal or glass pan)Grease (or use cooking spray) bottom of pan2.Stin brownin mix ,water.oil and eggs in medium,bowl until well blended ,sprea 英语翻译在欧洲的斯洛文尼亚买了布丁粉,回到中国发现上面不是英文,然后完全看不懂, 蓝莓蛋糕、牛奶布丁、香草布丁的英文怎么说? 紫仓和布丁能繁殖后代吗我同学家里有只紫仓,我家的是布丁,能繁殖后代吗?上面说错了,是三线 怎么用布丁粉做布丁如题.上面的字不是中文, 布丁常温下放置会融化吗?外面买来的布丁出了冷藏箱会融化吗?会的话一般要多久? 两只布丁鼠,可以繁殖后代吗?我买了两只布丁鼠,请问可以繁殖吗?我看都是什么布丁和银狐繁殖,没见布丁和布丁繁殖,所以请教有经验的大哥大姐~ 分蛋糕:给你一盒蛋糕,请你切成8份,分给在场的八个人,但蛋糕盒里还要有一份. 切蛋糕.雯雯生日那天,妈妈买来了一盒大蛋糕,有5个同学也前来祝贺.在切蛋糕时,爸爸提出了一个有趣的问题:谁能切三刀,就能是每人得到大小完全相同的一块?该怎么切? 蛋糕没熟是什么样子 我现在做的蛋糕上面焦了,但还有很多事和糊糊差不多的样子,要怎么办呀补救方法是什么,我用的烤箱 英语翻译好朋友送我一盒整蛋糕的材料,可是盒子上面全是英文..感激不尽啊!(下面的英文都是我自己照着盒子一个字一个字打上来的,已经核对过几次,应该没什么错漏请不要在网上翻译照搬过 一盒蛋糕,连盒共重1千克,如果吃了这盒蛋糕的5分之2,剩下的连盒重636克,原来的蛋糕重多少克 妈妈买来蛋糕,分小明三分之一,小名只吃了二分之一,小明吃了整个蛋糕的几分之几 芳芳过生日,妈妈买来一个蛋糕,给芳芳切了蛋糕的1/5,芳芳只吃了�� 做蛋糕用什么材料最好?我刚买里一个蛋糕机,上面说用自发粉就可以,我试了一下,做的蛋糕都没发起来,不知是怎么回事?用哪种材料做出的蛋糕蓬松柔软. 给你一盒蛋糕,请你切成八分,分给在场的八个人,但蛋糕盒里还要有一份,怎么切? 吉利丁粉做布丁不凝结怎么办?我买了一听朱师傅的吉利丁粉,做布丁老是不凝结,怎么回事呀?我是严格按照程序做的,是怎么回事呢? 怎么知道我家布丁是和紫仓还是布丁配的?我养了一对布丁和一对紫仓 一起养的 布丁生了 3只布丁 一只紫仓 一只三线 它们的爸爸到底是谁啊?如果我家紫仓刚刚怀孕 能不能现在就把它分笼子